Harmony Horsemanship

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  • Harmony Horsemanship

Harmony Horsemanship I am a horse trainer and riding instructor located in the Northern Nevada area. I emphasize respect

❗️Looking for a Mustang but do not have the time, experience, or desire/want to train one out of holding?💠Opportunity Pa...

❗️Looking for a Mustang but do not have the time, experience, or desire/want to train one out of holding?

💠Opportunity Partner with me with the 2025 EMM to get your very own piece of the wild west- with less wild tendancies 🤣

🔹️OR you may sponsor part or all of the care, training, ans things necessary to produce these horses at this level. At the end You'll have the option to keep the horse, (opt out of the auction), or share in the auction proceeds.

❗️❗️ Keep up with video and live recordings of the training process from pick-up to finishing the competition.
🔹️Be included in posts, flyers, banners and more.

💠Ways to help💠
Join the Mustang training demonstrations held at various times in 2025. (Mustang Demos is a side event hosted by Harmony Horsemanship in 2025 and details are not yet live)

❗️Limited private riding lesson spots available.. up to 5 days a week of lesson availability possible.💠Classical Dressag...

❗️Limited private riding lesson spots available.. up to 5 days a week of lesson availability possible.
💠Classical Dressage: Beginner-intermediate
💠Western Dressage: Beginner
💠General English or Western Beginner-Intermediate

🔹️Ages 6+
🔹️On your horse or a lesson horse

PM the page or contact via the website at rhhorsemanship.com


The mythology of deities and villians.

Horse people are a special breed. They come in a remarkable variety of backgrounds, beliefs, and personality types, but still can share an almost cult-like obsession and dedication.

In May, I gave birth to my first baby, a little boy. It has been remarkable how even the most obvious of facts have created powerful, emotional epiphanies for me. For example, that every single person on Earth, was once a baby. A baby who was helpless, who was scared, who giggled, who just wanted and needed love and care. We share that experience as human beings.

I've long believed something similar about horse people. At some point, they were just innocently in love with the magnanimous beauty, freedom, and power that horses possess. Before the riding, the discipline, the art, or the sport, there was just the love of the animal. We share that experience as equestrians.

Charlotte Dujardin's very public fall from grace brings all of this to the forefront for me. I was not at all shocked or surprised when I saw the video. I wasn't even that disturbed because it is nowhere near the worst I have seen. This type of approach is par for the course in top sport Dressage. We know it's reflective of a culture problem and not a one-off because 4 things are very evident:

1) Despite being clearly stressed, the horse was quite tolerant. This isn't the first time he's experienced this kind of treatment and been expected to figure something out... and he isn't Charlotte's horse.
2) Charlotte's attitude is determined and matter-of-fact. She isn't whipped up in an emotional frenzy and she was okay to do this in front of an audience.
3) The rider claims to have been uncomfortable and unhappy in the moment, but was too intimidated to question such a celebrity trainer.
4) Charlotte's own mentor, Carl Hester, signed a document condeming the actions in the video, as though what is in that video were the foreign acts of some rogue stranger. What completely un-mentor-like and disingenuous behavior. He was very happy to align himself with her in fair weather, and now he's cut her loose in the face of a storm.

What the video shows is without question, not okay. But, the absolute vilification of this women as though she is some monster who lied to everyone that thought of her as their queen... is total bu****it. She's being thrown to the wolves and is being made an example of by her own people for the purpose of politics. Yes, the timing of the release of a 2 year old video also makes that evident. This entire scene is indicative of a toxic, manipulative and exploitative culture within the industry of top sport.

Why wasn't Cesar Parra burned at the stake like this? Or Helgestrand? Their crimes are without any doubt worse. Is it because Helgestrand's family holds significatly greater financial influence and power in the industry? Or maybe it is just because they were never deified and held up as darling heros in the first place. The industry knows there is a culture problem with top sport, and the threat of outside regulation is becoming real. Isabell Werth, a notoriously egregious offender in horse welfare, also ironically signed this document condemning Charlotte. Next signature we will hear about is Sjef Janssen's!

Anyone who ever saw Charlotte and her horses as flawless, didnt know enough about what they were looking at, and that's okay. But don't accuse her of betrayal and blame her for your ignorance. In that video, she was doing what she's been taught, what had been rewarded by judges via the way her horses go, and what has been normalized in the industry. She's far from the worst offender and I absolutely know she's not a heartless monster.
Because she's just another human.
A wife.
A mother.
And yes, a horse lover, even if she has in some ways prioritized the horse's performance over his wellbeing.

But she was never a Goddess, a Unicorn, a Savior, or your Guru. Please spare those of us who knew better the shock and heartbreak. She didn't deceive you: the FEI, the national organizations like USEF, and the judges have been pulling the wool over your eyes, and hers, for decades.

Remember, Charlotte has been being told for years that what she is doing is not just correct, it's exemplary. The horses and Charlotte herself are the ones who are actually being betrayed by this ex*****on theater.

She didn't start her journey as a horse loving little girl doing what she did in that video, she was groomed by an industry that has lost it's way.
Hold THEM responsible!!


My thoughts, my opinions on Charlotte and the frankly asanine and cruel response of people towards Charlotte as a human.
Now I am not a high level Dressage rider-yet anyway- the biggest competition I ever did was an Extreme Mustang Makeover. I have done dressage shows and all around shows as well.
I am a trainer, instructor, and horseman. I have worked with many mustangs, from wild to ridden, I have started older horses that haven't had a lot of experience, I've worked horses that have been severely abused and have a lot of that trauma still holding to them. I have trained and worked horses that were coddled and babied and never learnt manners or "no" and were the type to try to run someone over. The horses that have a bucking or rearing issue- I am often the one asked to "see what he knows" on a new horse.
All this to say that although I have done a lot of different things with a variety of horses, I am specializing in English Dressage, and taking one own horses through the level as I am learning I am by no means an FEI level rider and I make this point to denote I am talking about this from a horsemanship perspective. And from a HUMAN perspective.

I do not in anyway condone was Charlotte did. I also asked people who knew more than me and watched the video multiple times; because when I first saw it, I couldn't tell all of the times the whip connected to the horse. Certainly you could tell when the horse reacted adversely. But the whip cracking does not always mean that it is connecting with the horse. But again I have discussed this with others, and even if my perspective was correct; that wouldn't mean that what was happening is okay-but it would have been blown out of proportion. I have myself gotten after horses for a reason or another. My intent is never to harm or scare them but I need them to respond. Now again I am not saying this is the case with Charlotte but it COULD have been.

Intentions can be good while the impact is not.
MANY riders I have seen in my lifetime as a horseman, (around 20 years), are fantastic riders but are s**t on the horsemanship side. O could name some well know and well followed western trainers and riders right now, whom a lot of people model their stuff after or buy their curriculum, that are great riders- undeniably great in the saddle but in my opinion s**te with anything outside the saddle. And some of these you have people speak out about but you have more people that defend them, call the others "bunny huggers" and similar names all because they were talking in the name of animal and equine welfare.
I have seen TOP western trainers do WORSE, with worse tools than what Charlotte did- and these are videos that the public can find fairly easily amd yet only a handful of people call out that, that method is extreme and abusive. And again, they are called names by those that are fans anf followers and NOT ONE person villifies or is out for blood the way people have been for Charlotte and the rider and videographer. This is noticeable in other disciplines. That doesn't make any of it right. It doesn't change what Charlotte did. But we need to look at ourselves and ask why we are so keen to completely write someone off and NEVER give them a second chance. NEVER allow them to show and PROVE that they are sorry, they have learned and CAN and WILL do better.
If we cannot allow people to learn and do better then we might as well throw everything out and stop everything like the extreme activists and PETA people want. Because that's where we are headed. We do not allow change even from the top level riders, we allow ourselves to throw hate, and malice towards someone we were once cheering for is hypicritcal. For the ones that demand her head whilst simultaneously ignoring the other sports that do similar and do not hide it. YOU are also creating a problem.
Yes Charlotte should be held accountable and recieve concequences for her actions. Not competing in the olympics is a definitely consequence. And appropriate. Demonizing, villifying and going for blood are not appropriate responses. Her horsemanship needs work, absolutely and probably so does a lot of other top level, mid level, and low level riders. It is not enough to just say you're 100% done to someone. At least in this case based off that one video. If more comes out, more has happened. Continued then I may change my mind but at this point the hunt for blood has been absurd. Charlotte should be allowed to learn from this, to grow and become and do better and PROVE that she can. She has done great things and has been immensely accomplished, we cannot erase all the poaitive impact she has made for this one act of dumbassery. She should be allowed to make amends. she ahould be given some grace to find out why she thought that what she was doing was okay or even remotely useful since it wasn't. From a horsemanship standpoint, based off that one video, she needs to learn a lot more. Really understand HOW to get a horse to understand. How to chamge things up of what you are looking for isn't happening after a certain amount of time with the current method of use.
Let Charlotee recieve her consequences from the governing body that over sees things- in this case the FEI. She does not need a public ex*****on. We need to allow her to prove herself better. She should be able to come back.

As for the rider and videographer there as been a lot of hate towards them too. I get it, you feel they should have done something. But they were kids. Yes technically the rider was 19 but that is BARELY not a kid. Not many kids, not many teens, not many young adults have the confidenxe to speal up and speak out. I never did. I would go silent, hide within myself if I was uncomfortavle about a situation. It was INGRAINED in me that you NEVER question ANY person of authority and that meant anyone older than me. i had to learn, and still am learbing that I have a voice I can use and that's not always the case. But would I have said anything at 19 were that my horse- Honestly I don't think i would have. I would have hidden. I would have felt immense guilt and disgust at myself as well for that happening but never have had the courage to question someone of authority. I am not sayong Charlotte was mean or anything either this is all behavioral and conditioned from some place. I cannot say that that is what this young rider was like, obviously I do not know them but to also go for their head as if they 1) new better, (come on, did you always question your teachers about everything or did you assume they knew and were right? Be honest), and 2) were confident in speaking up.
How many videos do you see online of s**t happening and you see multiple recordings happening but noone helping? This isn't new either. The bystander issue has been around forever. I remember in school, (US), learning about how to "be a good person" and not be a bystander when something was happening. I do not know why the young rider didn't say anything, or stop what was happening but she was trusting her instructor to be doing right and sometimes you don't know if something is right or not. Yes you have your instinct and intuition but again how many of you can Honestly say you listed to that instinct when you were 19. 20, 25 years old? Yes some have the confidence to know their own voice but those of you thay did have that are the oulier not the rule- and that is WONDERFUL for you, but your experiences do not negate others.

Same goes for the videographer. We don't really know why she was laughing. Yes it is unneeving, and can be questionable. However? i know plenty of people and know of plenty of people that laughing, and chuckle when they are HIGHLY uncomfortable. it is involuntary, and if you do not know the person has that you wouldn't be able to know the difference. Is this the case for that videographer? 🤷‍♀️ We don't know, and that's just it. We don't know and probably won't ever know.

Let us not rush into demonizing and villifying someone for a mistake made. Let's find out compassion. Let's find out grace. Allow Charlotte, the rider, the videographer to recieve their consequences as neccessary and matches their transgressions. Let's stop with the immediate hellfire and torture chambers.

Second chances are neccessary and can be allowed. That doesn't mean she gets away with it, but she can grow. She can learn. She CAN do better if we let her.

*Note: i purposefully did not address the timing. i know people think it is sus, but for this it just wasn't necessary to go over. Regardless of the timing of the video it still happened and she still needs consequences.

Thank you all who read this whole thing as it is long winded. I hope we can find peaceful ground for further discussion and even debate.
Comments are open for now but I will turn off or limit who can comment if people get out of hand. Respectful discussion can be had.

Looking forward to hearing from others.

Harmony Horsemanship.

Okay I FINALLY set a time/made the event for the beginning/basics of color genetics. This is set for 2 hours but could g...

Okay I FINALLY set a time/made the event for the beginning/basics of color genetics. This is set for 2 hours but could go a little bit longer because I am a ✨✨neeerrrrd✨✨. Scheduled for Sunday, June 30 at 9am at Sheridan Creek. Grabs some tickets. You may buy your spot from eventbrite or through me directly.

Come learn about horse colors and genetics at our event on June 30th at 4:00 PM!

This a damn fine lookin babeh if I do say so myself

This a damn fine lookin babeh if I do say so myself

❗️Looking for some summer fun and activities this summee for yourself, a child, or other family member or friend?🌟Look n...

❗️Looking for some summer fun and activities this summee for yourself, a child, or other family member or friend?

🌟Look no further than equestrian activities

🔥Horses have numerous benefits and horse back riding is only one of many various activities someone can do with horses.

🔆Need a date night adventure? Reach out for the options we offer!

⚠️ Want a nee style of parent and me classes? (Mom/daughter, father/daughter, mom/son, father/son etc) You guessed it reach out for what we offer!

🔶️NEW! Reflections and meditations with the Equine presence: Need some relating time to meditate, reflect or otherwise just relax/journal whatever it is. Reflections and Meditations are twice monthly group meetings where we spend time with similar people as well as horses that will lend their calm and ease as we relaxe. Reach out to learn more.

✨️Whether you are looking for riding lessons, horse training, day camps, hangout time with horses, or some other summer, outdoorsy activity reach out today to see how we can help you.

Miss River had her baby this morning! Lil baby born at 317 days gestation; (does 4am count as the day or would it be 316...

Miss River had her baby this morning! Lil baby born at 317 days gestation; (does 4am count as the day or would it be 316.5? 😅)-- River certainly likes to do things early 🤣🤦‍♀️
Both mom and baby are doing well.

Located in Gardnerville Nv🐴 **ISO A NEW 🏘: Breezy - 9-year-old Bay Dun Roan Grade Quarter Horse Mare**Breezy is looking ...

Located in Gardnerville Nv
🐴 **ISO A NEW 🏘: Breezy - 9-year-old Bay Dun Roan Grade Quarter Horse Mare**

Breezy is looking for her very perfect, unicorn person.
Breezy is broke to ride and recently has been back in training for 6months building her confidence and learning how to handle herself in situations she deems *scary*. Breezy does not rear, buck, or bolt. When she spooks, she does skitter sideways or turn quickly or circles but comes back to her rider.

Breezy is NOT for a beginner. She needs a CONFIDENT intermediate, firm but fair rider. Breezy needs a person who will lend her their confidence as she does not have much of her own. With the right person though- Breezy will give you everything.

On the ground Breezy is calm, polite, and LOVES people and attention. Will literally coming running up to a gate to meet you. Enjoys hanging out and being groomed plus of course food but she will leave food to come see her people. With that said special consideration can be made for Breezy going as an INHAND/GROUND only therapy program as she would be perfect for someone or many people to hangout with on the ground.
She is not mareish, does not have buddy attachment ir barn sour issues.

Has been ridden English some, mainly Western. W/T/C, been trail and arena ridden.
Needs some more work on leads when canterin in the arena. (specifically picking up canter circles, going straight then circling she does well).
She does go over obstacles her main thing she will try to avoid is water, she may be perfectly fine one day and the next believe it is in fact acid.

She ties and cross ties
*NOTE: Does occasionally pull back when tied, will stop shortly on her own
bathes, but again water can sometimes be her nemesis just lender her your confidence and she is good to go.
Goes over poles but not reslly the jumper type- tried it a bit but she doesn't have the best form but for some fun absolutely can take over cavelettis and small fences just know she won't make things

If you're ready for a rewarding partnership with Breezy, contact us today! Serious inquiries only. SHE. IS. NOT. A .KIDS. HORSE.
NO your 36 month prodigy that has been riding since -5 is not the person for Breezy
NO you "never-even-seen-a-horse-in-real-life" girlfriend/boyfriend/friend/husband is not the person for Breezy
NO your 903 year old nana or pawpaw is not the person for Breezy- UNLESS they just hangin out on the ground or Breezy is carrying their Urns in a saddle bag- theb maybe potentially.
NO Your 180 month year old that just binged watched all of Yellowstone and Heartland is not going to magically make Breezy the perfectist horse that ever horsed.

Asking 5🥕🥕🥕

Perfect home more important than 🥕. Also owner is in no rush or need to sell. She will stay if the perfect partnership isn't found but we believe an even better match is out there.

Videos will be made soon and available upon request once taken.

PM page or contact via phone (call or text) 1-775-522-7738

We have hit and passed 300 days of gestation! (At time of posting 304 days to be exact). Miss River is looking quite pre...

We have hit and passed 300 days of gestation! (At time of posting 304 days to be exact). Miss River is looking quite pregnant lol, but we still have 30ish days to go.
With that being said I am doing the 50/50 c**t vs filly raffle again.
❗️what is a 50/50 raffle?
--A 50/50 raffle is a raffle in which the winner recieves 50% of the total amount. for ex: if the total amount of funds is $500 winner recieves $250.
This one is specifically if you think the foal will be a c**t or a filly-- or if you'd just like to have better odds of winning you can enter for both!
❗️How to enter
People can enter by sending $1 per entry on their given choice of c**t or filly or both. Each $1 is the # of times your name is entered; ex: send $10 name is in 10x.
You can enter by doing the following:
Step 1: send your amount to either
zelle/paypal: rharmony.horsemanship@gmail
or venmo:
(and for those of you at the same barn cash is accepted as well)
ALONG WITH your name, and preferred contact method/info. I will need a way to get ahold of you if you win. You can put that info in the memo along with your choice(s) of either c**t or filly (yes you can do both.
If you cannot get all that info in the memo section you can screen shot the proof of payment and pm me with the information. I will only reach out to the winner via preferred contact method.

❗️Choosing a winner
Winner will be chosen at rabdom from the list of names that chose the gender foal came out to be: Ie: if the foal is a c**t then all people who chose c**t will have their names in the drawing. If you did multiples in both only the ones for the winning gender will count, (ex: if you did 10 total with 5 in c**t and 5 in filly and the foal is a c**t your name is in 5 times).
Names will be added to a random name picker online and winner drawn that way.

Winner will be notified by their preferred contact method, as well as a post will be made for the winner- tagging them if possible in the post.

winner will have 7 days to claim their winnings otherwise a new winner will be drawn.

Foal birth and gender announcement will be made online via thie page. Gender reveal may be done same day or a day or so after birth depending on how tired and busy I am.

Comment or PM with any questions.

Lesson and training slots OPEN!lessons can be private or group.English or Western. Learn everything from horsemanship to...

Lesson and training slots OPEN!
lessons can be private or group.

English or Western. Learn everything from horsemanship to biomechanics and everything inbetween and beyond.

Training: Problem solving(Confidence buidling), Starting, Dressage, trails, obstacles, and more.

NEW! Virtual/video lessons/training. There are 2 ways this can work:
1) You record up to 10min video of a particular issue, movement, etc you'd like help with or overall evaluation on and I will record a voice over with options, break down and possibly attach an example video, (as applicable), to return to you.
2) Live via zoom or other video app rider/handler in real time with me watching and gets instructions etc as if in person.

Also playing around with opening up once a month travel training/lesson blocks to Washoe/Reno, Dayton, Stagecoach, Silver Springs, and Yerington.. Considerations to further areas for mini clinics.
Training/Lessons, mini clinics have a minimum requirement of 6 persons interested in the same general area, (Ie Dayton to Silver Springs 6+people).

PM the page or reach out via rhhorsemanship.com

*Photo credit: Bec Larkin. Photo is not to be used, taken or reproduced for any means.*

AJ and Sawyer, hangin after a lesson.

Happy 3rd Jynxers(she is so over the party hats 🤣)Photos:first: 3rd birthdaysecond: 2nd birthdaythird: 1st birthdayfourt...

Happy 3rd Jynxers
(she is so over the party hats 🤣)

first: 3rd birthday
second: 2nd birthday
third: 1st birthday
fourth: 8mo old when I picked her up

Legacy wishes to remind everyone to remember to protecc your brains and wear a helmet when going out to ride. Make sure ...

Legacy wishes to remind everyone to remember to protecc your brains and wear a helmet when going out to ride. Make sure it's well fitting too.

Titan NEEDS to.go. Look through other posts on what he knows or just message.Cliff notes, >12mo under saddle training en...

Titan NEEDS to.go. Look through other posts on what he knows or just message.
Cliff notes, >12mo under saddle training english/western, obstacles etc; >6mo Classical Dressage.
W/T/C, cruises on a loose rein
learning to get on the bit
Unexpected owner bills means he is DROPPED in 💲💲 to ☝️🥕🥕🥕🥕 OBO

buyers WILL still be screened.

❤️❤️ My lovely TB River; cookin that rainbow baby.Just a little over 100 days left to go.Looking at a late may, early Ju...

❤️❤️ My lovely TB River; cookin that rainbow baby.
Just a little over 100 days left to go.
Looking at a late may, early June foal.

❗️Price reduced❗️🔵Owners motivated to find Titan his perfect new 🏡🔵✴️Coming 4 year old Draft gelding. Clydesdale, perche...

❗️Price reduced❗️
🔵Owners motivated to find Titan his perfect new 🏡🔵

✴️Coming 4 year old Draft gelding. Clydesdale, percheron and paint cross Titan stands at a whopping 18(+).
He is barefoot, goes english amd western and loves to work.

❇️Titan is best suited for an intermediate rider or better,
potential for a beginner rider with some more age to him.

❇️Titan cross ties, hard tied, stands for mounting from the ground and mountig block, good for the farrier, leads, loads and trailers well. Goes over bridges, logs, poles and other obstacles

✴️Good in a stall and fine alone or next to other horses.

🔴Pm for more info/video/etc. Serious inquiries only🔴

✴️✴️We have lesson space available at Harmony Horsemanship.✴️Learn everything from the ground up✴️✅️Haltering✅️Leading✅️...

We have lesson space available at Harmony Horsemanship.

✴️Learn everything from the ground up✴️

✅️mounting- from a mounting block and from the ground
✅️groundwork horsemanship
✅️ridden horsemanship
✅️biomechanics of horse and ride
✅️The "why" to the how
✅️much more

✴️discipline options available
✴️Private lesson options
✴️Group lesson options*
✴️horsemanship academy spaces

✳️Contact via the page or reach out through the website at rhhorsemanship.com✳️

✳️*please note: riders must schedule and evaluation lesson and show their horsemanship and riding skills before being accepted into a group class*✳️

🔴Looking forward to meeting all the new Harmony Horsemanship riders!🔴


❤️Valentines is rounding that corner!❤️
Want a something a little different of a date than your typical movie, or dinner?

❗️How about treating your S/O, (or yourself), to a horseback adventure?

❗️Lessons, guided rides, half days or full day horse experience.

❗️various options available.

❗️Reach out for more information or to schedule a valentines day for yourself and/or your signifant other.

❗️Limited spaces❗️

ISO a new 🏡Titan is a 3 and a half year old draft gelding; half Clydesdale, quarter Percheron, quarter paint horse. He i...

ISO a new 🏡

Titan is a 3 and a half year old draft gelding; half Clydesdale, quarter Percheron, quarter paint horse. He is eligible for Spotted Draft Horse registration.

Titant currently stand around 18-18.1 hands high and has plenty more growing to do.

Titan began saddle starting and riding traiming in early spring 2023, at ~30 days under saddle he went to a local show and won his division.

Titan W/T/C under saddle, has lovely gaits and clean transitions.
Titan rides both western and english and has been working on classical dressage.
He has also done trail riding, obstacles, and some work over cavalettis.

Titan also, but not limited to:
✅️Ties, cross ties
✅️Stands for mounting, from the ground as well as with a mounting block or other raised object
✅️good for the farrier
✅️Good for bathing
✅️loads in a trailer,
✅️trailers quietly
✅️rides out alone or with others
✅️goes over bridges- including teeter-totter, poles, logs, shallow water and puddles, other obstacles

Titan is a very friendly and loving gelding who enjoys attention and of course- food.
Titan stalls well and does not fuss, and has been out in pasture. Titan can be out with other horses but needs ones around his size as he can be playful and puahy to other horses if they let him. Respectful of fences and has been exposed to hotwire.

Titan's favorite things are in no particular order:

Titan would be great for an Intermediate rider with a trainer, or better rider looking to bring him along in whatever direction. He is smart, and very willing to please and will do anything he puts his mind to.

Rise above the competition- literally and figuratively- with Titan.

five figures, offers welcome.

pm me, reach out at rhhorsemanship.com

if you are interested in learning more about Titan or would like to schedule a time to meet him and try him out.

Located in Gardnerville, NV
PPE welcome at buyer's expense.

*note: video export is giving me problems, but hope to have it figured out soon. However short videos available upon request.

My heart ❤️🥺❤️River has always enjoyed attention and lovings from people but she especially enjoys snuggles during her n...

My heart ❤️🥺❤️

River has always enjoyed attention and lovings from people but she especially enjoys snuggles during her naps- and you don't dare to disrupt her nappies. No she naps and preferably with snuggles but no wakies.

Sneak peak on a big ol boy comin available soon. Keep an eye out for more info and videos coming soon.

Sneak peak on a big ol boy comin available soon. Keep an eye out for more info and videos coming soon.

For those who do not know, I am a bit of a color genetics nerd when is comes to horses and their colors- to the point I ...

For those who do not know, I am a bit of a color genetics nerd when is comes to horses and their colors- to the point I can sometimes be a bit...annoying 😅 about certain things.

However, would people be interester in a beginners horse color genetics class either in person or online or both in some way?

If online would you prefer like a virtual lecture type style that you attend as a specified time and can ask questions as we go along

would you like a pre-recorded series you can access at anytime?

In person format that is recorded and csn be accessed online as well?

Is there enough interest in color genetics of horses and hoe everything plays into them?

Comment below and let me know.

Pictured is clients spotted draft yearling Tango, full sister to Titan.


Opening Hours

Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00




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