Tiny Tails Small Dog Rescue And Sanctuary

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Tiny Tails Small Dog Rescue And Sanctuary Small dog rescue located in Oklahoma City,OK. Non profit 501(c)3. Tiny Tails offers small breed dogs for adoption. Applications and a home visit are required.

The dogs are from shelters, owner surrender or breeder surrender. All dogs are fully vetted, and spay/neutered before adoptions. All adoptions require love and commitment. Located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

where oh where has the cic been.(yes this is in all lower case because of three fingers not working on my right hand and...

where oh where has the cic been.(yes this is in all lower case because of three fingers not working on my right hand and the other two are wonky.
a couple of months ago i fell into a metal shelf and besides whacking my head and cutting me face, i had a disc slip. i did not know i damaged a disc however when my back started giving me fits and my arm went numb, like it wasn't there numb, it got my attention. i have been to several docs, multiple treatments. while some improvements have been made, i am still battling a recovery. the dogs are good, besides the usual heart issues most are stable. i will not bore you with all the details but the show must go on.

another maltese/shih tzu litter is in the mix. they are being fostered in another home and born on the 4th of july are three weeks old today. estimated time they can go home is mid august. there will be grooming needs for life, both parents are around 8 pounds so they will be small. these pups will not stay dark. the maltese gene comes through at around 5 weeks when the undercoat is white.
i know people will flock to want one but they are a long way from going home.if you want an application you will need to email the rescue. address is on the home page. decisions on family chosen will not be made for weeks. foster mom leslee will send update photos so we can watch them grow.
sincerly, the cic

As the sun rose this morning on our Independence Day I have found myself reflective of my world, of family, friends, the...

As the sun rose this morning on our Independence Day I have found myself reflective of my world, of family, friends, the Tiny Tails Small Dog Rescue And Sanctuary followers and donators who keep the rescue's doors open, I am so happy to have my brother Michael Shriver, Kristin Guthrie,Terry Abendschein, Matthew Abendschein, John Ross to name a few. I hope all people across the land see an American flag waving and it makes you pause a moment to really feel what it means.
Wishing all at least one hot dog or burger or steak if you can swing it. Hoping all my surrounding neighbors fireworks are duds because these little dogs are scared out of their mind for three days straight.
May our Lord keep you all safe, healthy and maybe make auto correct die, because it a pain in the patootie.



Brody Mac is Calebs brother and a handsome Chocolate Chihuahua. He also will be 6 in August. Weighing in at 8 pounds, he loves to wrestle with his brother Caleb, play with toys, treats, tell the cat what to do and go outside and look for squirrels. Brody's mom is doing what we should all do when we get older and have a plan. She has 5 older medical dogs that will go with her to Florida next year but she feels Brody can easily find a great home through Tiny Tails here in Oklahoma. Monday Brody has his yearly Checkup where all vaccines will be given along with a
proheart(heartworm prevention) vaccine which is good for a year.
His bags will be packed and he will be ready to go by the 4th of July. If interested please email the rescue for an application to be sent.
Needs a secure fence, a family with
no small children, or large dogs( or a larger dog that is Chihuahua tolerant.
Adoption is $150



Caleb Kenneth(that name cracks me up. He is all Chihuahua and will be 6 in August. Weighing in at 8 pounds, he loves to wrestle with his brother Brody Mac, play with toys, treats, tell the cat what to do and go outside and look for squirrels. Caleb's mom is doing what we should all do when we get older and have a plan. She has 5 older medical dogs that will go with her to Florida next year but she feels Caleb can easily find a great home through Tiny Tails here in Oklahoma. Monday Caleb has his yearly Checkup where all vaccines will be given along with a
proheart(heartworm prevention) vaccine which is good for a year.
His bags will be packed and he will be ready to go by the 4th of July. If interested please email the rescue for an application to be sent.
Needs a secure fence, a family with
no small children, or large dogs( or a larger dog that is Chihuahua tolerant.
Adoption is $150

These last Few days with Jewel have been easy. She was calm, blended with all here  and only asked for rubs and canned f...

These last Few days with Jewel have been easy. She was calm, blended with all here and only asked for rubs and canned food. Her mouth so rotten and smelled like death. I had oral antibiotics to start Sunday and a few pain pills for her comfort. She had every kind of worm a dog can have and I was pretty sure that round belly did not mean health, but heartworms. If anyone on this page believes heartworm prevention is not needed for your dog please rethink that. Jewel was dropped off this morning with my heart heavy. At nine I got the call from the vet. Her mouth was so infected, her jaw bones were eroded. But the worst was her heart. It was full of heartworms, clouding the x ray totally. In total heart failure, there was no hope of saving her. Jewel found her peace and no longer suffer from her 9 years of no vetting what so ever.
I shouldn't have but I just couldn't help it. I called LeeAnn and gave her every gory detail the vet gave me. Lee Ann told me she was dying soon and she wanted to find a safe place for her beloved Jewel. I asked like I always do if she could help with a huge vet bill and she told me she would try. However this page donated to Jewel and of course LeeAnn was thrilled. However I was surprised when she showed up driving herself from Lawton, with Jewel. Hum. I guess the the cherry on top was she asked before she drove off where the Taco Bell was. I guess this dying lady felt well enough for tacos.

Live and learn.
Jewel ol' girl, I am sorry I could not save you. We could have over come the mouth but a heart packed solid with heartworms could not be fixed.
Rest In Peace Jewel.
I carry you in my heart like all those before you.

Here I am asking for handouts again. This is Jewel, she's 10 years old and I have been asked to take her in. Jewel needs...

Here I am asking for handouts again. This is Jewel, she's 10 years old and I have been asked to take her in. Jewel needs everything. Dental, vaccines. heartworm test and prevention. bloodwork and probably heart medications. Her bill is most likely going to be around $400 TO $500. It will depend n how bad her mouth is.
If you can spare a few bucks, it would be appreciated.

It has been brought to my attention it is a year's birthday of the pug puppies. Oh my that was a ride with 6 of them. If...

It has been brought to my attention it is a year's birthday of the pug puppies. Oh my that was a ride with 6 of them. If the families see this post add some pictures please.


Chapter: N**e Dogs, The Boss Broke her Head, Mr Crispy Exits the Door and Hearts Go Crazy.6-8-24 SaturdayHello all out t...

Chapter: N**e Dogs, The Boss Broke her Head, Mr Crispy Exits the Door and Hearts Go Crazy.
6-8-24 Saturday
Hello all out there in Tiny Tails Land. Jenny here.
For those that do not know me I have been here the longest, almost 12 years. As a pup I was bought by a breeder and when I was 5 months old my knees started to go bad and I was no longer wanted. The CIC said give her to me and I have been here ever since. The CIC said I am the top money spender with all the surgeries I have had on my knees and sadly no doctor was able to fix me. I walk like a frog but The CIC loves me anyway. I just had my yearly checkup. The Dogtor tells me I am Chubby every year and I am sure I will be chubby next year. After I had my blood taken and was poked for my vaccines, I got some new heart medicine and given a stamp of approval, I thought I was out the door till the Dogtor said this bump on my head needs to me taken off. So that will happen next week. Enough about me, on to the naked dogs.
Since it's gotten warm, The CIC has gone crazy buzz cutting all the long haired guys. She comes in covered in hair and spitting fibers. Chloe, Petey, Coco, Oliver and Peanut have all been shaved down. Coco and Oliver are old and had what The CIC called Poo Butt. I think her word Yuk Bottom. I guess when you get old and are long haired this happens. Every one has clean shiny butts now.
So as you know the CIC went face first into a metal shelving last month. Boy oh boy that was a sight. She ended up on the floor with us all gathered around trying to help and figure out how to get into the freezer for the Chicken Potion. You know just in case.
She is fine now and she no longer looks like a train wreck.
So now let's talk about Mr Crispy the chicken that appeared out of nowhere last July.
At first The CIC took pity on him.He was very skinny, stayed on the other side of our dog yard and ate bugs. After a month or two he grew fat and bold. Over the fence he would come and we would bark and tell him to get out of our space. Then he started kicking butt and that made The CIC really mad. She started using a big spray bottle and that made him fly back over, but he always came back. She bought a rubber band gun but I don't think that lady could hit the side of a barn if she was standing in front of it. She tossed rocks, rubber dog toys, a bowl or two but again her aim is terrible. We were very scared of him. She called animal control to come get him but the three times they came he was no where in sight. She called a couple of chicken groups but no one wanted a rooster. He began to taunt and tease the boss till she was about to go crazy. He would stroll in the back door after water and dog food. Many times he would crow not two feet from her, boosting who was boss. She said hell or high water she was going to catch him and take him to her friend Pat who has a pond and foolishly agreed to give him a home.
She almost caught him twice but he got away however last week she finally grabbed him and held on for dear life as he beat his wings and cussed at her. And believe me she said a few words herself. The CIC stuffed him in a carrier and drove him to Pat's without as much of a goodbye. No more crowing, stalking or hiding. Goodbye Mr Crispy
Peace is again here at Tiny Tails.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


Where oh where has May gone?
This morning I am off to deliver dry and canned food to 12 retirees that Tiny Tails provides for. There were 2 donations this month of canned food so everyone is going to get an extra boost for these beloved dogs who have few teeth between them.

Looking at the weather I think I am going to get wet. The storms have been brutal to many here in Oklahoma and surrounding states. Maybe Mother Nature settles down soon.

Storms rattle the dogs. Sandy has spent May tucked behind me in my chair. One rumble of thunder sends her into panic mode.
Thank you to those that donate. Those dollars keep the doors open. I can't take every dog the public wants to surrender. It is just not possible. Rescues are stretched beyond breaking. Thankfully you guys keep Tiny Tails going.
Thank you all again. I am off to deliver.

Stay safe.



I know, I have been absent for awhile. I apologize. There is a good reason though. Three weeks ago I was in the laundry room, having just finished mopping. I turned around to hang up the mop and my feet slipped and my head landed in a metal shelf. I sliced the side of my head, hit my eye and slit open my forehead. As I sat on the floor with many frightened dogs all over me, I grabbed a towel to staunch the flow of my life,s blood. It took me awhile for me to gather my wits but I got up to access the damage. I'll add this was a Sunday. My doctor of course is not open till Tuesday. I have butterfly bandages so those closed the cuts. By the next morning I looked like I had been in a boxing match. I did not even call for an appointment because I figured one look at me would get me seen. By Tuesday my eye was infected and the side of my head was huge.Long story short I hit my eye and broke a vessel by my temple. I was told to cool my jets and let things heal. Which is what I have been doing. The dogs are good, I am good, life is good.The CIC


Looks like Mother Nature means business. We are prepared, and a little concerned. Hoping a safe night for you all.

Everyone meet  Casey. She will be arriving tomorrow. This little girl is a 13 month old Merle Parti Pom. She was sold to...

Everyone meet Casey. She will be arriving tomorrow.
This little girl is a 13 month old Merle Parti Pom. She was sold to an unsuspecting 86 year old woman who can no longer take her out side or that matter keep up with her. She will need to be spayed and vetted so she will not be ready for at least 2 weeks. Pom have lots of hair and shed, alot. If interested you can email the rescue for an application to be sent

4-23-24Chloe has arrived and has settled in nicely. She is an absolute doll. She came from a home in the country with a ...

Chloe has arrived and has settled in nicely. She is an absolute doll. She came from a home in the country with a 3 and 5 year old kiddos. She is not a country girl and wind blowing her hair is not enjoyed. She is a soft couch and pillows kind of girl. She will be 7 in July, weighs around 8 pounds and has the softest hair. She walks well a leash and likes the cat. She will need a dental as soon as an appointment can be made. She is spayed, up to date on vaccines will be groomed if I can get a spot. Right now it will be 3 weeks before there is an opening.
She needs a loving person who will nurture her sweet personality. No large dogs or young kids, and a secure yard is a must.
If interested, please email the rescue for an application to be sent.
[email protected]

Tomorrow morning I will picking up this little lady and find a great home for her. Chloe will be 7 in July and weighs ar...

Tomorrow morning I will picking up this little lady and find a great home for her. Chloe will be 7 in July and weighs around 8 pounds. She is spayed and up to date on vaccines.She will probably need a dental and a groom but should be ready soon. New family must be ready for lifetime grooming cost.
If interested please email for an application. Messenger is not the place to ask questions or request applications

4-21-2024Sophie has finally arrived after a very long road trip. We stopped and got some chicken and she rallied for a b...

Sophie has finally arrived after a very long road trip. We stopped and got some chicken and she rallied for a bite.
I want to thank everyone who applied for this sweet girl.
A wonderful family has been chosen to be her forever after home.
As soon as she gets a dental and vetting, she will start her new lease on life.

Thank you all who showed interest in Rasin. He is officially adopted and going home Sunday

Thank you all who showed interest in Rasin. He is officially adopted and going home Sunday


Early this morning as my day started, I stood at the counter doling out pills and supplements to the crew, I was humbled by all the donations that poured in from you good folks.
What you did was paramount to me personally and the dogs. All the cost of my upcoming medicine refills were covered by you all.
I can not thank you enough.


Rasin's look of betrayal at drop off for surgery day.Oh buddy, you will thank me later.Never will be said.Lol

Rasin's look of betrayal at drop off for surgery day.
Oh buddy, you will thank me later.
Never will be said.

Hey folks, Peanut here asking for some help for the CIC. Last night I watched her pouring over our budget for the next m...

Hey folks, Peanut here asking for some help for the CIC. Last night I watched her pouring over our budget for the next month and she was writing a bunch of numbers and making a list on what she needs to buy and pay for in the near future. Heart worm prevention is a must have for dogs and not only does she makes sure we get ours but also the twelve dogs of our elderly people we take dog food to every month. Heart worm prevention has almost doubled in cost in the last two years along with thousands of other things now days. The CIC also needs to order 6 months of our medication. That's a big cost. We all take heart medication, and diuretics, arthritis meds and the never ending eye drops for glaucoma and dry eye. It depends on what as to the cost. Last time the CIC ordered it cost $578 but she almost fainted when she was told this time the prescriptions will $936 to refill.. So the bottom line is the Boss Lady will be writing a check for $1750 next week.
Donations are way down across the board for rescues. Tiny Tails is down also.If anyone wants to toss a few dollars our way we would be grateful.
The link to our Paypal is at the top of the page.
Sincerely, Peanut the sheep dog who will be a sheared sheep.

4-9-24 The day has come for applications to open for Rasin. He was born 12-16-23 and purchased from a breeder. The lady ...

4-9-24 The day has come for applications to open for Rasin. He was born 12-16-23 and purchased from a breeder. The lady knew she was not up to raising a pup and she was facing the cost of vetting and hernia repair. He is a owner surrender. His is not a mixed breed but a true Pom.
I have had calls, messages, texts, and emails about this little fellow so please remember there is only one dog for one home. The best suited home will be selected.
Here is what he needs.
A secure fenced yard that has no escape places for such a small pup. He is at the moment just under 4 pounds at almost 4 months. He is house broke but could have accidents if not let out often enough. Rasin has been "running with the big dogs so when the door opens he is out like a flash. He loves being outside but must be watched. Any little stick is fair game and I have taken so many things out of his mouth I have lost count. His latest game is taking his toys outside for me to retrieve.
He requires a home with no children under 8 and no large dogs. Personal space is not in his vocabulary. Poms require grooming and brushing on regular basis or their fur will mat. Please consider this cost.
He will come with a bag of puppy food, 6 months of heartworm prevention, collar, tag and leash, puppy pads, his collection of toys, a bed and blanket( which he will haul around the house and you may never find it. Rasin is active and fast and can be barky. His teeth are razor sharp. He will need correction on proper use of his teeth till this stage passes or else it will turn into a problem. He does not mean bite but his teeth are tiny and hurt. If you pick him up he will look at you with soulful eyes and apologize. Frankly it is hard to get mad at him.
He will be neutered and have his hernia repair and microchipped Thursday. He has completed all of his vaccines including rabies which are good for a year, and had multiple wormings. He can go home Sunday.
His adoption is $325.
An application is required. Please email the rescue if you want one sent to you.
[email protected]


I want to thank our monthly donators who faithfully give to Tiny Tails so we can trot forward year after year. Since 2012 we rescue, heal, shelter or adopt, the smallest of lives. There will always be the never ending trips to the vet for monitoring of hearts and kidneys, which are the two main organs that fail after 15 years in a small dog. Medication alone is our biggest cost.
My point is to say thank you to all for every dollar you donate. It is appreciated.

Hi everyone. Rasin here. Happy April Fools Day. I do not know what you celebrate on this date but we didn't do a a darn ...

Hi everyone. Rasin here. Happy April Fools Day. I do not know what you celebrate on this date but we didn't do a a darn think here except wash, go outside and the boss lady trying to keep me out of trouble. I weigh 3.8 pounds now so I have been told I will be getting some things done so I can get adopted. The Balls Have to Go Day does not bother me because I have a whole bunch of balls and toys here so I can give a couple up. But not the red ball, I am taking that with me. The boss says I have a hole in my tummy but I have looked and looked and did not see a thing.
I actually have many hobbies since I have been here at Tiny Tails. I collect sticks, shoes, socks, paper, toys, my favorite, caps of any kind. Did you know if you flip them up in the air they bounce and roll, then you can chase them? Try it some time, it is fun. I only have two shirts so far, I need to pick up the pace there. I also have many names.
Rasin leave(insert who ever I am talking to name, blah blah he or she alone.
Raisin come here.
Rasin get in here.
Rasin give me that.
Rasin get off him or her.
Rasin leave that alone.
I guess Rasin is the main name but geeze, I can't remember all the directions.
As you can see my head is wet. I was watching it rain. The boss said the storms went North. She also said I am getting a bath and my nails trimmed. You see tomorrow I am going to get to go with her while she delivers the dog food to a group called the Oldies. She said it will be fun. I can't wait.
Good night all.
Love Rasin

3-22-2024 Chapter: You can always come homeMeet Bubba, AKA Peanut, take your pickBubba has been down a lot of roads in h...

3-22-2024 Chapter: You can always come home

Meet Bubba, AKA Peanut, take your pick

Bubba has been down a lot of roads in his 8 years. He was born here at Tiny Tails, adopted as a pup, returned due to loss of job and life smacking his owner to the curb.
Re adopted 6 years ago and now returned due to failing site and health of his mama.
I won't sugar coat it, this week has been hard on him. However he has gone from under a blanket to going outside on his own and life isn't so bad right now.
This little guy has had excellent vet care by both of his owners and is in tip top shape.
Treats are magic, Rasin is a pain in the patooty but life goes on.
Welcome back Bubba. You can always come home to Tiny Tails.
Love ya Little Man The CIC

3-18-24To start with there are trolls on this page who post links to puppies for sale. It never fails every time I post ...

To start with there are trolls on this page who post links to puppies for sale. It never fails every time I post a breed or puppy. PLEASE to not click or respond. I block the posters and report the pages. Feel free to report them also.

And the baby Wolf dog has arrived. Rasin is a 10 week old black Pom that is very very cute. He was surrender because of a move and he has a hernia that will be repaired when he is neutered. He is tiny, maybe two pounds and yes he came from a breeder.
I am told he is super smart, signals to go outside, or if he is thirsty or needs a human to guess what Iwant. lol
He will not be ready till the end of April. He is far too small for surgery at this point.
Let's welcome Rasin and enjoy his journey to adoption.

Happy St Paddy's day everyone. What a wonderful day weather wise. I spent the day watching two busy little Chihuahuas Co...

Happy St Paddy's day everyone. What a wonderful day weather wise. I spent the day watching two busy little Chihuahuas Coco and Crystal evidently moving from their coveted spot under my desk to a new bed by the trashcan I put down last night. They went back and forth over and over and over again arranging the freshly washed blanket, getting under the blanket, on top of blanket, rearranging the blanket and so forth and so on. When it looked like they finally got things settled it was time for a trip outside.
We came in and they both made a bee line for their new digs ready for a nap only to find Jenny the squatter had taken advantage of the opportunity to move in to 101 Coco and Crystal Lane much to their horror. They are now back under the desk at their old address. looking defeated an confused. In house entertainment

Tomorrow there is a mini black wolf baby coming in. Get ready for some cuteness.

Another 10 year adoptaversary update from the Mosshammers. We adopted a lot of Chocolate Chihuahua's.From Becky:"I adopt...

Another 10 year adoptaversary update from the Mosshammers. We adopted a lot of Chocolate Chihuahua's.

From Becky:
"I adopted “Cocoa” and Tequila from an outing you were at in Petsmart about 10 years ago. Cocoa became Hershey when we got home but Tequila stayed Tequila because he refused to acknowledge any other name! He quickly became attached to my mom and by the end of the weekend chose her as her human. Last week Tequila passed away from heart failure while my dad and mom held him. He was my mom’s baby and she loved him with all her heart. In turn when he would be near her, no one else could be! Tequila was as spicy as his name! I will send pictures of him soon.

As for Hershey, she has definitely been the best family chi I’ve ever seen. She doesn’t leave my side when I’m home but gladly stays with one of our kiddos when I am not around. She is the princess of the household, demands to be carried everywhere and doesn’t like outside or itchy grass much. She rules the roost with the other dogs we have, including bossing around our 2 Danes and Great Pyrenees. She is happy, healthy, spoiled and have our hearts. Thank you for sharing these two special souls with us."

Two years already have passed since little Stella came in. Her mouth was so infected, her hair a rocking mess and she we...

Two years already have passed since little Stella came in. Her mouth was so infected, her hair a rocking mess and she weighed so little the wind could blow her down. She had most of her teeth removed and the Rogers took her home right from the vet. Her mama Mandy could not wait to get her hands on Stella and that lady worked a miracle on this dog. Although she only has five teeth, is just a little sprite, this dog could not be loved more.
Thank you to the Rogers for giving this little dog, a new lease on life.

The Tale of Reece and Lexie. (Reece in the back, Lexie in the front taken in 2017.It has been ten years ago since I took...

The Tale of Reece and Lexie. (Reece in the back, Lexie in the front taken in 2017.

It has been ten years ago since I took a little brown Chihuahua named Reece in. He lost his mama and was being over looked at the shelter so I tucked him in my buggy along with a couple of other littles I was getting. We went to my car and I plopped all three dogs into a crate and we headed home. Asking a dog to be good with strange dogs is just something I don't do. It never occurred to me to ask Reece if he minded sharing space for the short ride. I am sure he had that same look on his face that day as is in this picture. Reece actually fit in nicely and became all too comfortable with me to quickly. After vetting he went on many many adoption events. He was friendly to all but refused to leave with anyone. He loved kids and scratches and the attention but never clicked with any person. He slept on my bed, guarded me when outside and stuck to me like glue. He made trips to the nursing home with me and was a hit. One time there was a chance to become a community dog but he refused to stay. So we were an item for two years.
Out of the blue a young lady who was going to college and working making her way in the world emailed about adopting Reece. She was very excited and determined to adopt Reece. Me on the other hand was not too excited, Bri lived in Louisiana which is a LONG way from Oklahoma. Reece had trouble accepting other people and I just was not convinced he would make the transition. I later found out this family has and have had several Reece look a likes and they just fell in love with this guy even though I was not in favor of it. To make a long story short, after a many page email on why Bri would be the best mom for Reece I agreed to drive Reece 400 miles to her. Reece thought it was a grand road trip. Naps in the car, fast food and he was with his favorite navigator. That is a trip I will never forget.
We arrived, he slipped his leash, ran back to me and a small circus occurred. Finally Bri took him inside as I walked to my car and yep his face was in the window.
However, 8 years later he has lived a charmed life with his beloved mama, his grandma, his sister Lexie(who I also took to Bri the following year). He has had the best of care and more so loved beyond belief. Although I can not be sure exactly how old Reece was when he came to me, he is now 12 or so. Today he was helped out of his worn out body and is resting in peace.
Reece you were a very good boy. And Lexi, I am sorry you have lost your friend.
I have enjoyed all the pictures shared by this wonderful family this last 8 years. Bless you all.
My best The CIC, Lynn

Allie needs a new home. I was contacted this morning about this little gem. Surely someone out there in Tiny Tails land ...

Allie needs a new home. I was contacted this morning about this little gem. Surely someone out there in Tiny Tails land needs her.
Please contact Becky Bays via TEXT MESSAGE. 480-289-1936 if you can give Allie a forever home.
Below is the information Becky sent.
Please withhold judgement and negative comments. The CIC

Allie is approximately 11 years old and mostly loves to cuddle up on the couch and take naps. She gets along with non-aggressive dogs and would do well in a quiet home where she can be “the boss”. She can be vocal with a lot of outside noise. She’s been in our family since she was a year old, adopted from a rescue, and has had regular vet checkups and teeth cleanings. She’s completely housebroken and has had most of her teeth removed (but has no issues eating dry kibble). She’s very healthy and current on vaccines - rabies/Bordatella not due until Jan 2025. Right now she’s just due for refill on heart worm prevention.



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00





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