Sometimes I get caught up in “rare” or “unusual” fish and forget about some of the more mainstream staples in the hobby. Rosy Barbs can easily go unnoticed until they get settled into a nice stable aquarium. As you can see here, once they’re happy, they’re on fire!
Update on the custom 150 gallon African Cichlid Community set up a couple of years ago.
My little helpers Megan and Jack having a good time feeding the fish at the District tonight.
This is a Lemon Yellow Cichlid holding babies from one of my customers tanks. Sometimes when it makes sense I’ll take the babies out of her mouth and raise them up separately to prevent them from being eaten when she releases them into the display tank. I’ve done this many times before but never one-handed. Sorry there’s no commentary. Not quite used to hearing my voice on video yet 🤣
Playing with the Porcupine Puffer...
Part of my pet Dinosaur collection making quick work of some Tilapia Fillets...
Always nice to see fish making fishy families in clients' tanks! Things have to be good to make them want to start a family ☺️
One of my client's 180,000 gallon Koi pond that he started with 5 high end imported Japanese Koi. They're all stunners! Yes, I'm jealous!
Feeding time...
These fat pigs know me very well! They'd eat out of my hand if I cared less about my fingers!
Native Fishes of Illinois Aquarium
This is what about $60,000 worth of Clown Triggers from Bali looks like-crazy!
Mini Serpent Stars go back home to the refugium after being trapped in a filter bag...