Update on the rapid growth of the Gyosy Chicks of GypsyGems Farm . They're about 25 days old now ...
At only 16 days old, the Gypsy Chicks of GypsyGems Farm are already practicing flight!
July 30 - The Gypsy Chicks of Gypsy Gems Farm! Only 4 days later from the previous videos and look how much they've grown!
July 26 - everybody, back to your room! Part 5
July 26 - black and white baby 9-day old feathers. Part 4
July 26 - baby chicks only 9 days old! They grow SO fast. These are Americaunas, Austrolorpes, Buff Orpingtons, Calico Princesses, and TWO "Mystery" chicks. Have no idea what breed they are. Part 3
July 26 - baby wing feathers! Part 2