Happy eclipse day everyone.
Astrological events play a role in animal behavior. Scientists who studied events during totality in 2017 report today’s event can be accompanied by strange sounds, decreases in wind and temperature, as well as changes in atmospheric pressures.
Although there isn’t a ton of research on the effects of an eclipse on animals, there are studies that indicate animals can briefly become confused or disoriented during the eclipse, especially at the time of totality. Those who are prone to anxiety, whether general or in response to storms or fireworks, may experience the most noticeable effects.
While it is not thought that this event represents any dangers for our pets. Pet parents should use their best judgment when it comes to the safety of their pets.
Some advised safety actions to consider include:
* keeping pets indoors where they feel safe and comfortable.
* do not force your pet to participate in eclipse activities, parties or to look at the eclipse.
* if your pet seeks attention during the eclipse, be attentive, reassuring and comforting.
* if you plan to take your pet to an eclipse watching event, make sure they are microchipped and the information is up to date, keep them on a leash, pay attention to their cues and react accordingly.
* keep solar viewing glasses out of reach of your pet. Do not use the glasses if they appear chewed, bent or scratched.
Note: some animals may pant, pace, hide or howl. Should this occur, offer reassurance and allow them access to a place of comfort and security. Be patient. This should pass as the eclipse concludes. Don’t be surprised if some pets start their evening rituals early.
Again, there are too few studies to predict the effects of an eclipse on animals so we must all use our best judgement when it comes to keeping ourselves and our pets safe and confortable.
Happy viewing!