Did you see my post on Wednesday about jumping dogs at the shelter? Here is an example of doing the same thing with a multi-dog household here in Taos. These dogs like to swarm and jump on visitors. Look at how good these kiddos are doing practicing sits at the front door as a favorite visitor enters their home!
Dogs do what works for dogs! Let’s teach them alternative behaviors to jumping and everyone wins!
#academyfordogtrainers #theydeservetheworld #stardog #taosdogs #certifieddogtrainer #dogsoftaos #trainwithoutpain #dogtraineroftaos #snackleadernotpackleader #taosdogtrainer #dogs #do #what #dogsdowhatworks #teachalternatives #teachalternativebehaviors #DRI
When our dogs jump or mouth it can be quite overwhelming and intimidating. Here you can see the work we do with the bouncy, excited kiddos at Stray Hearts Animal Shelter - Taos, NM. Notice how I remove myself by walking away, turning my back, or exiting his kennel when he no longer has 4 paws on the ground? When I re-engage I cue a sit with a hand signal. This technique is also useful for your dogs at home! You can turn your back, exit a room, or step over a baby gate for example.
Dogs do what works for them. If a behavior gets them something they want (food, attention, access, etc.) they do it again. If a behavior takes away something they want they quickly realize it doesn’t work and offer up another behavior. You can see this in Buddy’s response in the video. I am giving him no verbal cues. Cool right?
Does your dog jump on you or guests? I can help! Reach out to schedule your Initial Consultation today!
Side note: this is Buddy from my post about his adoption on Sunday.
#academyfordogtrainers #rockstar #theydeservetheworld #stardog #ears #taosdogs #certifieddogtrainer #dogsoftaos #trainwithoutpain #dogtraineroftaos #snackleadernotpackleader #taosdogtrainer #StrayHearts #strayheartstaos #strayheartsanimalshelter #adoptdontshop #adoptionsaveslives
This is my dog Stella. More often referred to as Beans ❤️ I live this video because it’s such a good reminder to give our dogs opportunities to “dog”: to sniff; to investigate; to dig; to dissect; to engage in natural species behaviors.
Here we are wandering a large field in which she is dictating which direction we go and how long we stay to sniff a bush or animal track. She thoroughly enjoys these kinds of walks, as do I! Relaxed, engaging, and fun for us both. #theydeservetheworld #stardog #taosdogs #dogsoftaos #trainwithoutpain #dogtraineroftaos #snackleadernotpackleader #taosdogtrainer #mentalenrichment #lettingdogsbedogs