Rawley Point Griffons - Wirehaired Pointing Griffons

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Rawley Point Griffons - Wirehaired Pointing Griffons Wirehaired Pointing Grffon Breeders I named our kennel after my dad who I attribute my love of animals too. Facts on the WPG! A black coat disqualifies.

We are not a kennel per say, we just love the breed and wants to see it stay strong and clean. Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
Other names Korthals Griffon.. Griffon d'arrêt à poil dur Korthals
Country of origin Netherlands / Germany
Height Male 22–24 in (56–61 cm)
Female 20–22 in (51–56 cm)
Dense, wiry double coat. Undercoat is thick and provides insulation. The Wirehaired Pointi

ng Griffon is a medium-sized dog with a harsh, wiry coat. According to its AKC standard, the coat is preferably steel gray with brown markings. Other acceptable colors: chestnut brown, white and brown, roan, and white and orange. All brown, all white or white and orange are less desirable. Tan point coloration is substandard and indicates existence of the tan gene. The Griffon should have flat ears that lie close to the head, and eyes that are either yellow or brown. Its nose must be brown. Wirehaired Pointing Griffons are known as intelligent, extremely eager to please, friendly dogs. A standing joke among Griffon owners is that a nice thing about a Griff is that you get to have a puppy for a long time - and a bad thing about a Griff is that you get to have a puppy for a long time. Certainly, many individual Griffons retain their puppy playfulness well into adulthood. They are also known for their slightly less excitable temperament when not in the field, which makes them a very comfortable dog to have living in your home. Most Griffons do not take well to living their lives in kennels. They are extremely people oriented and prefer to be somewhere in the vicinity of their owners.

Today is Rizzo’s 12th birthday!   She is so expressive, sweet and lovable.  She brings joy to our lives every day. ❤️🐾  ...

Today is Rizzo’s 12th birthday! She is so expressive, sweet and lovable. She brings joy to our lives every day. ❤️🐾

It’s been a big day for Rawley Point!Rawley Points’s How Do you Like Me Now “Maverick”  went Best of Breed yesterday ove...

It’s been a big day for Rawley Point!

Rawley Points’s How Do you Like Me Now “Maverick” went Best of Breed yesterday over specials for his 2nd Major win. Today he earned the last point needed to become a Champion! I’m so proud of Matt learning the ropes and becoming a team with his boy in very unfamiliar territory.

Then I got word that today Rawley Point’s Mosaic Promise “Molly” earned a NAVHDA Utility Prize 1 and an invite to Invitational next year! The show ring really isn’t their thing, but the one time they did show she received a major! Love this team work.

So a couple of firsts right there for pups I bred with hard work, love, and dedicated owners.

Thank you!.

Rawley Point’s SGT Floyd Pepper (Crazy Harry/Muppet Litter) was also at the Waukesha specialty where he swept the gun do...

Rawley Point’s SGT Floyd Pepper (Crazy Harry/Muppet Litter) was also at the Waukesha specialty where he swept the gun dog sweeps!! He was also Best puppy for an amazing start in his show career. He’s super fast competing in Fast Cat, which he loves as much as hunting those birds. Congrats to Phil Higgins also getting his 2nd Major on Magnum, the sire of the Muppet litter.

Rawley Point’s Pepper Mint Bark showed wellat the first Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Club of the Midwest  specialty last ...

Rawley Point’s Pepper Mint Bark showed well
at the first Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Club of the Midwest specialty last weekend in Waukesha. She was best of opposite for the puppy sweeps. No points in the big ring but there was a lot of amazing competition and she showed well for a young pup. Very proud of Claudia and Pepper!! (Cassie-Pilgrim Litter)

Happy 11th birthday Mr Chip!!  So sweet and dapper, he is like no other and we love him so!

Happy 11th birthday Mr Chip!! So sweet and dapper, he is like no other and we love him so!

Just a couple photos from our dock diving in Kalamazoo.  Moxie is part fish!  Photo credit Timmersion Media.

Just a couple photos from our dock diving in Kalamazoo. Moxie is part fish! Photo credit Timmersion Media.

We did a little thing today.  Matilda was Best of Opposite at the Kalamazoo Dog Show and Moxie got in a couple more dive...

We did a little thing today. Matilda was Best of Opposite at the Kalamazoo Dog Show and Moxie got in a couple more dives for her title!
She now has her Dock Junior title! Thank you Karen Spiess for holding her back…I know it’s not easy!

It is Chip and Rizzo’s 9th wedding anniversary.  They have welcomed 42 puppies into the world and although Chip has step...

It is Chip and Rizzo’s 9th wedding anniversary. They have welcomed 42 puppies into the world and although Chip has stepped out on her a few times, their love is still strong. 🤣🐾💐

It was a great weekend for NAVHDA testing!  Yesterday, Floyd (Crazy Harry) earned the maximum 112 points, prize 1!   He ...

It was a great weekend for NAVHDA testing! Yesterday, Floyd (Crazy Harry) earned the maximum 112 points, prize 1! He brought his A game and even surprised his dad and handler Phillip Higgins. Congratulations…there was never a doubt in my mind. These pups are full of natural ability!

The first puppy out of the Muppet litter did his NAVHDA Natural Ability test yesterday and walked away with a Prize 1, 1...

The first puppy out of the Muppet litter did his NAVHDA Natural Ability test yesterday and walked away with a Prize 1, 110 points! I’m so proud of this amazing duo. It was JR’s first time testing. Congratulations North (Rowf) 🙌👏


Nothing, absolutely nothing makes a breeder happier than hearing from puppy owners. Especially when that puppy is turning 13 years old today! I awoke to this video…she looks just like her daddy Huntley and this truly brought tears to my eyes.

Followers…stay I touch with your breeder. A little photo, story, quick note makes our day!

These two are looking for the perfect home, located in Michigan.  They look a little Griffy.....if anyone can help, cont...

These two are looking for the perfect home, located in Michigan. They look a little Griffy.....if anyone can help, contact the Barry County Animal Shelter, link is below.....

ATTENTION NEW PUPPY OWNERS…….I wanted to touch base on a common issue that breeders come across with new owners.REALISTI...

I wanted to touch base on a common issue that breeders come across with new owners.
You see the breeders pictures and videos and the pups are all social. They are quiet in the pen. The breeder shows you videos of them being totally relaxed, happy, playful. All looks amazing and you bring your puppy home.
Then reality hits. The puppy may cry in the crate for the first few nights making you tired and agitated. The happy social puppy is refusing to greet the half dozen overly excited friends you invited over to see your new puppy. Or the overly excited playful children you have at home. The puppy refuses to walk on a leash. Many are wondering how did my perfect puppy turn into a nightmare.
So let’s discuss realistic expectations of when a puppy goes home.
-First of all the puppy has been in the breeders home since birth. They had their mother and littermates. They had their routine, were taught expectations and were completely in their comfort zone.
Now suddenly they are taken to a totally new environment. Picture yourself being dropped into an unknown country, in a different part of the world. You know only a few words of their language. Different sounds, smells, temperature, animals and people.
Now in the middle of this we are switching up your routine, possibly decide to have a party with people you don't know, and ask you to do jobs you have no idea about. Overwhelming to say the least.
This is what every puppy goes through when going to their new home. Stress manifests in different forms. From not eating, reluctancy to play, and greet people. Being apprehensive at the vet’s office or as strangers reach for them. Diarrhea, vomiting and depression can occur.
So what can you as a new owner do to help your little one acclimate?
- most puppies take 3-4 weeks to acclimate to their new home. Repeat after me THREE to FOUR WEEKS sometimes even Longer! Not a 1-2 days. I can’t stress this enough about how much time is needed for a dog or puppy to feel comfortable in their new home!
PLEASE limit guests during the first two weeks. We understand you are excited to show off your new baby but they need time to adjust. Plan on waiting 1-2 weeks before inviting people over.
- ask guests to remove their shoes before entering the home to prevent germs from spreading to your new vulnerable puppy.
-have guests sit on the floor/ground and wait until the puppy approaches them. NO squealing and grabbing the puppy, as this is very frightening to them.
- set up a good routine
- restrict the puppy to a small area of the house. This not only reduces them being overwhelmed but also allows you to watch them
- don’t expect a 8-12 week old puppy to walk on a leash. Instead work at home with a leash where they are comfortable. Let them drag the leash, use treats to encourage them to walk with you
- if your puppy is refusing to walk give them a good amount of time.
- understand your puppy needs time to see you as family. Expecting an immediate bond is unrealistic. They will need to establish who the leader of the pack is in order to feel safe and understand the hierarchy of the family unit.
- train your puppy. This not only helps you to bond but the puppy to look to you for direction and input.
-Children are also big stressors to tiny fragile puppies, please keep an eye on children around the puppy at all times. The children may need to learn how fragile the puppy is and how scared it may be.
- lastly, most importantly- BE PATIENT. Don’t declare “omg there’s something wrong with this dog”. Nothing occurs overnight.
Outings should be planned after the puppy has received ALL vaccinations and then only at the puppy’s speed. So while you might imagine a fun walk around the lake in reality your puppy might only be able to handle walking a short distance that day. They may be curious and energetic, they may become overwhelmed. Watch the puppy for cues on how to proceed.
Most outings for me take a long time, as I am often just standing still as the puppy cautiously explores the new environment. Patience is key!
Remember if the puppy was wonderful at the breeder’s house but now is struggling, you as the owner, need to help the puppy adjust which takes time, patience and training. Have realistic expectations and give the puppy positive feedback and happy experiences. Each puppy is an individual, don’t compare your current puppy to past pets and judge their behavior based on how another dog handled things. Lastly, try to see thing’s from a puppy’s perspective and adjust situations accordingly.
Love your puppy and they will love you 100 times more in return.
🐾 🩵🩷
Copied from another breeder.

Go vote for the Griifs on Instagram!!  Look for the birddogoftheday stories.  It is only up for 24 hours.

Go vote for the Griifs on Instagram!! Look for the birddogoftheday stories. It is only up for 24 hours.

Okay your votes for the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon are needed again over on Instagram…Birddogoftheday is where to vote!...

Okay your votes for the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon are needed again over on Instagram…Birddogoftheday is where to vote! We made it yesterday, let’s do it again today!

Little miss Mayflower (Clio) is growing up beautifully!!

Little miss Mayflower (Clio) is growing up beautifully!!

This is Pete (Tom Turkey) from the Pilgrim litter with his boy.  Aren’t they adorable!?

This is Pete (Tom Turkey) from the Pilgrim litter with his boy. Aren’t they adorable!?

Enjoying the beautiful Michigan weather today!

Enjoying the beautiful Michigan weather today!

Thank you to all the Top Gun litter owners who made this  happen!!   And thank you to Moxie and Krush for producing such...

Thank you to all the Top Gun litter owners who made this happen!! And thank you to Moxie and Krush for producing such amazing puppies! ❤️🐾


I get a weird twitch when I see my puppies using a harness.
A harness is meant for sled dogs to pull. Your dog should walk next to you or infront of you without pulling. A harness will never teach them to not pull. A no pull harness will affect the way your dog grows and walks.

Important information….

Important information….

Lorsque vous accueillez enfin vos chiots de 10 semaines, veuillez garder cette image à l'esprit. Leurs os ne se touchent même pas encore. Ils marchent si joliment avec de grosses pattes souples et des mouvements bancals parce que leurs articulations sont entièrement constituées de cartilages, de muscles, de tendons et de ligaments recouverts de peau. Rien n'est encore bien ajusté ou n'a encore de véritable prise.

Lorsque vous les faites courir de manière excessive ou que vous ne limitez pas leur exercice pour les empêcher d'en faire trop pendant cette période, vous ne leur donnez pas la chance de grandir correctement. Chaque grand saut ou course bondissante et excitée provoque des impacts entre les os.
En quantités raisonnables, ce n'est pas problématique et c'est une usure normale qui s’opèrera.

Mais lorsque vous laissez le chiot sauter du canapé ou du lit, l’emmenez faire de longues promenades, vous endommagez cette articulation en formation. Lorsque vous laissez le chiot se déplacer sur des carreaux glissants , vous endommagez l'articulation.

Vous n'avez la chance de les faire grandir qu'une seule fois. Un corps bien construit est quelque chose qui vient d'un excellent élevage et d'une bonne éducation. LES DEUX, pas seulement un.

Une fois adulte, vous aurez le reste de votre vie à passer à jouer et à vous engager dans des exercices à fort impact. Alors gardez le au calme tant qu’il est encore petit et offrez lui le cadeau qui ne peut être offert qu'une seule fois.

Celebrating National 🍿Day!  Chip is actually happy…🤣

Celebrating National 🍿Day! Chip is actually happy…🤣

Cassie made it safe and sound to her new home in Wisconsin.   Nothing but good reports on all the pups so far. 🐾❤️🐾

Cassie made it safe and sound to her new home in Wisconsin. Nothing but good reports on all the pups so far. 🐾❤️🐾

Located in Ohio….obviously not well cared for by the “breeder”.  This makes me sad and mad. Poor girl needs a good lovin...

Located in Ohio….obviously not well cared for by the “breeder”. This makes me sad and mad. Poor girl needs a good loving home.

Akela is an adoptable Dog - Wirehaired Pointing Griffon searching for a forever family near Liberty Center, OH. Use Petfinder to find adoptable pets in your area.






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