Be aware that sulcatas can live 80 years and grow in excess of 100 pounds! They are very friendly, curious creatures. Baby sulcatas need at least a 20 gallon aquarium to start off in. The aquariums ambient temperature needs to be in the mid- 80 degree mark. A full spectrum lit basking area of 95 degrees is also necessary for proper digestion. The substrate (bedding) can be alfalfa pellets, newspap
er, or outdoor carpeting. Do not use processed corn cob. I prefer to give them a good start by supplementing a processed food with veggies daily. I like the bags of frozen mixed vegetables. It is convenient to thaw and feed. The processed food needs to be soaked for 10 minutes before being fed. Put the food on a hard surface. Do not feed only processed food! It has too much protein and will make the tortoise shell “pyramid”. every week soak the baby sulcata in a 1/4” of clean water for 10-15 minutes. This will ensure proper hydration and help them look pretty. After the sulcata reaches about 3” in diameter, feed only chopped fruits and vegetables. A year old should be about 4-5” in length. The bottom of the shell should start to become concave if it is a male. If it is a female, it will remain flat. In 5 years, it should be around the size of a 5 gallon bucket. It takes at least 7 years to become sexually mature. Sulcatas may be kept outdoors in warmer climates. Be aware that predation is always a concern. Fire ants, raccoons, dogs, cats and other animals would like to make your baby sulcata it’s next meal. If you provide the tortoise with a heated enclosure, it will go inside nightly and probably not burrow. Additional reading is recommended.