Band practice? Stay always means stay. ;)
Just one way we teach our students to share the park. A nice stay allows any number of distractions to go by. Good work morning crew!
What an awesome day of training both in town and in Milton today! Morning class was a total hoot, I will be thinking up more games for the future so keep working hard because you never know what I might do ;) . We also have a crew of adorable puppies that came out and rocked agility today. Always fun to watch the little ones build their confidence. Now everyone do your homework and we will see you on the field at your next class. ~Leigh
When you are out with your dogs, never waste a good distraction. Building reliable obedience only happens when you work hard at it. Jazz and Loki found an awesome RC car with a driver more than happy to zoom around their stays today at the park.
Wes takes his turn at weight pull at Pitty Fair.