Alpha Instincts Dog Training

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Alpha Instincts Dog Training We transform dogs and their families by building communication between dogs and their owners through

Puppy 101: Do’s & Don’ts for Kids ☀️Bringing a new puppy home can be exciting, but it’s important to remember a few key ...

Puppy 101: Do’s & Don’ts for Kids ☀️
Bringing a new puppy home can be exciting, but it’s important to remember a few key items to make sure everyone stays happy and safe!

Puppies are curious, easily excitable, and are learning from every interaction you have with them. 🎓

Help them learn that you’re a safe, fun person to be around by setting them up for success and remembering that they are a living creature with their own thoughts & feelings too!


Not a fan of the cold? 🥶 No problem!
Explore part two of strategies to channel your dog’s natural instincts and release pent-up energy during the winter months.


Beat the winter restlessness in your dogs by engaging their natural instincts in some enrichment & biological fulfillment. ❄️

➡️What was your dog bred for?
Uncover the answer to tailor games that meet their genetic needs!



🐾 Dog Seeking a Special Home 🐾

Squirrel is a 4-year-old spayed female bully mix seeking a special home!
She is up to date with all her vaccinations as of April 2023 and is fully potty-trained & crate trained.
In addition to all her basic training: sit, down, stay, come, leave it, outside, inside, jump (for obstacle courses), and place (relaxing on her bed), more recently, Squirrel has been working with a professional trainer to fine-tune her walking skills and address behaviors such as micromanaging, dog aggression, & resource guarding towards dogs. Due to these issues, Squirrel cannot go to a home with other dogs or small children & is not a "dog park" dog.

Squirrel would thrive in an active home with experience with higher-drive bully breeds. Her ideal home would be with someone taking her exploring, on regular hikes, or to AKC events like agility, FastCAT, Barn Hunt, and seeing how she would fair with Dock Diving or Weight Pull competitions. Daily exercise is mandatory. She loves enrichment and playing tug or with a flirt pole!
She is incredibly smart & food motivated and picks up on obedience commands quickly. She's always up for a good snuggle as well!

She is taking Fluoxetine (SSRI) and will likely need to remain on this medication for the rest of her life.
For those interested: Her trainer will provide training sessions to give you the best possible start to your relationship together.

“In most cases, these behaviours are caused from a lack of experience in the critical period of socialization. Their ine...

“In most cases, these behaviours are caused from a lack of experience in the critical period of socialization. Their inexperience can present itself as fear, anxiety, stress and aggression; mechanisms they develop over time to cope.

When we adopt a dog, we're making a commitment to BETTER their life. Holding on to their past is doing the opposite. Show them they're in a better place by overcoming their problems, not nurturing them.”

"He's afraid of X, so he must have been abused by/with X."

In rescue, a lot of dogs come into care with unknown histories. Many of these dogs present with specific or generalized fear and anxiety.

It can be easy - so, SO easy - to attach a story to their behaviour. In fact, it's becoming increasingly common for people to adopt dogs BECAUSE of their story. The more tragic, the better.

The problem with this is that it tends to freeze dogs into their neuroses. Their owner becomes so attached to the story, so emotionally invested, that they themselves cannot move past it. When the owner gets stuck, so does the dog.

Then the story becomes an excuse.

He's aggressive to the postman because one must have abused him.

He's leash reactive to other dogs because he was a 'bait dog'.

He runs from us when we grab the fly swat because someone has hit him with it.

In most cases, these behaviours are caused from a lack of experience in the critical period of socialization. Their inexperience can present itself as fear, anxiety, stress and aggression; mechanisms they develop over time to cope.

But what exactly caused their rescued dogs behaviour is irrelevant. It's a fools errand to try to figure it out; an addictive oxytocin-fueled quest to justify a lack of action.

He's afraid of men? Make men = good things. He runs from the fly swatter? Pick the damn thing up and throw the dog a handful of steak a few times. See what happens.

When we adopt a dog, we're making a commitment to BETTER their life. Holding on to their past is doing the opposite. Show them they're in a better place by overcoming their problems, not nurturing them.


Bring us all of the Big Boys! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

…and the little ones too 💜


Farewell 2022! 🥳
Thank you to everyone that helped make this year amazing. Big things are coming—we’ll see you in 2023!

Merry Christmas & Happy Howlidays! 🎄Thank you to all of our clients, current & former, that made this year special! We h...

Merry Christmas & Happy Howlidays! 🎄

Thank you to all of our clients, current & former, that made this year special! We hope you’re staying warm & have an amazing holiday season with your loved ones.

We are going on a break to celebrate & be with our families, but we’ll see you all after the New Year!


When getting your dog through the upcoming holiday weekend, sometimes all you can do is be there for them & keep them safe. 💙

The time to start preparing them for New Year’s starts July 5th! 🎆

Take a bite out of destructive behavior with some enrichment and training!Dogs, especially young ones like Chloe, like t...

Take a bite out of destructive behavior with some enrichment and training!

Dogs, especially young ones like Chloe, like to chew! But if you give them an appropriate outlet to satisfy the drive & monitor them, you’ll spare your hands, furniture, etc. from being the preferred chew toy.

Join the ‘Puppy Program’ and get access to our socialization checklist:

Saturdaze ☀️

Saturdaze ☀️


Your reactive dog is not trying to give you a hard time—they’re having a hard time!

Coping strategies & management for those big emotions have to be taught and they need your help to be guided through.

There are so many dogs struggling because they lost out on socialization opportunities due to the pandemic; but it’s never too late to help them progress and move forward!

Reach out to us:


That premium training package…🤌🏻✨


Clicker Challenge…accepted 😏

Who would’ve guessed that there were multiple ways to use training tools—clickers included!

While most people understand how to use them for standard obedience, ie. marking a behavior, like “Sit” once it has been completed—did you know they can be effective for behavioral modification as well?

By building up a valuable association with the sound, typically with high value treats & food, the sound can be used to interrupt a poor decision and/or even predict that something good will follow! This can ultimately change how a dog FEELS about things that typically cause them to react or become stressed over time.

If you’re interested in learning more:

Now commencing Hot Dog Summer ☀️

Now commencing Hot Dog Summer ☀️

Dog Training Tip of the Day ☀️Reinforce the behaviors you want by shaping them in training or when your dog offers them ...

Dog Training Tip of the Day ☀️

Reinforce the behaviors you want by shaping them in training or when your dog offers them naturally. By shifting the focus from correcting the behaviors you don't like first to teaching your dog what you want them to do instead, you'll develop more understanding in your dog.

Think of good behaviors your dog has demonstrated. It might be something small or something taken for granted.

When was the last time you rewarded them for just being good?

This is your sign to go try something new & enriching with your dog. 💙

This is your sign to go try something new & enriching with your dog. 💙


It’s not the quantity of the repetitions, but the quality of the repetitions that can make or break a habit.

There were a few dogs working through dog reactivity during this session, all at different points in their training journey, that benefitted from the continued practice.

That’s why these group sessions are so important and are going to be an addition to our programs in the near future!


There is a difference between training and abuse.
This is not training.

There is a reason why we talk about how “Tools do not Teach” on our page, and this is a perfect example of why. This dog is clearly confused, shut down, and scared and has no idea what it is being asked to do.

Everything from choking the dog to the abuse of the e-collar crossed a serious line and is absolutely reprehensible. �
As a balanced trainer, it is important to call out those exhibiting disgusting behavior toward man’s best friend.

We strive to build happy & healthy relationships with all dogs, and we would never tolerate abuse like this.

Just a daily dose of serotonin. ☀️

Just a daily dose of serotonin. ☀️



There are no bad dogs.
Just ones that have never been effectively taught how to navigate our world.
They’re dogs that need:

Everything needed bring out the best version of themselves.

If you only knew how long it took for Jack to get to this point, especially having come in with fear aggression. There are so many things that are possible with just a little bit of training.

"Make a wish, take a chance, make a change, and breakaway..." - Kelly ClarksonThe relationship you have with your dog is...

"Make a wish, take a chance, make a change, and breakaway..." - Kelly Clarkson

The relationship you have with your dog is a powerful thing that directly impacts their experience with the world around them. One of the unique qualities that dogs possess is their ability to be in the moment, so there is always time to make a positive shift in your dynamic.

Try not to resign yourself to the idea that your dog cannot change, regardless of their background. If you decide to make even a minor change in your home life tomorrow and consistently move forward with a goal in mind, your dog will take notice and eventually follow your lead.

Change may never be easy, but it is necessary for long-term growth.

It's National Puppy Day! While today is a day to celebrate canine cuteness, it is also one to encourage prospective pet ...

It's National Puppy Day!

While today is a day to celebrate canine cuteness, it is also one to encourage prospective pet owners to research the breeds they are interested in & reach out to local trainers to set up a game plan before making a lifelong commitment!

As adorable as they are, puppies are experiencing everything for the first time in their lives and require a lot of work through management, consistency in reinforcing behaviors you want to see, and confidence-building. Though temperament & genetics play a factor in their development, they have a small socialization window from 8-16 weeks old to get them safely exposed to everything the world has to offer.

Think about the future. What do you want your dog to do with you & your family down the line? Start introducing your puppy to those scenarios as early as possible when you figure that out!

The more you practice in those environments, the more you normalize them. Create the relationship you want because everything you work on now directly impacts the future!

PUPPY OWNERS—Did you know that puppies under 6-months old need to sleep anywhere from 14-20 hours a day, depending on th...


Did you know that puppies under 6-months old need to sleep anywhere from 14-20 hours a day, depending on the breed?

If you’ve ever seen an overly tired toddler, you know how important nap time can be—and puppies are no different!

Naps are important for a healthy mindset & growth. Everything from being overly mouthy or above average nipping, barking, being extra pushy, bursts of high energy, etc. are all examples of a puppy that is overly tired, cranky and needs downtime! 😴

Be the one your dog can look to when they are unsure about what’s going on around them. They are living in a world that ...

Be the one your dog can look to when they are unsure about what’s going on around them.

They are living in a world that was not made for them. We have to be the ones to guide them through.

Tomorrow, the movie "Dog", starring Channing Tatum, will be officially released in theaters. It features a well-trained ...

Tomorrow, the movie "Dog", starring Channing Tatum, will be officially released in theaters.

It features a well-trained Belgian Malinois in a light-hearted, road-trip film traveling across the States with an Army Ranger to attend her original handlers' funeral. While this film does touch on a few of the growing pains & learning curves that come with owning a "Maligator", many will still want to go out and bring one home as a pet—as they did when John Wick III came out.

As Shane Doss mentioned in his viral post, "A highly-trained Malinois is a work of art. So is Michelangelo's statue of David, but I don't necessarily want it in my living room. This breed can be exceptional in the right hands, but they require a lot of everything."

These dogs require an incredible amount of dedication to training, and rescues are already bracing for the influx that will inevitably follow when people realize why this breed is primarily used for military & police work. They thrive off of working; they literally exist for it.

They are not going to be couch potatoes.
They are not well-equipped to just be a running buddy.
They are not going to protect you without extensive, professional training.

"Be honest with yourself about the amount of time you have to dedicate to training one of these dogs—not the person you want to be, but the person you are RIGHT NOW."

Hollywood has a history of romanticizing animals, and backyard breeders are just waiting to make a quick buck off ignorance.

Please, even if you simply love the idea of this breed, do your research.

(Depicted K-9 Arco)


Trust is earned, never demanded.

This is true not only for people but also between dogs and their owners.

Imagine trusting a stranger or an acquaintance in an unknown situation without first showing you that it was safe or they were capable of handling it. You have to PROVE to your dog that you have their best interest at heart, not only at home but in every situation they encounter.

Mercury has a bite history.
He has felt the need to be guarded around guests in the home and towards new dogs whenever in public, making things most owners take for granted nearly impossible to enjoy.

However, with a change in dynamic and environment, he's been able to open up to us more and more over the course of a week.

You can change the dynamic between you & your dog whenever you are ready to take the first step—we can show you how. Learning how to communicate with your dog is like a dance, and both of you start out having two left feet. But the more you practice, set clearly defined boundaries, and demonstrate patience, the more fluid it'll be and the better your bond will become.

Meet the first Board & Train class of 2022! 🤩From extremely timid to possessive, leash pulling extraordinaires to bite h...

Meet the first Board & Train class of 2022! 🤩

From extremely timid to possessive, leash pulling extraordinaires to bite histories—we definitely started the new year with a bang!

❄️ Snow in the South ❄️There’s something about dogs in snow that makes it more magical & fun—you *almost* forget how col...

❄️ Snow in the South ❄️

There’s something about dogs in snow that makes it more magical & fun—you *almost* forget how cold it is!

Alabama weather sure knows how to kick off the New Year! 🎆

Share some of your favorite snow day pictures in the comments ⬇️


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 11:00 - 18:00


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Our Story

At Alpha Instincts, we transform dogs and their families by building communication between dogs and their owners through balanced dog training. Our trainers are all well-equipped to handle issues from leash-pulling to aggression.

Our programs focus on obedience, as much as they do on behavioral rehabilitation. We see plenty of dogs that have great obedience skills, however, they are not able to hold a command around basic distractions or maintain a calm state of mind. It is so important for us and the dog, that we can work with the dog on these issues in real-life scenarios.

We believe that every dog, regardless of history, breed, size, or age, should have a chance to prove the potential they have to be something amazing. We are one of a handful of trainers that, not only WILL work with, but have experience training and rehabilitating aggressive dogs that have a history of biting.

We look at dog training as a lifestyle and not a series of tricks, our training and rehab program will become part of your lifestyle!