Many of my customers offer me carte Blanche, granting me artistic license in designing their mounts. But sometimes my customers come to me knowing exactly what they want. Such was the case with Cody Trammell, and his first bow killed buck. Influenced by his Dad to enjoy the outdoors, he wanted this mount to reflect that. He brought me one of his Dad's flannel shirts, instructing me to mount it onto the show side of the wall pedestal shoulder mount. He asked that the pocket be present, as he plans to put his Dad's pack of ci******es in that left pocket, just as he used to. They say "every picture tells a story" and often times the same holds true for taxidermy, too.
I figured I'd add this...to those who don't know, this type of mount is called a "wall pedestal", because it's like a free standing pedestal mount style that has a smallish flat spot to still mount to the wall. So, that leaves a concave "scalloped" opened side that shows. That's what's showing Cory's dad's flannel shirt.