I don't usually share my personal stuff here, but this surgery will impact my availability. It will require a 3 week recovery, but I might be able to work the third week. I just need to confirm.
If you are willing and able to help, praying, donating, supporting my other business, Hope Builder Inspirations , or sharing my need or business page are all great ways to help!
Sometimes, whether you want to or not, you have to ask for help. I hate that this is my reality, but I currently find myself in a place that requires me to humble myself and ask for help in paying for a very expensive surgery. I am trusting God and know that whether He chooses to provide for this surgery now, later, or really later...He is good and faithful. He will continue to supply my daily needs, strength, and hope.
🦋 Please take a moment to read below about my situation and how you can help.
Last June (2023) I was trying to eat my dinner when I noticed I was having trouble swallowing. I eventually went to look in the mirror and discovered my neck had a swollen, red band all the way across. It was a bit shocking and scary. I contacted my doctor and got in a couple of days later.
Ultimately, ultrasound scans revealed two nodules, one on each side of my thyroid that were highly suspicious of cancer. The remainder of 2023 included just about every thyroid test and a FNA (biopsy) which, thankfully, was benign (not cancer). I was also grateful that during the FNA they drained 2.5 syringes worth of fluid off my right nodule, providing some relief to my compressive symptoms.
In the Fall I saw a specialist that ordered an RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation) procedure. It could have taken up to a year to get full results and may still have had to be done a second time. However, because of my financial situation I still could not afford the procedure.
Fast forward to this month. We did a follow-up with an updated ultrasound and ENT appointment. While my left nodule has only slightly grown, my right nodule replaced what was drained and grew significantly more. This explains why my symptoms have been increasing over the past few months.
Symptoms include always feeling a lump in my throat and breathing difficulties causing coughing along with interruptions in speaking, eating, and singing. I can't hold my head in certain ways or sleep in certain positions because it can push the nodules into my airway. If sitting on the right side of a vehicle, I have to hold my seat belt away from my body because it can affect that nodule and has even caused choking fits. (Not the safest setup.) I have to be careful when washing my neck because if I put too much pressure on it, I'll start choking. It's my "off button" as has become our joke. It's not funny, but we have to make light of something! It kind of scares the drs when they unexpectedly trigger it (despite my warnings).
So, even though it is benign, the continued growth and increasing symptoms has now caused my doctor to order surgery to remove the right side of my thyroid. I fully expected that answer. What I didn't expect was that the surgery is actually complicated enough that it requires me to stay overnight in the hospital. All of this translates to a very expensive surgery.
After speaking to my Financial Aid case worker, I learned that the discounted rate I qualify for totals $18,527.22. 🤯 (You don't even want to know the non-discounted price!) This is significantly more than I make in an entire YEAR, despite running two businesses. They consider all of these surgeries “elective” which hikes the price as well. (I may be biased, but a surgery required to allow me to breathe properly feels necessary, not elective.) The other complication with this number is that, since it is a discounted amount for self-pay patients, there is no billing allowed. EVERY last penny must be paid 48 Hours PRIOR to surgery.
That number, and the inability to be billed for even a portion of it, means surgery is an impossibility for me on my own. This is why I'm asking for help. God has a plan and maybe you are part of it. Maybe you are going to help pray me through this. Maybe you can give $5.00. Maybe you can give more. I don't know how long it will take, but I'm trusting God to move!
Currently, the surgery is on the calendar for April 10th because that's what they did in the ENT's office before I left. (Before I knew any numbers.) I will confirm by Saturday that this date needs to be moved out, but I'm curious to see what God has up his sleeve!
️✅️ PRAY: I believe in the power of prayer because of the God who hears them.
This has already been a rough year and I would be so thankful if you took me to the feet of Jesus for I trust His heart for me.
(1) I'm still recovering from a minor surgery I had at the beginning of March (which took all my pennies). Pray my wound will finally close!
(2) The hospitalization and passing of my Grandpa has hit us hard.
(3) These "neck babies" kicking my trachea - pray for God's provision to evict them!
✅️️️ Make an order from my small business, Hope Builder Inspirations. Please note, it may take a little longer for delivery as the majority of my current stock is designated for my first upcoming live event.
✅️️️ Donate (this is the hard ask). You can give through:
🔸 ️️Venmo (Note: 🦋)
🔸️️ Paypal (Note: 🦋)
🔸️ ️By check directly to my bank.
Please make checks payable to "Debbi Gifford" and mail them to:
Landmark National Bank
1310 Baptiste Dr
Paola, KS 66071
✅️️ SHARE: Additional prayers and support over at Hope Builder Inspirations WILL make a difference!
Thank you for considering if and how God is directing you to help!