New Podcast Alert! 📣📢
The Philosophical Cowgirl launches in TWO WEEKS.
There are tons of ideas in the pipeline, but I always want to hear from you if you have ideas for topics or guests!
Liza doing some turnback!
Video and music by Dr Maria Brock. 😊 #equinerehab #colicsugery Elite Equine Veterinary Services, Inc
No 2 year olds were harmed in the making of this video. #horsetraining #hobbletraining #horses
Here’s a little clip from the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo where we helped a horse work through fear of clapping and cheering. The crowd was a great assistant! I hopped on first and the owner got back on afterwards. I got on the darker palomino next. 🙃 That was a fun clinic.
Sound on if you want to hear it!
Currently sitting tied for second in the limited open derby after herdwork day! 🤯 🤩 Today we’re going into the reining, so I’m hoping Jessie is ready to be more like a ballerina and less like a fighter jet. She’d rather get her pattern done in .05 seconds and go back to cow work. 😂
Is this what they mean by “western dressage?”
Something is wrong here- oh, it’s just a redneck on a fancy dressage horse!
We’re actually working on Bombay getting softer, rounder, and more “adjustable.” And also developing a new definition of western dressage. 🤣
#horses #horselife #fakehorsewhispering
A little highlight from the Scott Amos clinic this year- and also the thing I was most worried about. Bridleless work. There were plenty of lowlights, but they paved the way for stuff like this.