Haven & Harmony are dying TOMORROW! Save their lives NOW 918-964-9560
‼️ATTENTION‼️Our 5th birthday is rapidly approaching & WE NEED YOUR HELP!PLEASE snap a quick picture of your Circle L baby wearing a birthday hat! It can be a simple homemade construction paper cone hat, or as elaborate as you’d like!!Please comment below, send a PM to Circle L Rescue or email to [email protected] we need pictures by May 28th! 🎉 #birthdaycelebration #birthdayparty #5thbirthday #rescue #circlelrescue #celebrate #party
This 10 year old  female, German Shepherd was left behind when her family moved away! She needs YOUR HELP to stay out of the pound! Pounds are nowhere for German Shepherds, as we saw with Bear -  let alone a senior!
She is fully vetted, super dog, friendly!
Please help us help her!
If you can offer her a home for the remainder of her days, please call 918-964-9560!
This is an urgent situation‼️
#unwanted #thrownaway #germanshepherd #savemylife
little bitty Lady, the smallest rescue currently, is skilled at taking down Doc, the largest. Lady weighed 13 pounds at her check up today, and Doc weighed 150! #SmallButMighty #RescueDogs #GreatDane PayPal.me/CircleLRescue
RED ALERT!!! Found severely matted dog near Kenwood Rd in rural Salina, Oklahoma! SHARE! SHARE! SHARE! This pup survived a near miss with a rough pack of dogs and a livestock guardian dog, as it wandered onto a protected property. Let’s get this pup back home!
This weekend! Learn all about BALANCED TRAINING:
💙 what it is
💙 what it isn’t
💙how does balanced training work
💙helping reactive dogs
💙helping fearful dogs
💙myth busting
Be sure to LIKE and FOLLOW us to see the WHOLE video when we go live 💙
#balancedtraining #mythbusters #rescuedog #savethemall
We are so close! Only $45 stands between the hungry pups we serve & picking up another pallet of healthy, nutritious dog food!!
We need to pick up our dog food donations THIS WEEK - and we are SOOO CLOSE to having the funds for the pallet of feed and the gas for travel!
Please donate TODAY!
Diesel is missing!! After having a stroke while driving, Diesel’s owner wasn’t able to restrain him when law enforcement opened the car door.
Thursday, April 11 between 2-3pm- one mile south of the Salina Speedway, on 438 - Diesel ran in fear.
Diesel’s young owner is now recovering from a stroke, and desperate to find his best friend!!!!
DIESEL IS WARY of strangers, but can be won over with hot dogs, chicken & most any food.
#FindDiesel #BringDieselHome
unpopular opinion: dogs need to be trained in a language they can understand.
“Positive training”, “force free”, etc do not effectively teach dogs the repercussions for bad behavior.
Dogs who have completed balanced training successfully overcome behavioral issues which would otherwise have resulted in unnecessary euthanasia.
We have removed them from their natural lives, domesticated them, and expect them to live happily isolated in our homes. They deserve to understand the rules and boundaries, as they would have been trained within their canine pack.
Does your dog have unresolved behavioral issues? If something were to happen to you, could your dog be handled by emergency personnel or extended family? Can your dog walk calmly on a leash in public? If not - we BEG you to seek the help of a qualified BALANCED trainer.
It’s time we move past our disposable mentality & be accountable stewards of the animals in our care.
#DoBetter #TMYK #SaveDogs #adopt #adoptdontshop #euthanasia