Prepare for the new mom and baby baby or 2 babies we will be able to save soon!
We are so excited to be in the final stages to be ready to save two new animals. This is really the last area in the barn that we need to get ready for now. We need a door to outside because there's a area behind it they can go out in. Even though they've been quarantined for 30 days. We always do extra here and keep them away from everyone when they get here for at least a week. We want to thank all of our monthly sponsors. We atrer so grateful for your donations, you are making this happen. You have supported us in having the things that we've needed to get here. We had to make it right for the animals and now we have awesome people as well. People are happening. Thank you to all of our supporters and our subscribers to our YouTube and those who like our post and share as well it takes a huge community. Thank YOU for being a part of our community and helping us to save more. We are almost there! #animalrescue #savinglives #donkeyrescue
Who told William that?
He loves holidays! Have an awesome day!
Sophia is so athletic now she has taken up bowling!
Sophia is trouble! You look away for one minute and poof things change!
#pig #farmlife
Zoomer and Miles are doing awesome!
They are living the life with Abigail up north on a beautiful little farm. We are so happy for them! Life is good! Be sure to see the Zooomer movies on our youtube channel & FB Page I continue to add more! #donkey #donkeyrescue @followers #babyanimals #farmlife #equine
Oreo is a special boy and he has a possible home.
Deb is one of our volunteers and we are so thankful that she has taken Oreo home to foster and if he works out that she will be adopting him. I am so thankful that he will be staying in the family because I know he's such an awesome bunny and they are all loving him! Lucky bunny!
I had some help with the bunny enclosure!
Thank you for our monthly supporters when we need something your monthly funding supports us having what we need! This bunny had not been out of this cage for a while and it was way too small so I decided to get a pen. I will use if for the puppies we foster. Oreo had an amazing few days running round and round.
Good Morning!
Have an awesome day!!!
Oreo obviously does not like zucchini much!
He wasn't too shy about letting me know that! He took it all out of the bowl and left it in the corner! This is a very neat bunny. He's awesome Oreo has someone coming and meet him tomorrow to possibly foster and adopt. He is a very sweet bunny!
William and Benny were not cooperating...
Beth and Mason came out on Monday to help at the farm and I asked them if they would brush the horses in the donkeys. Considering it was 17° out and windy I was surprised when they wanted to do it outside, that was awesome! The horses were awesome, Nevis only bumped Mason off his stool once he landed on his feet and was back up before I could blink with a smile on his face. I don't think Nevis is used to children on stools next to her, but I think she learned! She looked surprised too, she was so sweet! We probably should've done the donkeys first because they were watching.. and planning... they decided how they could challenge Beth and Mason to the limit! We do love our boys!
#AnimalRescueStories #animals #animallover #animalcaretaker #donkey
Everyone enjoyed the holiday!
Thank you, Mason and Beth they truly did love the lovin!
Wow Snow then Rain and almost all the snow is gone. It's difficult when it rains and then it freezes because all of the clips and gate locks freeze. You have to use your hands to unfreeze them. Winter on the farm is not as much fun as it might look like! It was really cold and rainy yesterday and the boys refused to go out!
Have an awesome evening!
Nevis is such a luv she is like a golden retiever ands loves everyone!
#followers #EquineJoy