Zenni Dogs

Zenni Dogs Behavioral Trainer

Happy New Year! Here are just a few of the people and their dogs I had the honor of working within 2023. These are some ...

Happy New Year! Here are just a few of the people and their dogs I had the honor of working within 2023. These are some of the most genuinely open people I have met who showed dedication to making their relationship stronger with their dogs by understanding the dogs' world and stepping up to take the lead. I thank every client and dog that I have worked with and continue to work with for making what I do that much more beautiful. I can only post 10 photos at a time so I will hopefully be posting with more information and more sessions that deserve recognition of our work together.
Zenni Dogs is not ghosting. I was just really busy doing what I love to focus on the social media stuff. Cheers to all and to 2024 bringing Zenni Dogs more opportunities to help make our connection with our dogs stronger than ever✌🏽✌🏽🦋🐾🐾🐾🦋

I just recently finished work with Brian and his Belgian Malinois Kota.Brian reached out to Zenni Dogs  initially becaus...

I just recently finished work with Brian and his Belgian Malinois Kota.
Brian reached out to Zenni Dogs initially because of Kota's high-strung energy and reactivity towards other dogs.
After multiple sessions and diligent work and follow through, Brian has stepped up to become the pack leader that Kota needed to understand who to trust and follow in all her experiences.

Like all first sessions- we started with the foundation, understanding what drives our dog, how they interpret the world, and what they are telling us.

But understanding our dog is only half the picture. Learning how to effectively communicate with our dogs (in a way they actually understand) is what sets us up to build a healthy and long-lasting relationship.
Once we learn this new language, we create a harmonious flowing conversation between humans and dogs that never shut off with consistent and persistent practice.

What had once seemed impossible in the past happened during our last session. Kota walking side by side with other dogs. Not only is she physically near other dogs, but she is also mentally calm, neutral, and connected with Brian, who had the tough job himself to learn how to be natural and neutral.

While the sessions may have ended, the road to a healthy relationship is never finished nor rarely paved for us. It takes consistent communication through direction, creating boundaries and a guidance system that dogs rely on for a sense of fulfillment . We can certainly see the payoff loud and clear in Kota's content energy.

Great work, Brian. We hope to see you soon on our packwalks!

(While Zenni Dogs is not accepting non-client dogs into the pack walks, current clients are not only welcome but ENCOURAGED to join the daily pack walks. Doing so builds up handler confidence and sets a new precident for our dog to learn how to be neutral around other dogs.)

Thank you for consistently helping to handle the other dogs.

It has been a very long while since my last post. I haven't gone anywhere but am still continuously working with dogs an...

It has been a very long while since my last post. I haven't gone anywhere but am still continuously working with dogs and their humans to build a better connection.
Last month marked the 5 year anniversary since the beginning of my training business, Zenni Dogs. In these last 5 years, I have met and worked with many people and their dogs from all walks of life, giving me opportunities to help create a deeper and balanced way of being together. It has been and continues to be an absolute honor and pleasure to have worked with so many dedicated humans who want to learn about their dogs so that they can provide a healthy environment and experience for their dog friends. There is nothing more rewarding than watching humans be able to connect with their dogs through the understanding of their pups' natural world and to watch dogs evolve from struggle to feeling secure.
Also, last but not least, after 5 years, Zenni Dogs has finally established a WEBSITE! Thank you to Kelly Dietrich for helping me create a site that captures the essence of what Zenni Dogs is about. If you get a chance, check it out!



This post is dedicated to a long-time pack member Bo. We had to unexpectedly say goodbye a few weeks back due to cancer....

This post is dedicated to a long-time pack member Bo. We had to unexpectedly say goodbye a few weeks back due to cancer. I was taken back quite a bit that I had to say goodbye so suddenly to this sneaky, charming, beautiful boy. He had such a presence in the pack with the other dogs and was quite the charming attention getter with people watching him walk by. I was given the opportunity to spend some solo time with him before he made his transition. I took quite a bit of pictures of him as I watched him take in the air and the surroundings as if he was preparing to say goodbye. He was extra affectionate with me, and I felt his appreciation for the time we had spent together. There are so many great pack pictures of him from over the years that it was so difficult to choose. I've decided to post some as stories as I want everyone to see just how much this boy was loved. I'm still in a bit of shock he's gone but forever grateful that I had the opportunity to spend so much time with him and especially just before he crossed that rainbow bridge where he is packing up with Layla, JJ, Basil, and Bronson. Until I can lead them again, I will always hold them in my heart. #🐾❤️💙

Rascal and his 2 amazing handlers Michelle and Dana from the South Bay Animal Hospital completed their training sessions...

Rascal and his 2 amazing handlers Michelle and Dana from the South Bay Animal Hospital completed their training sessions in hopes of helping Rascal go from being a resident of the hospital to a happy, thriving dog in a responsible and dedicated permanent home.
When Michelle initially reached out to me, I immediately jumped at the opportunity to help these ladies and their staff with getting Rascal under control after developing some intense, mouthy, overly adrenalized behaviors that made it impossible to handle him and a stressed staff reluctant to go near him. This situation reminded me of back when, for many years, as a veterinary technician, I would see similar situations as animals were placed with the hospitals waiting for someone to adopt them and in the meantime, seeing thier state of mind decline as living in a hectic and stressful environment had taken over making it difficult to adopt them out..
I took this opportunity to work with lead tech Dana and hospital manager Michelle to show them how to properly retrieve him from his kennel and to make their very limited time with him of quality that would help leave a lasting impression on Rascal teaching him how to listen to the humans despite the stressful environment. We utilized the practice of long line work to help him release his overly prey/defense driven mindset along with patterns of movement that helped shift gears until his instinctual pack drive kicked in. We also worked on place work that showed Rascal how to relax in place and through the direction of his handlers, making them more relevant than the high activity surrounding. We took our practice to the nearby park where everything came together not only for Rascal but also for Dana and Michelle as their confidence skyrocketed each follow-up. I am absolutely impressed with the transformation of all of them and how much they really put in the effort to make their extremely limited time with Rascal of pure quality that had a great impact on him. If you are interested in fostering or adopting Rascal, please send me a DM.

I had the pleasure of working with  this sweet lady and her 2 pups, Burtie and Blossom. She had great difficulty control...

I had the pleasure of working with this sweet lady and her 2 pups, Burtie and Blossom. She had great difficulty controlling them both on walks due to over stimulation, which made everything seem overwhelming and threatening in their eyes. Kathleen, who is soft and meek, either avoided walks or would walk them separately. It took quite a bit of encouragement as well as time to work with her dogs to create some semblance of connection amongst all of them. Once Kathleen found the pleasure of working with them on a long line and place work, her nervousness started to break, and she started to really enjoy rebuilding her relationship with her 2 dogs. Once she saw the results of her effort, she really put the work in following through with her new awareness of dogs and their nature that helped to bring out their pack drive.
I enjoy watching my clients grow in confidence during this process, and their dogs feed off of their humans while enjoying their new way of following and structure. Kathleen went from the dog lover to the pack leader.

It has been a long while since my last post. It has been a very busy time for Zenni Dogs as well as a transitioning and ...

It has been a long while since my last post. It has been a very busy time for Zenni Dogs as well as a transitioning and sad time.
A couple of weeks ago, we had to say goodbye to one of the dynamic duo boxers, Layla. She was diagnosed with cancer and unexpectedly and quickly declined just 2 weeks later.
Layla and Mila have been with me since the early beginning of Zenni Dogs. For almost 5 years, these 2 bungling, goofy duo have helped create such a strong foundational net of a sweet welcoming vibe to new dogs and any humans who joined us for our pack walks. Layla was full of jittery energy, but once we got rolling, she was calm focused and sweet as could be. The bond between her and her sister Mila was solid and secure.
It is quite the understatement to say just how much this has affected me and Mila. Mila continues on the walks without her sister physically, but we feel her presence with us always. I am doing my best to help Mila with her grieving (which is obvious) by leading her just the same as always and surrounded by her other pack members who offer such great support.
The pack pictures were always excentuated by the presence of both Mila and Layla. Now, we have to get used to only one but still just as important and special than before.
I miss Layla, but I know she's hanging with Basil, JJ and Bronson packing up together on the other side.
Love you, Laya, and thank you for bringing such great qualities and love to Zenni Dogs.💙🦋🐕🐾🐾 #🐾🐕 #💙🦋

Someone just recently said to me that I am teaching people to be their dog's trainer. I don't see it that way at all. I ...

Someone just recently said to me that I am teaching people to be their dog's trainer. I don't see it that way at all. I see that oftentimes, peoples interpretation of training is teaching dogs to do things on commands and that the people themselves do not have to do anything different and that the responsibility falls all on the dog to automatically know how we want them to be. There is an assumption that if a dog knows the basic commands (sit, down, stay) that the dog will be good. What I observe is that dog's behavioral issues are due to a lack of understanding of their world, meaning a lack of understanding of how they receive information, assess, and perceive their environment which is very different from us.
I help clear up the misunderstanding between dogs and their people by teaching people their dogs' world first, then the ways of communicating your intentions while still fulfilling your dog's instinctual needs to thrive and not survive in the environment they were invited to live in. I teach and work with people to communicate by way of dog that will help build a stronger, healthier, and more organic connection. I help people become more proactive in their dogs' lives and less reactive when their dogs are struggling.
I work with dogs to help transition their state of mind from overly stimulated, which creates behaviors such as reactivity, etc.to a calmer state that helps shift how they handle situations under the direction and guidance of their people.
Training is a part of that bridge building as well as the tools and techniques used to train. But if you don't understand what it means to your dog in their world to keep them fulfilled, then those techniques won't be as effective.
I help people know their dog as the dogs they are and help dogs through their struggles developed during the lack of understanding.
It's time to become more aware and strengthen your relationship between you and your dog through Zenni Dogs.

David and his 2 beautiful dogs, Spirit and Gypsy. Gypsy got to hang back and have the pleasure of watching David take th...

David and his 2 beautiful dogs, Spirit and Gypsy. Gypsy got to hang back and have the pleasure of watching David take the initiative to help Spirit settle down. It had been up to Gypsy in the past to try and control Spirit through dog way, which was proven to be chaotic as humans tried to intervene their way..
David needed help understanding the communication between his dogs. I provided him with some important information and tools along with the guidance he needed before stepping in to help rebuild the dynamic of everyone's relationship.
Spirit is over adrenalized blended with insecurities that made him a low defense, high fight along with high prey drive which made walking nearly impossible and unpleasurable.
Spirit was given the opportunity through long line work along with place work to release some of that energy. It was also through the control of our movements and the space given that we created a pattern for Spirit to catch onto that would help bring him into a pack driven state. David has done a great job putting in the work as it showed through our folllow up sessions. He is also aware that the work will continue to help Spirit release some of his high-energy and receive the guidance through David's new and improved ways of handling and communicating with his dogs..
These activities help bring together dogs and their humans in a more proactive manner that makes intensions and information clearer dogs look for from us rather than the continuous reactive and physical struggle everyone learns to endure. This is not just training. This is communicating. You can learn about your dog's world with the help of Zenni Dogs.

Another post of gratitude for all the great people I have had the pleasure of working with(only a few shown from this ye...

Another post of gratitude for all the great people I have had the pleasure of working with(only a few shown from this year). Thanks for making each year of Zenni Dogs stronger than ever. Thank you for your support and openness to want to learn your dog's world and giving me the pleasure of being the one to teach you. Happy New Year to all. Here's to a new year of expansion. #✌🏽💙👍🏽
#2023 #✌🏽

A day in the pack life of 2022There is much gratitude for all of the dogs I work with either during training sessions or...

A day in the pack life of 2022
There is much gratitude for all of the dogs I work with either during training sessions or walking them in packs. They remind me every day to breathe. Thanks to all of them and my clients for making each year of Zenni Dogs strong. Happy New Years to all. Here's to a new year of expansion. #✌🏽💙👍🏽
#2023 #✌🏽


Dima communicating with Flash through long line work enhancing his pack drive and talking about the reaults.✌🏽👌🏽👏🏽🦋💙

One of the biggest rewards that I find in this work isn't just the transformation in dogs but in their humans as well. W...

One of the biggest rewards that I find in this work isn't just the transformation in dogs but in their humans as well. When I first meet the dogs and their people, I assess that both are lacking in information, lacking in confidence, and struggling in communication, resulting in a disconnect between them. I then understand what is needed to assist both in building confidence within themselves first, then with each other second. This family understood that to help Flash and his concerning behaviors (defensively reactive using bite to fight as well as prey driven), they had to understand dogs and their instinctual world. Once, they put into practice not only the techniques but also communicating their intensions to Flash based on how dogs understand, receive, and perceive their environment, then the communication became healthier and more flowing. Flash's confidence in Dima and the rest of the family grew stronger as Dima's nervous energy watered away through the practice of follow-through, persistence, and consistent guidance. This was truly a rewarding experience for everyone involved.

We are thankful for quite the busy year. Zenni Dogs appreciates all the support my clients and the public have shown us ...

We are thankful for quite the busy year. Zenni Dogs appreciates all the support my clients and the public have shown us these last 4 years. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from all of us.✌🏽🦋💙


Zenni Dogs shared a post on Instagram: "Pack and training life with Zenni Dogs". Follow their account to see 224 posts.

This sweet and loving couple were referred to me by a training and daycare company to help figure out why their dog Ariz...

This sweet and loving couple were referred to me by a training and daycare company to help figure out why their dog Arizona was so reactive, not only with her people but also during her time at the center.
Arizona is a sensitive and soft in nature dog who's nervous energy made her extremely tense in many situations to which she learned to navigate herself defensively and go into a fight zone whenever she felt uncomfortable and pressurized. Yvette and Martin were extremely concerned with these behaviors and they became increasingly nervous around her. They were baffled because they never had experienced a dog this reactive before.
I assisted them in learning about Arizona through long line work to build a foundation of communication through structural direction that engaged Arizona's mind on her people that helped bring her into a calmer more following state. She responded very well to the work and Yvette and Martin were relieved that there was light coming through. The other half of the work was to help guide Yvette and Martin to continue understanding and to communicate with Arizona as a dog to help fulfill her instinctual needs that All dogs are looking for. In the end, they were better versed in her body language as well as her instinctual drives that helped them to deliver their intensions through consistent guidance. I was so pleased to see such an amazing transformation amongst all 3 and a beautiful connection develop. They went from dog lovers to pack leaders. 🦋✌🏽🐾🐕

This past July marked 4 years since the beginning of Zenni Dogs. It has been such an amazing journey for myself along wi...

This past July marked 4 years since the beginning of Zenni Dogs. It has been such an amazing journey for myself along with my company packs well as my personal pack. All of us have grown so much throughout these 4 years of walking and training together. I am sincerely grateful, blessed and appreciate every dog that has come into my experience as well as every human that have opened their doors and hearts to me and who have allowed me to help them build a stronger relationship with their dogs. I have learned so much about myself working with each dog and family. The most rewarding experience is watching these beings come together in a way they never imagined themselves being with one another. As I get to witness peoples personal growth happen and smiles grow during each session and witness breakthroughs with each dog that have struggled with thier behavior, I am always reminded that I am exactly where I need to be in my own life.
I thank all of my clients for their trust, dedication and willingness to work with me even though they realize that the true transformation is not solely relied upon their dogs to do, but also for themselves as well to make a better relationship between themselves and their dogs..

Since the beginning of this year, I have stopped accepting new dogs in my my packs as I expand my training services. However, as a part of the training process, I offer my clients to join me on my walks and take the opportunity to utilize the tools and information they have learned during our sessions which is a helpful experience for them to build more confidence. Here are just a few of many pictures I have of my packs and clients experiencing the power they hold to lead not only their own dogs, but a whole pack of dogs. This is their process coming from being dog lovers to pack leaders. I am blessed to be a part of this process. Thank you again to everyone and your support these last 4 years. ❤️


This has to be one of my most memorable training sessions in all the years that I have been working with both dogs and people. Here is an 11 year old boy who happens to be autistic learning how to focus, follow through and trust. In this video you can see how he utilizes the tools, his body language, and the pressure release system I had shown him and his family to better communicate with their dog Pugsly to help him with his over excitability and reactions.
We had a few sessions under our belt and with every follow up there were huge changes in both Pugsly and his people. It filled my heart especially to watch this young man conquer his struggle with focusing on tasks through his desire to connect better with Pugsly.
The work put in is not about training your dog to do what you want. It is about communicating through the understanding of your dog's instinctual side of things and calibrating to a better relationship. This young man and his family reminded me exactly why I love what I do. Bravo to this young man and his entire family👏🏽👏🏽🐾🐕 (permission was granted to post the video in its entirety)


It was a great pleasure to work with Mario and his dog Mago. Mago was saved just in time before being euthanized by his previous people for being too excited and all the behaviors that came with that state. Mago is a German Shepherd and Belgium Malinois mix with a high prey drive and fight mix that was difficult to control when certain triggers were present. We worked Mago's state out with the help of specific tools such as the long line that would help him release and work out his high state so we could get him to focus on more direction that put him in a following state. Mario used his sense of awareness to pay more attention to Mago's body language and know when to help cycle out Mago's excitement levels by creating a pattern to follow. This helped decrease the momentum of that state which then helped Mago realize an option to rely on and that felt better to him rather than to continue with struggle during specific experiences.
With each session, I witnessed a different dog and a different human who went from struggling with insecurities, over stimulation and reactivity to proactive, confident, trusting and connecting. Mago's pack drive kicked into gear with the consistent work put in by Mario. The trust and bond built in the few weeks between them was amazing to watch and I couldn't be any more proud of them both. Congratulations on their new relationship! psychology

There is something about spring that accentuates the flow of happiness.

There is something about spring that accentuates the flow of happiness.

Thank you to  for wanting to swing by on your way back from a work shop to check out a part of what Zenni Dogs is about....

Thank you to for wanting to swing by on your way back from a work shop to check out a part of what Zenni Dogs is about. Due to weather on one of the days,work was limited but what we were able to do, I appreciated your help and interest.

A relaxed state is a freeing feeling.

A relaxed state is a freeing feeling.

We took part of the day to recharge, regroup, and reconnect. I work non stop that my dogs remind me it's too much. I app...

We took part of the day to recharge, regroup, and reconnect. I work non stop that my dogs remind me it's too much. I appreciate all the dogs in my experience that show their support for me by letting me know to check myself. To give that guidance I so much talk about, it should come from a clear place. If we are drained and stretched to our limits, then the communication flow becomes distorted and the dogs will remind us their way. Question is, do you know how to really listen to your dog and do you know what they are telling you? The best way to connect with your pup is understanding their side of the world so you know when they really have your back. Understanding their drives, perception, their language key components to creating a strong pack.

Somewhere over the rainbow there is a pack of dogs to greet you. 🌈 🐾🐕🦋🤙🏽✌🏽

Somewhere over the rainbow there is a pack of dogs to greet you. 🌈 🐾🐕🦋🤙🏽✌🏽

Training isn't just about getting your dog to do things on command. It's about  communicating to connect on the level of...

Training isn't just about getting your dog to do things on command. It's about communicating to connect on the level of understanding your dog's nature and drives by utilizing tools, techniques and follow through on a daily basis. This will strengthen your relationship and allow you to bring your experience with your dog to a whole new level. Great work by my clients Bianca and Daniel.

Giving more direction than affection creates  satisfaction and appreciation for one another which is affection of a natu...

Giving more direction than affection creates satisfaction and appreciation for one another which is affection of a natural kind.

Ruh roh! It's a pack of dogs! Ginkies! They sure do look like they're ready to solve some mystery.      -Doo            ...

Ruh roh! It's a pack of dogs! Ginkies! They sure do look like they're ready to solve some mystery. -Doo



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