PLEASE VOTE and get your ballot in the mail. While you are filling out your ballot, we ask you to please VOTE NO on Proposition 129. Thank you.
By retracting their endorsement of Proposition 129 and aligning with the overwhelming majority of veterinarians and veterinary hospitals who strongly oppose the measure, The Durango Herald editorial board revealed a critical truth: what may sound beneficial on paper is actually detrimental in practice.
As the Herald stated, “At face value, the initiative sounds good. Digging a little deeper, it contains significant flaws.”
This shift is significant, as it reflects the voices of many experts who raised concerns. Addressing its readers, the editorial board explained their decision:
“Dear readers of the opinion pages, Because of several thoughtful commentaries about Proposition 129 that have crossed our desks, the editorial board is reversing its position on the creation of a new level of professional veterinarian.”
The article outlines key problems, such as how the proposed position’s training and education requirements are tied to an academic program that doesn’t yet exist, and that contrasts sharply with the standards of highly qualified veterinarians. Additionally, the new role would overlap and undermine the vital work already being performed by veterinary technicians.
The board’s reversal makes clear that Proposition 129 would lower the standard of care for Colorado pets without offering any genuine benefits. As the Herald concluded:
“It’s no wonder 3 out of 4 Colorado veterinarians and the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association oppose the initiative. For the sake of our pets, so should you.”
Link to article: www.durangoherald.com/articles/our-view-no-to-prop-129-for-the-sake-of-our-pets/