Flatline K9 LLC

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Flatline K9 LLC Flatline K9 is a full scale dog training business.

Our services include but are not limited to: basic and advanced obedience, behavior modification, personal protection, and police dog training.


Hands-on dog training with some classroom sessions for you and your K-9 partner.

It is important to remember that our dogs can over heat really quickly in this weather.  Even a short walk outside for a...

It is important to remember that our dogs can over heat really quickly in this weather. Even a short walk outside for a dog that it is not used to these temperatures can quickly overheat them. Dogs do not sweat like humans do so the majority of their cooling comes from their mouths. If your dog is outside its important that they have continuous access to fresh water and shade. Try to keep your walks short and during the early morning or late evening when the temperatures aren't as hot.

Things to look for in your dog when they begin to overheat are:
Rapid breathing, mouth open wide and eyes appearing squinted, tongue flattening out and hanging out of the mouth, and shade seeking. Dogs that are getting too hot will even seek the shade of your shadow to help cool them down.

When your dog begins to overheat you want to act quickly. Remove them from the environment into a cool place. Give them fresh water to drink and if you have the ability, immerse them in water. If you don't have the ability to immerse them spraying them with a hose with cool water will help them to cool as well.

A little over halfway through our first working dog academy. This team is really coming together and gonna do great thin...

A little over halfway through our first working dog academy. This team is really coming together and gonna do great things back home in Nevada!

Hi everyone!  My name is Amira.  I am staying at Flatline K9 for a while because my owners think I need some training.  ...

Hi everyone! My name is Amira. I am staying at Flatline K9 for a while because my owners think I need some training. I overheard my trainers say that I am the most bougie dog they have ever had come through their program. Can you believe this? I mean because I don't like dog food and refuse to eat anything but rotisserie chicken? Or because I like to eat in my trainers bed instead of eating in my crate? Or do they think this because I prefer them to hand feed me instead of eating out of a bowl like the rest of the dogs? I am a beautiful princess and I only eat an entire rotisserie chicken per day regardless of the tricks they pull to get me to eat dog food. When I got here I was super scared and fearful of everyone and other dogs. I am not nearly as scared as I used to be and I have a lot more confidence now. The trainers think they have done something special but I only changed my behavior because I wanted to but I guess I will just let them keep thinking its because of their training.


Introducing: Travis Hicks
CLASS: Emergency Medical Care for Working K9s
EMAIL: [email protected]
WEBSITE: flatlinek9.com
PHONE: (618) 202-0181

Travis Hicks has taught numerous courses based on K9 TECC standards at Police K-9 Magazine and K-9 Cop Magazine conferences, as well as Military Working Dog Magazine conferences at locations throughout the country.

Come join us and Travis at the K-9 Street Survival School in Paducah, KY on October 14th-18th! We only have 100 spots available for you and your K-9. We have 12 top notch K-9 instructors teaching ,assisted by several decoys. We will have two certifying judges from National Narcotic Detector Dog Association (NNDDA) and Drugbeat here to certify or recertify you and your dog if you need to.

Visit our website:

Or click here to register!

Make plans to come check out the K9 Street Survival School in Paducah KY this fall. Honored to be asked to be an instruc...

Make plans to come check out the K9 Street Survival School in Paducah KY this fall. Honored to be asked to be an instructor at this first ever event. Gonna be a great time and great training!

You are definitely going to want to bring your K-9 and yourself to this hands on K-9 training school in Paducah, Kentucky October 14-18-2024

>>> Register today! https://k9streetsurvivalschool.com/

We will be hosting our inaugural working dog academy course beginning on July 8.  We have entered into a contract with S...

We will be hosting our inaugural working dog academy course beginning on July 8. We have entered into a contract with Storey County Nevada to provide them with a fully trained single purpose Police Dog. They have chosen Ace, a labrador retriever to be their newest K9 officer. Ace is currently undergoing training at our facility in the areas of narcotics detection, tracking, and article search. Ace's new handler will be attending a four week handler course at our facility beginning on July 8. We could not be more excited for this opportunity! There are a lot of exciting things happening at Flatline K9, make sure to hit the like button or share this post so you don't miss any of our future updates!


We are happy to announce that we are finally almost done with our business expansion! What was supposed to take 6-8 months has taken two years. It has been a long two years with a lot of early mornings and late nights. A lot of hard work, sweat, tears, and blood. We have missed family functions, ball games, and holidays. We have both continued working our other jobs while trying to run the business and complete this building project. But after two years, a couple of hospital stays for high blood pressure, multiple meniscus tears in both knees, and having a divorce attorney on speed dial lol, we have almost achieved our goal. We have a couple little things to finish up but we are able to use the facility now. Within the next couple of weeks we will be completely done and can start working on living our dream of being full time dog trainers. To all of our clients that have been so great when we've needed a little extra time with your dogs, we thank you. For all of our clients who have reached out and it took us a little longer to get back to you than it should have, we thank you. We truly strive to do the best we can do for all of clients and their dogs. Without you guys none of this would be possible and we thank each and every one of you who have trusted us and given us a chance to help your dogs become more obedient members of your family. As we finish things up over the next couple of weeks, we will be posting some pics of the process and then have pictures of the end result. Again thank you to everyone for your patience. We only have a couple of spots open for training in July, so if you would like your dog to be one of the first to go through training in our new facility get in touch with us and let us get you on the schedule. We also have some openings for August. Make sure to hit that like button so you can follow along with us and share this post to help us get the word out.

Congratulations to Officer Routon from the Storey County Nevada Sheriffs Department!  Officer Routon won a full day K9 E...

Congratulations to Officer Routon from the Storey County Nevada Sheriffs Department! Officer Routon won a full day K9 Emergency Medical Course for his Department. We will be customizing the course to fit the needs of his Department to provide them with the best education possible to treat their dogs in a variety of emergency situations. Congratulations to Officer Routon and we can’t wait to come to Storey County!


We will be doing a facebook live at 330 Las Vegas time so 530 at home while Travis teaches “Trauma in Working Dogs”. Feel free to join and watch the class and maybe learn some tips on treating your dog during an emergency! Kirsten will be monitoring any comments and answering questions during the broadcast so feel free to interact with us! See you all LIVE in an hour and a half!

We are in Las Vegas this week for the International Police K9 Magazine Conference. We have our vendor booth set up and w...

We are in Las Vegas this week for the International Police K9 Magazine Conference. We have our vendor booth set up and will be teaching Trauma in Working Dogs tomorrow and Thursday! Also Our new website is up and going so check it out at www.flatlinek9.com.

Ok guys this is not really a post about dog training. However I am so proud of my daughter for chasing her dreams and lo...

Ok guys this is not really a post about dog training. However I am so proud of my daughter for chasing her dreams and loving it! She was a kennel tech for us and is now chasing her dream of being an esthetician. She is a student at Rend Lake College and is accepting appointments for all types of skin care. Give her page a like and schedule an appointment to get pampered by the prettiest and best esthetics student!

Here are my next openings!
Mini facials are sooo convenient if you just want to keep it short and sweet.🥰
The options are; a mini with exfoliation, a masque, or with the lymphatic draining massage. 💆‍♀️

We ARE doing waxing now, so bring me them armpits girllll. 💁‍♀️ But seriously, waxing is so much better than shaving in sooo many different ways, don't even get me started!!

& don't forget about our new acneic treatment!!
Relaxing facials are AMAZING don't get me wrong, but we do offer basics, minis, and the acneic treatment as well. (with modality options such as blue/red light therapy, and the high frequency wand).

I also got a guasha, a jade roller, ice globes, AND a blackhead extractor. 😎
I don't expect any of you to know what those are, but come get a facial and let me show you 😘🤣

I'm expecting some text messages with appointments being booked!! Don't let me down, and I PROMISE not to let you down 😚🤣

Jaxen has been helping us a lot lately. He never complains and is always willing to help and even volunteers to do so. H...

Jaxen has been helping us a lot lately. He never complains and is always willing to help and even volunteers to do so. He’s also a big basketball fan. So today we took a day off for a boys trip to Memphis to watch the Grizzlies and Warriors game.


We are happy to be able to help out a fellow K9 handler from the Winfield Missouri Police Department! 47 more days til Police K9 Magazine Conference in Las Vegas! Not that we’re counting down or anything!

We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!  The three of us are working tonight and while I’m sure Ryker prefers some mi...

We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! The three of us are working tonight and while I’m sure Ryker prefers some misbehavior so he can make new friends lol Kirsten and I prefer everyone to behave and be safe! 2024 is going to be a great year for Flatline K9! Happy New Year everyone!

We had a much needed fun day today!  18 holes of golf on the course and then 9 holes tonight inside Busch Stadium. What ...

We had a much needed fun day today! 18 holes of golf on the course and then 9 holes tonight inside Busch Stadium. What a great time!


When we decided to do the shirt benefit for our mom we decided to make them all ourselves so that we could save money and be able to donate more money to her during her treatments. What we weren’t counting on was the unbelievable show of support! Due to all of the support it’s taking us a bit longer to get them done since we’re making them one at a time. We had our second shirt making party tonight and several shirts will be delivered tomorrow! We just wanted to keep everyone updated and to say thank you for your patience. We will get everyone’s shirts done and to them as soon as we get them made. Thank you to everyone for all of the support we all greatly appreciate it!!!!

The shirt making is in progress!  We are very humbled by the amount of support for our mom!  We have ran out of shirts a...

The shirt making is in progress! We are very humbled by the amount of support for our mom! We have ran out of shirts and will be ordering more. If you have ordered a shirt the first batch of them will be ready in the next couple of days. We will get ahold of you and get them to you. As soon as the new shirts arrive we will make the next round of them and get them to you all! Again THANK YOU ALL! We’ll be in touch soon to get your shirts to you!

A couple of months ago my mom Julie Lacy Hicks was diagnosed with ductal carcinoma breast cancer.  Thankfully it was cau...

A couple of months ago my mom Julie Lacy Hicks was diagnosed with ductal carcinoma breast cancer. Thankfully it was caught very early and the cancer had not spread. She had surgery in August to remove the cancer and the doctor believes she was able to get it all. However she does have to undergo radiation treatment. She will have a total of 16 radiation treatments at Siteman Cancer Center in St. Louis over the next three weeks. She begins treatment on Tuesday October 24, and will have to travel to St. Louis five days per week for these treatments. This will require her to miss a great deal of work during the course of the treatments. We will be selling these T-shirts from now until her treatments are complete on November 15. We are selling the shirts for $20, and all proceeds will go to my parents to assist with travel costs during the treatments. You can message the Flatline K9 page or any of my family Kirsten Hicks, Nichole Hicks, Sam Bowlby, Jacob Christian, Madysen Hicks, or Carlie Dawn. These shirts will also be available to purchase from 618 Electric located at 19 North Division Street in DuQuoin. Please support our mom during this difficult time and show your love for dogs and hatred for cancer all at the same time!

Supporting my mom at the pink out volleyball game tonight!  We are going to be posting t shirts for sale to benefit her ...

Supporting my mom at the pink out volleyball game tonight! We are going to be posting t shirts for sale to benefit her and my dad during her treatment. Look for those to be posted in the next day or two!

Travis teaching the Trauma in Working Dogs class at K9 Cop Magazine Working Dog Conference today.  Providing education t...

Travis teaching the Trauma in Working Dogs class at K9 Cop Magazine Working Dog Conference today. Providing education to save a dog’s life in an emergency situation.

Day 1 of the K9 Cop Magazine Working Dog Conference in Nashville.  We’ve been MIA on social media lately.  It’s always b...

Day 1 of the K9 Cop Magazine Working Dog Conference in Nashville. We’ve been MIA on social media lately. It’s always been our goal to grow the business into something we could pursue full time. Unfortunately, sometimes during the pursuit of your goals and dreams obstacles get in the way and it doesn’t happen as quickly as we’d like. We bit off a little more than we could chew for a while and got behind and overwhelmed, just because the two of us think we can do the work of ten people doesn’t mean we really can. However inconvenient and frustrating those obstacles have been, we are still working toward our goal. While we still have some work to do to reach that goal, we feel like we have reached a point where we can get back to focusing on growing our business and ultimately reaching our dream. We apologize to anyone who has reached out to us and didnt get a timely response. We think we’ve gotten all caught up on messages and emails. If you sent a message and haven’t received a response, it’s possible that we missed it. Please feel free to reach out to us again! We are excited about the future of Flatline K9 and being able to share the updates and progress with everyone!


We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Unfortunately we have ran into a million roadblocks this year in trying to complete our expansion. We had planned for it to already be completed but circumstances have kept that from happening as quickly as we had planned. We are still grinding away at it and making progress each day. We are hoping to be fully open and operational this spring. As we get closer to being completed we’ll be posting more frequent updates as well as announcing additional services we will be providing. We are excited about completing this project and getting back to work doing what we enjoy! Thank you to all of our past, present, and future clients for giving us the opportunity to work with your dogs and for your patience as we try to build our dream!

It’s a A GIRL!  Congrats Mady and Desmon!  And of course she got her first Flatline K9 onesie!

It’s a A GIRL! Congrats Mady and Desmon! And of course she got her first Flatline K9 onesie!


We’ve had a ton of stuff going on and been absent from social media and the website lately. Travis has been in and out of the hospital with BP issues, so we’ve been preoccupied with that. However…. we wanted to give a quick update! First off.. we’ve had a ton of phone issues. We switched to a business plan to try to make things smoother and it’s created a ton of problems getting everything to work properly! Hopefully they will all get taken care of in the next week. In the meantime, Facebook messenger and email is the best way to get ahold of us.
Secondly…. We’ve got big things happening around Flatline K9! Mady, our oldest and lifesaver when we are out of town for business, is having a baby! So we will be grandparents for the first time! The gender reveal party is later today, and we are super excited about that!
Finally… we have more big news about the future of the business and plans in motion. We had planned to announce it sooner but someone’s blood pressure wouldn’t cooperate! Lol. Stay tuned over the next week to learn all about it!!

My sister and brother in law and their three kiddos lost everything in a fire a couple of nights ago. Everyone is safe b...

My sister and brother in law and their three kiddos lost everything in a fire a couple of nights ago. Everyone is safe but they are having to start over. Any help is greatly appreciated!


On January 21st 2022, Brian and Nichole lost their home to a house fire. Brian and Nichole have t… Carlie Dawn needs your support for Tripp Family Relief Fund

Another eventful night at work.        #2*

Another eventful night at work. #2*


Kirsten and I are both ringing in the New Year at work. She is working in the ER and I am working at the PD. While we always love meeting everyone we don’t want to have to meet any of you tonight. Please everyone be safe and have a Happy New Year from Flatline K9!!!


Alright guys this is not something that we typically ask for. However we need some prayer warriors right now! One of our clients that has become like family to us is currently in the hospital fighting for his life! He and his sweet wife are amazing people! We’ve had the privilege to meet their children and grandson as well and they are all wonderful people!!! If you are the praying type please pray for him and his family! If you aren’t the praying type then please just keep them in your thoughts and wish them good luck in the days ahead! Please share this so that we can get as many people thinking of and praying for this family that we can!!!

Merry Christmas from us here at Flatline K9!  Hope everyone had a great holiday! 🎄🐾🎄

Merry Christmas from us here at Flatline K9! Hope everyone had a great holiday! 🎄🐾🎄



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Flatline K9

Flatline K9 is a full scale dog training business located in Southern Illinois. Flatline K9 offers training in obedience, behavior modification, personal protection, hunting dog training, as well as all disciplines of working dogs. We are currently accepting clients. Call us today at 618-202-0181, and let us bring your dogs potential to life!