Albright's Raw Dog Food

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  • Albright's Raw Dog Food

Albright's Raw Dog Food Super premium raw dog food. Human grade ingredients. No fillers or additives. Complete & balanced.

Developing complete and balanced products without synthetic vitamins and minerals isn't easy.  But we're not into easy; ...

Developing complete and balanced products without synthetic vitamins and minerals isn't easy. But we're not into easy; we're into what's right for our beloved fur babies.

Today, we remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice.

Today, we remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice.

We believe raw feeding is not just for better longevity, but also for better quality of life.  Raw fed dogs visit the ve...

We believe raw feeding is not just for better longevity, but also for better quality of life. Raw fed dogs visit the vet far less. An important consideration when wondering if the price of raw is worth it.

This is crazy. Not sure why I didn't lay it out this way the first time!

I’ve mentioned this before but just to recap - two years ago, a study was published that suggested feeding VEGAN kibble to meat eaters like dogs and cats, helps them to live TWO YEARS LONGER!!!

Remember that?!

The Vet Times had it on their front page and mainstream media, haters of meat, small farmers and carbon in general, positively lapped it up. The Guardian in the UK ran multiple pieces on it.

MAJOR study with MAJOR findings so MAJOR news, right?!

And on the surface, where the vast majority of people remains - 2600 participants, conducted by a Professor in a University, peer-reviewed “study” - it was quite convincing.

The you look into the study and see it’s a survey. Nothing too much wrong with that. Surveys can be useful, particularly if conducted properly (you can slant the questions to suit your agenda) and, most important, if the numbers are large (such as the Helsinki University survey of 16,750 households, totally more than 80,000 dogs and equating to many millions of dog meals that found raw feeding was incredibly safe…the Vet Times and Guardian sadly missed that one though…).

Sadly, when you look into the numbers, this was a survey of little more than 100 vegans. They asked the vegans if they thought their dogs were healthy? Sure!! And how much longer do you THINK they are living thanks to this new diet? Oh, about two years!!!

Honestly. This was enough for the Vet Times, the voice of the evidenced-based veterinary sector, to put the “vegan fed dogs live 2 years longer” on their front page and for the ever-vocal, white coat vets on social media to spread it far and wide, like a tractor and trailer spreading slurry on a field.

What was glossed over in this survey were other, FAR MORE INTERESTING results - such as raw-fed dogs seem to use the vets less.

That’s right. Raw fed dogs were nearly twice as likely NOT to see a vet at all in a year than kibble-fed dogs.

(I say kibble-fed but I took some liberties with the data to make it easier to compare to my previous survey - “kibble-fed” here includes all vegan-fed dogs and all dogs fed standard cereal-based meals by their owners, whether they received meat treats or canned food etc was not pulled from the data. As the vast majority of these dogs, statistically speaking, were undoubtedly kibble-fed dogs, I used “kibble-fed” to identify the group as a whole. We could also have used the term “ultra-processed-fed” or simply “non-raw”. In fact, I like the latter name more now so I will use it from here on!).

And, better still, they were nearly twice as likely NOT to go the vet more than once than the non-raw-fed dogs (data table from the study in the comments, you have to add up the 2-4 visits for “meat-based” fed dogs and vegan).

So that was interesting and the fact the veterinary rags decided not to mention it on any of their covering pieces tells you exactly where their allegiances lie, and it ain’t with you guys.

(Now, you can absolutely say that raw-feeders distrust vets more (studies show) so they will use vets less. That's likely a confounding factor. Also raw-fed dog owners are better read and more likely to tackle small issues themselves. Surely a factor too. No doubt. But with now a multitude of studies showing dry is inflammatory, upsets gut flora and increases skin, ear and gut conditions in dogs (the #1, 2, and 3 reasons for visiting the vet today) how much each contributes to the overall effect is right now impossible to determine).

But what’s even more striking is that these results were virtually IDENTICAL to the findings of a poll conducted by moi 6 or 7 years ago. I polled 1600 dog owners, divided them into dry and raw feeders and asked how many times they’ve been at the vet.

Check out the differences in those bars - VERY significantly more likely TO NOT SEE a vet in the first year and more than twice as likely NOT TO SEE a vet more than once.

Of course, these are only surveys. They’re not worth anything (or, to be more exact, the finding that 100 vegans THOUGHT their dogs were living longer is HIGHLY RELEVANT but the statistical difference in veterinary visits is most certainly not worth mentioning…).

Like when the CEO of a major guide dog school in Australia reported 82% savings in vet bills changing 220 dogs from dry to raw. Worthless anecdote.

And the studies showing harm (inflammation, more, skin, ear and gut conditions) are not big enough, need more numbers etc etc etc.

The point is, we need MORE data before we can even humour if kibble is driving illness and vet visits in pets.

Until WE can get that together for you (Mars Inc., who owns most of the US veterinary sector, has access to the health records of many millions of dogs and cats…you don’t think they have this data?!), best you don't even TRY feeding real to your pet (even though enormous safety studies show this is an incredibly safe thing for you and particularly them, considering the death toll from kibble, to be doing).

Get the game? As we learned over the last few years, the bad guys do not use science to discover, they use it as a shield.

Calcium and phosphorus, and the correct Ca:P ratio is critical to dog health and puppy development (especially in large ...

Calcium and phosphorus, and the correct Ca:P ratio is critical to dog health and puppy development (especially in large breed dogs). This is why we REGULARLY test our bone-containing ingredients for both Ca and P, and tweak our recipes as necessary to ensure your pups are getting the nutrition they need and deserve.


Vets of the world, this is the thought leader in canine nutrition, Prof Anna Helm Bjorkman of Helsinki University, presenting to 60 Turkish vets her findings on fresh pet food safety.

So far, to the best of their measurements, they are finding 1 cross over infection from raw feeding / raw fed dogs per 30,000 years of having a pet that is fed raw.

It may be you are more likely to get infections from a child in day care.

There is zero evidence of merit indicating the opposite.

Global Day 2!  Swing by to see us between 5 & 6, and enjoy a drink on us!!

Global Day 2! Swing by to see us between 5 & 6, and enjoy a drink on us!!

The Albright’s Team is ready to talk the world’s greatest raw products on the market!Come see us at booth 1587!!!

The Albright’s Team is ready to talk the world’s greatest raw products on the market!
Come see us at booth 1587!!!

Come visit us at Global this week - Booth 1587!!

Come visit us at Global this week - Booth 1587!!

High carbs = high levels of inflammation.

High carbs = high levels of inflammation.

Multiple studies show dry food is more inflammatory than raw dog food, but why? Is it the poor quality fats, chemical preservatives, mycotoxins, AGEs or because it's high in cheap, ultra processed, rapidly digested carbohydrate filler?

Emily Stein, PhD, did a piece recently for popular vet magazine Vet360, entitled "The importance of the oral microbiome in promoting and maintaining dental health" .

She says:

"The fastest way to cause inflammation is to start feeding the microbiome with sugars and carbohydrates. These dietary ingredients feed pathogens directly or indirectly, which then grow out of control and persistently activate the immune system."

This isn't surprising. Google "high carbohydrate diets inflammation" you'll quickly get the picture.

Interesting (though I wonder how many vets thought so too).

And she goes on:

"In our studies, we see significant levels of Porphyromonas species, Tannerella forsythia, and other pathogens associated with dental disease in dogs that eat foods with rice, corn, potato, sweet potato, and other fillers."

Fillers! Imagine!!

The oral pathogens really piqued my interest though. Another quick Google reveals high carb diets are strongly linked to dental caries as the bad bacteria love 'em.

One of the reasons why 80% of dry and canned fed dogs have dental disease by 3yrs of age I guess. Lack of abrasion being the other.


Hypothetical for our loyal customers:

How would you feel if we switched from sunflower oil to cod liver oil in our recipes?

We’re excited to add Pure Yorkie Joy as a retail partner!  Stop in to get your pets the nutrition they deserve :)

We’re excited to add Pure Yorkie Joy as a retail partner! Stop in to get your pets the nutrition they deserve :)

Albright’s - nutrition you can SEE!!

Albright’s - nutrition you can SEE!!


Albright’s CTO (Chief Tasting Officer) Daisy loves the pork recipe. The food in this video is partially thawed (easier to cut into smaller portions); if fully thawed, some of the blood separates from the food. We ALWAYS recommend keeping the blood with the food (thawed or not) as it contains an incredible amount of nutritious goodness - even aids with hydration!!

THIS is why eggs are an ingredient in several of our recipes.  We find human grade ingredients to achieve AAFCO requirem...

THIS is why eggs are an ingredient in several of our recipes. We find human grade ingredients to achieve AAFCO requirements…. But we also look for superfoods like eggs (nutrient dense), heart meat (CoQ10), kale (nutrient dense), and cranberries (polyphenols) to round out our recipes. We formulate our foods to be preventative medicine for your pets.

Called 'Mother Nature's original superfood,' this simple, easy to prepare and inexpensive source of bioavailable nutrients is a staple food around the world, but did you know that it can be shared with pets as well?

“Let food be thy medicine.”

“Let food be thy medicine.”

🐾 Hope for Pets With Malignant Mast Cell Tumors 🌟

Mast cell tumors are quite common, accounting for about 20% of all skin tumors in dogs. 🐕 It’s characterized by a bump or a lesion of some kind, often found on the trunk, the limbs and between the toes.

If your pet has a mast cell tumor and you’re considering a keto diet, I recommend working with a keto-knowledgeable health professional. They can help guide you through the dietary change safely and offer other nutraceutical strategies that may help improve your pet’s prognosis. 👍

For more of my recommendations for pets with mast cell tumors, head over to this free article:


Our founders, Lee and Karen Albright discuss with Dr. Ian Billinghurst how we sourced our human grade ingredients when forming our recipes. It’s a standard we’ll never deviate from (ok, ok, except for tripe 🤣). Was a great pleasure to join Dr. Billinghurst and Gussys Gut’s founder Rob Ryan on one of Gussy’s Gut recent podcast episodes! More highlights to come in the coming weeks.

Ya never know… might be a future Albright’s/Gussy’s Gut product in the works… 😉

It’s here!  Albright’s venison Prey Model Raw.  In true PMR fashion, no fruits and veg so you can add your own if you’d ...

It’s here! Albright’s venison Prey Model Raw. In true PMR fashion, no fruits and veg so you can add your own if you’d like.

Coming to a distributor near you - we’d just ask that you don’t tell Rudolph so close to Christmas 😉🦌🐕🐩

Biology matters.  Even more importantly, matching nutrition to biology to achieve a species/biologically appropriate die...

Biology matters.

Even more importantly, matching nutrition to biology to achieve a species/biologically appropriate diet matters.

It matters to achieve true health. Longevity. Quality of life.

We study dog biology to ensure our recipes and the associated nutrients allow a dog to not just survive, but thrive.

Been a lot of misinformation about the culprit of DCM in pups.  Bottom line: it’s a deficiency in taurine or a deficienc...

Been a lot of misinformation about the culprit of DCM in pups. Bottom line: it’s a deficiency in taurine or a deficiency in the precursors methionine and cysteine.

Our recipes are rich in all three. Not a chance your pup will be deficient if it eats Albright’s!!

Just ruminating on how prevalent nutrient deficiency is in pets and I keep coming back to the DCM example:

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a condition in which the left ventricle, the heart's main pumping chamber, is enlarged (dilated). As the chamber gets bigger, its thick muscular wall stretches, becoming thinner and weaker (myo-pathy). This affects the heart's ability to pump enough oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body.

Sadly the disease is rife in pets. Sanderson (2006) estimates around 1% of America's 90mil dogs are suffering it.

A staggering figure.

DCM is due largely to a lack of the amino acid taurine circulating in the patient. While many bits can interfere with their absorption of taurine (such as too much plant fibre in the diet...heads up vegetarian pet food feeders), the primary cause of a lack of taurine in an animal is, somewhat unsurprisingly, a lack of it in the diet (OR, as taurine can be made in the body, a lack of its precursors methionine and cysteine). Either way, deficiency.

It's called taurine as it's best sourced from meat, specifically beef (taurus=bull).

Unfortunatley for dogs consuming the high-carb kibble still promoted by the vast majority of the West's vets today, kibble companies aren't known to include a whole heap of meat in their mixes. Vegetarian foods include none at all. If "meat" is in there at all, it's most often "meat and bone" meal, which is bone meal to everyone outside of the pet food industry. So, little to no actual meat (and thus taurine) at all. They try to artificially supplement to cover the nutrient deficiencies inherent in their dirt poor ingredients but those concical flask additions are obliterated in processing.

Raw is absolutely stuffed FULL of taurine. Hence, you don't hear too many raw-fed dogs coming down with DCM. It's virtually impossible for them to be deficient in it.

High-carb kibble has a LOT to answer for here (and that's before we start considering the known role of low-protein diets in kidney disease, pancreatitis, diabetes, etc). Don't forget, 66% of UK's "complete" kibbles fail to meet the minimum nutritional standards set out by the kibble companies themselves.

Got a breed at risk of DCM? Do not feed them kibble.

Got a dog with a heart issue? Feed them raw with 10% heart meat. That's a truly vital first step.

[Want to learn more about the DCM scandal, where Big Pet Food colluded with the FDA to repress the growth of grain-free pet food, then check this out[0]=AZUmWS63kJ38Vve8DPdjHT9iED7h41w8JF-7CQvdytM015OaMcHrga5KLIU8Tu8ryFbQMNuPgvosHMhPf0n1GKEBiFsajqx_kIx7jGnOpVDU6mSnhVeEdMnn7cnnzJODRTxRTJyx0pQoVlQWLSl-uZNiu5Je4odK0DYAk567wDBMdr4Lqcjn16rxxDd3dTglAhY&__tn__=R]-R]

At Albright's, we love to nerd out on nutrition.  Our customers deserve that from us.  Dr. Berg is an expert in human nu...

At Albright's, we love to nerd out on nutrition. Our customers deserve that from us.

Dr. Berg is an expert in human nutrition, but the same principles apply. This is WHY we choose to keep synthetics out of our products for our puppy customers:

-synthetics are often made from (cheap) waste products from the petroleum and coal industries.
-most synthetics are not recognized by our pups' bodies and are treated as a toxin and is excreted as waste substance.
-synthetics lack cofactors, which are important substances that enable a dog's body to absorb a vitamin or mineral.

Our competitors use synthetics because they are a CHEAP alternative to natural, whole, real nutrition.

Most vitamins sold are synthetic. Here’s why you should avoid them. For more details on this topic, check out the full article on the website:➡️ https://drbr...


It begins. This is a genuine slide leaked from a Hills presentation. They are moving to "prescription diet fresh meals" (each one of the words needed its own sarky air quotes but it would be too hard to read), now using "real protein" (in the form of slices of beef steak, apparently) as their pet MAY be unhappy eating regular kibble that might not taste good...which may be the first truth they've uttered in decades.

Never forgive and never forget what these people will say and do to sell you trash.

Dr. Judy Morgan's Naturally Healthy Pets
Dr. Karen Becker

Thanks Nicki Cammack for the lead.


There are so many reasons as to why minimally processed pet foods🫐 are better for your pet’s overall health span & lifespan versus ultra-processed pet foods🥫.

Otitis👂🏼 or ear infections in dogs, is a top 10 veterinary health problem according to research. They are often chronic, while treatment primarily consists of flushing, antibiotics, and/or antifungals.

In a new peer-reviewed veterinary study, scientists show that the prevalence of otitis was significantly reduced within the groups of dogs that were consuming from 26 to 100% of their diet as non-processed foods.

"On the other hand, eating 76–100% of the diet during puppyhood as kibble significantly increased the prevalence of otitis later in their life."

Furthermore, in another previous Finnish Veterinary study, scientists showed healthy human food leftovers offered to puppies significantly reduced allergy symptoms and skin problems later in life. This long-term, protective effect increased the more often real foods were added, so the more exposure puppies had to a variety of healthy leftovers, the more protection there was from developing skin issues down the road.

“…even if the dog eats 80% of its food as dry, adding a minimum of 20% of the food as raw significantly decreased the risk of AASS [allergic skin disease] later in life.” – Dr. Anna Hielm-Björkman

Looking to upgrade your pet’s bowl but not sure how?

In the new sequel to the #1 New York Times bestseller, The Forever Dog, comes the The Forever Dog Life: this highly anticipated book contains more than 120 nutritionally packed recipes for delicious food bowls, fresh food toppers, broths and DIY treats, along with non-toxic cleaners and all-natural recipes for body and home. The ultimate handbook to help your dogs and cats live their best life. The Forever Dog Life book is now available for pre-order worldwide!

Albright's Black Friday sale on Turkey products and Goat's Milk!!  Product discounts can be combined - while supplies la...

Albright's Black Friday sale on Turkey products and Goat's Milk!! Product discounts can be combined - while supplies last!!

No surprises here, but happy to see this research being conducted!!!

No surprises here, but happy to see this research being conducted!!!

Our pleasure to be a “backer” of this study.  Know it will benefit pups across the globe!

Our pleasure to be a “backer” of this study. Know it will benefit pups across the globe!

Following on from Organic Dog Chef's (Cyprus) generous donation of 3% of their revenue for a month, we would also like to thank Albright's Raw Dog Food manufacturers of Indiana for their generous donation, Rawsome Pets & More, a fabulous pet food suppliers, in Illinois, for their wonderful support of our project and Ingenious Probiotics, suppliers of the best topical and cleaning probiotics in the world, for their contribution too.

We'll spotlight each of the companies as they come on board and at the end.

We are nearly 15% ($6,500) after 4 days. That money comes from 76 kind donations: 73 public, 3 businesses.

We only have 25 days left to gather the rest of the money (it's going to cost us £40k / €45k / $48k to get this study published).

All we ask from the public is the price of a cup of coffee to get this very worthwhile, very telling study over the line. If you haven't done so yet, I'm not going to stop asking so you may as well just donate now!

If your preferred supplier or stockist is yet to get on board, why not give them a direct nudge? Here is what you might say in the email to them:

"Hey X. I love your stuff and have been a very loyal supporter of yours for some time. I was hoping that you may in turn support something that we in the raw feeding community are passionate about. Did you see Wylie Vets in the UK are conducting a pet health study comparing the health status of dry and raw-fed dogs? This study is sure to help a lot of pet owners get on board (maybe benefitting your bottom line in return?!) so we're really hoping we'll see you support Wylies in their fundraise!"

We don't ask them for much!

And don't forget to include the link below!!!

Help this study move forward!  Great work by Dr. Conor Brady and team!!

Help this study move forward! Great work by Dr. Conor Brady and team!!

I mentioned a few weeks ago we were planning a retrospective analysis of dry and raw-fed dogs in a single veterinary hospital - in essence, by comparing their vet records from the previous year, we will see who uses the vet more and for what. We will then get this study published in a top journal and use it to further the raw movement globally, to the great benefit of millions of cats and dogs.

The picture painted by many is that research is incredibly, prohibitively expensive for the public to do but in reality, most of the really valuable studies, such as this one, are far from it. The data is already there. Already collected by vets. We just have to look. Our small team can get this done for $48,500

We need your help to do this.

The fact is, all of us - from the owner of a pet enjoying real food each day and now saving you a fortune at the vets to the pet shop that can't keep raw in stock or the pet food manufacturer with a nice, positive bank sheet - all have profited in their own way from such works before.

Please donate (and learn more about the study) here...

Unfortunately, the entire system is rigged to ensure that little studies like these do not happen. Bar Helsinki University, no veterinary departments are interested in investigating, let alone publishing issues with products made by the sponsors of their department. It simply doesn't happen, clearly.

All we have is a small handful of studies in this regard, most of them produced by Dog Risk in Helsinki, and then people like me and RPM, Habib and Becker and all the AWESOME raw-feeding groups working tirelessly to help people new to the game, then take these studies and blast the results to the world. Because when vets and the public alike are shown the truth they are clearly smart enough to grasp it, as exploding sales in raw (and declining sales in dry) clearly show.

We can't wait for our captured institutions to protect us from the multinationals. We must take back control of science. This means doing it ourselves because the secret truth is science is very simple. It doesn't need the lofty brick-and-mortar university set-up. Far from it. There are numerous scientists out there who work outside of them - scientists like Vicky Adams, a highly published veterinary epidemiologist, who is governing this project. It means you can get stuff done quicker and significantly cheaper (50% of every research dollar to a university goes to admin, and much of the rest can be used to prop up the studies of their major benefactors), but it means instead of relying on industry cash, you need to appeal to the public for the truly worthy projects.

We will get this study done in 5 months, start to finish, but we have been given 30 days to raise the $48,500 in order to do it.

It's called citizen science folks - science for the people, by the people. Let’s take action. Let's take back a little control.

Let's get this done. Please donate and enjoy the warm feeling that you will get having given more dogs a chance at a healthier life (and that you stuck it to the man!).

Times are tough for many so promise me this, if you can't donate as little as a dollar, please share this post with your dog food manufacturer or pet shop and ask them to donate and share. Their business is thriving because of works like these. When this study comes out and we start screaming about it, their sales will improve. In essence, we are doing their marketing for them. I feel at least the manufacturers should be getting on board with this. They have more capital and will benefit the most financially from it. If and when they donate they can broadcast it from their social media platforms, showing us they truly care about the cause we care so passionately about. So please, whoever you buy your whole (raw/cooked) dog food from, email them this study and / or tag them in this post.

Rodney Habib
Dr. Karen Becker
Planet Paws
Dr. Judy Morgan's Naturally Healthy Pets
The Natural Pet Doctor
Dr. Peter Dobias
W. Jean Dodds' Hemopet, Petlifeline, Hemolife & Nutriscan
Paleo Ridge Raw Dog Food
The Natural Canine Kitchen
Raw & Holistic Cat & Dog Support Group
Raw Feeding For Dogs Made Simple (U.K)
Wylie Wellness Centre Brentwood
Keep the Tail Wagging - rawfeederlife
The Natural Canine Kitchen
Happy Dogs Aigle
Ingenious Probiotics
Natures Menu
Bella & Duke
Raw Fed Dalmatians
Honey's Real Dog Food
NO BULL Just Natural Health for Dogs


New info on DCM in dogs!!


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Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 08:00 - 17:00
Sunday 08:00 - 17:00




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