Tinny enjoying some watermelon today! He's really perked up since being moved outside. Hopefully Mator our leopard tortoise will join him next year
It's confirmed! We will be vending at the Tucson Reptile expo in October! In addition to our usual animals that we will have available we will be bringing some dot art peices for sale too!
Love our powder mix of isopods!! Look at all the babies!! 😍😍😍😍😍
Wouldn't think this boy is so dang sassy! Grinch is sweet as pie 🥧 when he is out and about but open his bin and he spitting 🔥🔥🔥🔥!! 🤣🤣
I will admit... I'm a bit of a ninny 😝😝
#colubridsofinstagram #coolpets #reptiles #reptilesofinsta #hognose #hognosesnakesofinstagram #albinohognose #keeledscales #grinch #sassypants #playdead #snakesofinstagram #colubrids
Betta babies galore! Just about ready to separate these beautiful guys. What's your favorite color betta?
Our little clownfish makes this mushroom look like a comfortable coral blanket.
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Follow us @madlabexotics for more random reptile/animal related stuff!
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I never show off this tank and shame on me! Lol these guppies have really started taking off. These are my rainbow mosaic dragon elephant ear guppies that have been growing up and kept with my blue velvet neocaridina shrimp
#aquariumhobby #aquariumfish #guppytank #guppies #guppyfish #neocaridina #bluevelvetshrimp #freshwateraquarium #freshwatershrimp