Keeping your anxious/reactive dog happy and occupied can be tough.😊
Here's a way to do it that takes ZERO extra time⏱️ while being great for your dog's🐶 emotional❤️ mental🧠 & physical🐕 well-being.
All you have to do is let your dog "help"🔨🪛 you do something you're going to do anyway.
Here, my client Bertie, is helping me repot a plant.🪴 Earlier he helped me bake a cake.🎂 Tomorrow he's going to help me pull up some old flooring.🧱
Any activity works as long as it doesn't include anything harmful to your dog such as harsh chemicals.☠️
Share something your dog can help you with in the comments!
##dogenrichment #cambridgedogs #canineenrichment #reactivedog
One of the bonus benefits of training your dog is that after a great session where your dog gets to use their brain, eat some treats and bond with you, they feel like taking a nice long nap!
Happy Friday!
There are 2 big mistakes almost everyone makes when teaching their dog to come when called. 🐕🐕
Learn NOT🚫 to make these mistakes & you're more than halfway to perfect recall with your dog.
Add in my best tips for making the whole process so much easier & you'll be the envy of all the dog parents in your neighborhood. 🎖🎖
Comment RECALL in the comments if you want the link to my free recall class with examples and a step-by-step handout.🐕🐕
Can't wait to send it to you ❤️
#reavtivedog #anxiousdog #dogtrainingtips #dogtraining
Hey! Join me & Tori @TMistick over on IG at 7:30pm EST tonight for our Live chat!
Check out my brand new course that puts an end to your dog's nuisance barking. The Bark Free Blueprint has everything you need to get your dog to stop their banking habit no matter why they're doing it.
Enroll now to get all the bonus live support. Stop the barking at the link in my bio.
The park was super crowded and Shadow did amazing 👏 🤩 I think this was her best park walk yet! So proud of little girl.
Had a great time trying out a new @sniffspots today. Awesome yard Shadow loved running around in. A ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️experience ❤️🐕