Nora and Rownee having a great day! We hope your day is awesome! #playtime #runnindogs
Hosing down the pig pen yesterday & the Yorkshire definitely LOVES water. She comes running every time the hose turns on. #yorkshire #pig #pigloveswater #KBCrossfarm
We are super excited to announce our summer programs! Both include 4 virtual farm tours (1/week), Private Facebook group, 8 livestreams (2/week), a monthly gift, monthly activity! KBX Kids Club is $20/month/kid any additional kids is $8/month/kid. Cross Farm Families $30/month includes everything from KBX Kids Club plus a weekly recipe and a livestock lessons article. Please click the link to register. You will receive an email once your registration is processed!
OB Cross Farm welcomes 7 new members to our farm. Mallard Ducklings looking for names. One is Named Piper leave suggestions in the comments for the other’s names!
Made a temporary pool out of old tires and a tarp! The alpacas sure seemed to enjoy it on this hot day! #kbcrossfarm #alpacas #rj #buckeye #smores #kisses #ingenuity #pool #poolparty
Ike enjoying some grass and sunshine. Remember to enjoy the little things! ❤️🤗 #kbcrossfarm #alpaca #ike
Announcement!!!! Yesterday we welcomed a new member to our team, Lengedairy Pygmies Acacia! She is 4 months old and is super playful. #kbcrossfarm #Acacia #pygmygoats #welcome
Attention all Animal Lovers!!!!! Kylee Cross and Nikki Cross are now offering Virtual Livestock Meet & Greet! 20 minute zoom call featuring one of our animals including virtual interaction and Q&A. Follow @odellcross_cpa_nikki_cross_ceo and @crossfarmslivestock for annoucements of dates, times, pricing, and animals. Due to animal behavior and weather, times may vary with 24 hour warning. #odc #animaltherapy #kbcrossfarm #virtuallovestockmeetandgreet
Sound On! We had quite the adventure today!
#KBCrossFarm #S’mores #Kisses #Ike #RJ #Buckeye #Goldie #Bella #Calico #Oreo #Ellie #Star #walk
Baby alpaca was curious out and about. Listen with the sound on, you can hear him humming.
Name announcement soon!
Throwback Thursday! Pygmies, Calico and Oreo, playing around at a NPGA show in October, Spooktacular!