Paul CSP Lion hunt 2020
When we get asked to be a part of these hunts, it's always a privilege and we strive to give them our best, both physically and ethically. We had a lot of fun helping Paul to get his first lion! There are always twists and turns and you just never know how it might turn out!
Congratulations Paul!! It was a great privilege to be a part of your hunt!
When we get asked to be a part of these hunts, it's always a privilege and we strive to give them our best, both physically and ethically. We had a lot of fun helping Paul to get his first lion! There are always twists and turns and you just never know how it might turn out!
Congratulations Paul!! It was a great privilege to be a part of your hunt!
CSP Michael 2020
4 lion trees in 10 days and 3 successful hunts in a week!
The heart that these dogs have is absolutely unbelievable and they love what they do!
We had some very happy hunters and there were 30+ human miles put on! The end resulting in hugs and maybe a few tears, sore feet
and muscles and lots of big smiles! We love happy hunters and happy hounds! That is what makes it all worth it, to us!
We met Michael through a mutual friend and he was lucky enough to draw a Custer State Park Mountain Lion Dog Permit! In his words, "That is one of the coolest things I've ever seen!" We had so much fun getting to know him on this hunt and we are so glad that he allowed us along on this hunt with him. That we were able to help him to fulfill one of his bucket list items, is pretty stinking cool too! He had big hugs for us at the end of the day and that smile was sure contagious!
I have 2 more videos to put together yet. Stay tuned!
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28 NIV
Reed VanDervoort Jamie VanDervoort Michael Holzwarth
12 weeks old and already working those coons over!👌 This is one of Teal's boys.