American Dog Obedience Center

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American Dog Obedience Center A premier boarding school for busy families, serving Oklahoma City metro area - and beyond. Results matter here! We train your dog for you.

We teach family dogs the behaviors they need to live well with their humans. Then we empower families to effectively elicit those behaviors at home. Beyond training for family dogs, we train & compete (quite successfully!) in AKC agility and rally. Kris Butler is also a certified canine fitness trainer (CCFT) through University of Tennessee's veterinary programs and she is the author of "Therapy Dogs Today: Their Gifts, Our Obligation."

Happy Monday! As Rave On and I were preparing the kennel building for September clients, we came across our peanut holde...

Happy Monday! As Rave On and I were preparing the kennel building for September clients, we came across our peanut holders. Hmmm… haven’t seen these in a while. Oh snap, they might as well have been butterflies because next we were chasing after them instead of tending to our task. I had to anchor Rave On to a temporary Magic Carpet to keep her from starting without me as I paired holders to FitPaws peanuts and arranged them. She has always loved workouts on her peanuts and I’m proof that kind of joy is contagious. It didn’t result in any kind of kennel organization - but it sure was fun.

We hope your workweek includes a few detours and butterflies along the way too. Rave On would tell you to be persistent in asking for what you want and to chase your brand of butterfly with extreme enthusiasm. It’s a crazy feeling.

We are in the ENERGY business! Our goal is for families - busy people and their dogs - to embrace each others energy, to...

We are in the ENERGY business! Our goal is for families - busy people and their dogs - to embrace each others energy, together. Consider, with every form of energy, you have to be able to manage it for maximum benefit.

That’s where we come in. Even if you’ve tried an internet course (or two or three) we can still help. There’s no shame in enlisting hands-on help for a task you realize you will not likely complete by yourself. Canine energy management requires a considerable amount of skill, time, and effort

Visit the website at for details, then contact us via the contact form online or voice phone. Together we will discuss your needs and expectations as well as your dog’s needs and behaviors to determine if our program is a good fit for your family.

Summer school...

Summer school...

THIS right here is how AKC Utility class Obedience - sits, fronts, finishes -  feels to Rave On & me. Not complaining or...

THIS right here is how AKC Utility class Obedience - sits, fronts, finishes - feels to Rave On & me. Not complaining or excuse-ing, just saying…

Meet Asher, last dog to go home before American Dog Obedience Center’s summer break. In the moment, I had not planned on...

Meet Asher, last dog to go home before American Dog Obedience Center’s summer break.
In the moment, I had not planned on this test (Do you see it?) but we train for distractions like this —and Asher passed brilliantly.
Reaching for the phone to photo this amazing behavior from Asher was an exercise in trainer confidence. At this point Asher has TWO super powers we knew we could draw from. The first behavior we asked for here is “stay” (and he did). But consider, even if his stay behavior broke down or if he’d begun a chase before his handler connected with him - we knew he would come back. And actually, around here anyway, chasing squirrels is not a crime unless a dog is being otherwise instructed. If he takes off, we can recall him. Easy peezee… Good, good boy!

This weekend, border collie Rave On coached by American Dog Obedience Center’s owner/trainer Kris Butler. Bravo!Many her...

This weekend, border collie Rave On coached by American Dog Obedience Center’s owner/trainer Kris Butler. Bravo!

Many here have never seen competitive obedience. A link to Kris & Rave On’s Friday performance in the Utility ring is included in comments. “Obedience” is just one of the competitive venues in which ADOC trainers have achieved nationally recognized success. Utility is the highest level of AKCs obedience titling classes.

Training methods and experiences matter. Results matter. This is Oklahoma’s biggest dog show. Rave On rocked it.

Who’s working with YOUR family’s dog? Training methods and experience matter to you, too.

Enrollments for September 2024 are currently being accepted. Review our website and use the contact form here. — or phone to talk.

This is important - and likely relevant to everyone here, if not our current dogs then dogs we bring into our families i...

This is important - and likely relevant to everyone here, if not our current dogs then dogs we bring into our families in the future. My sense is that many more people are becoming more aware of the issues associated with early spay/neuter, while most rescues still insist. Even if we don’t commit the details to memory, we can revisit to become our dogs’ better advocates when the time comes again.

Today, Memorial Day, was the perfect day to hoist a new flag in front of the kennel building. It was a little shy about ...

Today, Memorial Day, was the perfect day to hoist a new flag in front of the kennel building. It was a little shy about unfurling at first, but you know our Oklahoma winds will have it dancing soon. You likely saw a flag flying right there, no matter how long ago your dog trained at American Dog Obedience Center. We are grateful for the service and sacrifices that makes it possible.

We’re making some changes to better accommodate the families we work for - and our personal schedules. Last year we lear...

We’re making some changes to better accommodate the families we work for - and our personal schedules. Last year we learned that the limited number of dogs we were\are training in each class reduced the number of days we needed with each dog to meet family goals. So that is one point. But also, if we train for fewer days, we can reduce the cost of a course. Shorter courses and less $$ will benefit our clients while the extra time is a personal gift for Dennis and me. We make these changes feeling fully confident we’re still offering the best dog training on the planet to busy Oklahoma families. We’ve updated details on American Dog Obedience Center’s website to reflect these changes, beginning in June and continuing in September after our summer break. Here’s a link

For all the moms we love —including the dog momsand the step momsand the not-quite-yet momsand those who are missing our...

For all the moms we love —
including the dog moms
and the step moms
and the not-quite-yet moms

and those who are missing our moms —


Border collie Rave On rocked the Utility ring with me at AKC obedience trials in Ponca City this weekend. It was a small...

Border collie Rave On rocked the Utility ring with me at AKC obedience trials in Ponca City this weekend. It was a small, well-run event, which contributed a lot to our success - 2 first placements which led to Preferred High in Trial awards Saturday and Sunday.
I absolutely believe that the smarter our practices have become, the “luckier” it seems we are in the ring. There was a time that just to qualify twice consecutively in Utility classes was a wish.

Still, one should never discount the potential of a good dog - or the power of a lucky shirt.

We LOVE hearing from former students' families. Thank you for the opportunity for Stella's teachers to celebrate too. Ev...

We LOVE hearing from former students' families. Thank you for the opportunity for Stella's teachers to celebrate too. Even after 10 years, we remember. Well done, Stella!

Marley went home earlier this week. Her story is not ours to tell, except to say she could be the “fortunate dog” in Ame...

Marley went home earlier this week. Her story is not ours to tell, except to say she could be the “fortunate dog” in American Dog Obedience Center’s slogan
“Boarding school for busy families owned by fortunate dogs.”
It was immediately apparent, the high degree to which Marley’s family is committed to meeting her physical, emotional, and dogly needs. She is indeed a fortunate dog. And when the family witnessed the results of our program from a former client, they enrolled Marley here so we could help with her/their behavioral needs. Our lesson went piece by piece through the new behaviors Marley had learned, with the dog and her humans working hard - for each other. The lesson made their connection apparent too. Very well done!

Earth Day Reminder: Your dog (absolutely!) believes EVERY day is Earth Day.Whether it’s in wide open places or tidy back...

Earth Day Reminder: Your dog (absolutely!) believes EVERY day is Earth Day.

Whether it’s in wide open places or tidy backyard spaces, off-leash control allows families with dogs to enjoy nature better, together, each in your own way. Our special brand of training can help families achieve those goals with your dogs.

Celebrate the Earth with your dog - often.

Former clients, got earthy photos? Let’s see them!

On the way to work, I spied this new patch of wild flowers just across the driveway from where most of you have parked. ...

On the way to work, I spied this new patch of wild flowers just across the driveway from where most of you have parked. My first thought was “photo opp.” So after a round of student dog training, my border collie Rave On and I headed over to capture some cuteness. My model would explore a flower with her nose and my shutter finger would be ready. However, our self-appointed Wildlife Control Agent detected movement in the woods beyond the fence, ending my original plan. Rave On is always on duty - and that is what this photographer is privileged to share today.

Gunner, here, is showing you his very fine “mine.” We’ve begun playing retrieving games with most student dogs with rule...

Gunner, here, is showing you his very fine “mine.” We’ve begun playing retrieving games with most student dogs with rules that proof and reinforce the behaviors they’ve been learning. We’ve also recently begun introducing the concept of “mine” to each student dog. That word means leave it alone or get away from it. So when the toys are on the picnic table, they are “mine.” You can see Gunner is keenly aware that his toy is there, but that it is off limits. Good dog, Gunner!

This girl right here - Gabby - is responsible for one of the student dogs being in April’s class at American Dog Obedien...

This girl right here - Gabby - is responsible for one of the student dogs being in April’s class at American Dog Obedience Center right now. Gabby and her human were out & about, just being their own well-behaved selves, when they came across another person and dog who were SO impressed with what they were witnessing that they enrolled in our next available class. It was THAT easy!
If you’ve been here a while, you know referrals mean donations. This time we chose Tunnels to Towers’ Homeless Veterans Program. You can read more about T2T programs at - and make a donation there, too, if you are moved to do that. It’s hard not to be.
Thank you Gabby for being an ambassador for good behavior and thanks to her family for bringing out the best in her and the families you encounter along your journeys together. We hope you approve this token of our appreciation.

Meet Kevin from our March class. Too much handsomeness for just one photo! His story is not ours to tell but he reminded...

Meet Kevin from our March class. Too much handsomeness for just one photo! His story is not ours to tell but he reminded me constantly that a young adult dog can be the wiser choice (over the young puppy) for many families. Of course it depends on the family's goals - and the dog. This is not a judgement or sermon. Our 3 current family dogs came to us as puppies, intentionally. But for many families the drama of raising a puppy can be really stressful. I would imagine that is why so many young dogs end up needing new homes. Kevin's "new" family opened their home and hearts and in return Kevin was mature enough to (gladly) assume the role of family companion. Former clients, if you're considering including a new dog in your family, contact us and we will explore options together. Good, good boy, Kevin!

This photo is from earlier today in our fitroom at the kennel. Border collie Rave On had helped me set up kennels for to...

This photo is from earlier today in our fitroom at the kennel. Border collie Rave On had helped me set up kennels for tomorrow’s April arrivals. Then we tidied the fit room —and put some of that equipment to good use. Rave On gets so excited during fitness, she makes growlie noises sometimes.
So while April is shaping up, we want to let you all know that we have a few openings for May and June before our summer break. If you know a busy family owned by a fortunate dog, send them our way!

We nose Reba is happy to be home after her 3-week training course at American Dog Obedience Center. She is smart and spi...

We nose Reba is happy to be home after her 3-week training course at American Dog Obedience Center. She is smart and spirited - and a beautiful model. She will fetch til your arm falls off.

Sissy went home earlier this week. She was the youngest dog in our March class, and the first Saint Bernadoodle we’ve wo...

Sissy went home earlier this week. She was the youngest dog in our March class, and the first Saint Bernadoodle we’ve worked with here. Yep, there’s some Saint Bernard woven throughout all that cuteness. Regardless appearance, behavior matters here, and Sissy was/is all “dog” in that regard. We appreciate families like Sissy’s who recognize the need, trust us with their dog’s education, and commit to the “dog” within. Thank you — and good dog, Sissy!

We’re wrapping up a feisty March class this week. Gunner, here, was the first March student dog to go home — and we’ve a...

We’re wrapping up a feisty March class this week. Gunner, here, was the first March student dog to go home — and we’ve already received the best kind of feedback from his family. Everything about Gunner is “big.” He’s a multi-generational brontosauradoodle - very large - with big big energy and drive. Fortunately for Gunner, his family’s commitment and determination is “big” too and that was apparent during their going-home lesson together. His family showed up for him and they rocked it— and Gunner did too.

Our border collie, Rave On was thrilled to find an agility tunnel set up in the work area surrounding the kennel buildin...

Our border collie, Rave On was thrilled to find an agility tunnel set up in the work area surrounding the kennel building. A former client is planning to set up an outside fitness course - including tunnels - for their active dog. We planned a private lesson with them to address tunnel construction, set-up, safety concerns, and training for the dog. Rave On served as the world’s happiest demo dog. Her excitement was contagious and motivated our student dog. Rave On flaunted her advanced skills too as we offered insights into possible future progressions. It was a busy super-charged morning, with humans and canines working hard to find the best ways to teach, learn, and exchange information with each other. Not the norm for us, but a satisfying and fun fun fun lesson. 2 current student dogs in our March class are here because of direct referra...
2 current student dogs in our March class are here because of direct referrals. We have made a donation to Ground Zero Emergency Training Center as a small token of appreciation to the dogs whose good behavior caused their families to mention us so kindly. We hope you all approve this choice. Thank you!

Are you aware, GZ has volunteer opportunities available for individuals or families to volunteer as puppy socializers and/or puppy fosters? When I read that on their website, I thought about how wonderful so many people we have trained with here would be in these roles. Think about it!

Ground Zero Founders Ground Zero Emergency Training Center was founded by Oklahomans, Barry & Becky Switzer in 2017 to meet the needs of a critical shortage in search-and-rescue canines.  Ground […]

Spring Break is coming up next month. Although we are limiting the number of student dogs in each class during 2024, we ...

Spring Break is coming up next month. Although we are limiting the number of student dogs in each class during 2024, we are still accepting a few (former client dogs only) lucky dogs for boarding through June. These "formers" get out individually for exercise and play in rotations, same as student dogs in training. We require appropriate behaviors throughout so it can serve as a refresher too. Our boarding rate reflects our considerable investment in time and attention but is less than our current training rate. Contact Kris -- easiest through email Kris @ or phone/voicemail 405 364 7650 -- to confirm availability and schedule. are the beds your dogs sleep on at American Dog Obedience Center. They are easy ...
These are the beds your dogs sleep on at American Dog Obedience Center. They are easy to clean and - so far - indestructible. That is saying a LOT when you consider the rowdies who stay here. There are different "models." We use heavy-duty Kuranda beds at the kennel, and a lighter model at our house serves as border collie Rave On's Magic Carpet.

Kuranda Dog Beds are elevated dog beds with a patented, chew proof design. Comfortable, easy to clean and made in the USA. Free shipping on all dog beds.

This weekend border collie Rave On and I competed at a 5-ring AKC Obedience event hosted by the Wichita Falls Texas Obed...

This weekend border collie Rave On and I competed at a 5-ring AKC Obedience event hosted by the Wichita Falls Texas Obedience Club. We competed at the Utility (most advanced obedience class) level. On Saturday Rave On qualified with a first placement— and completed 3rd of 3 AKC required “legs” for Utility Dog title in the process.


When the UD is official, Rave On will hold titles from the highest levels of AKC agility and obedience and an AKC rally championship. I just can’t seem to teach her to smile.



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Our Story

We train your dog for you. We teach family dogs the behaviors they need to live well with their humans. Then we empower families to effectively elicit those behaviors at home. Beyond training for family client dogs, we train & compete with our own dogs (quite successfully!) in agility & rally and we offer fitness skills training to canine athletes and rising stars.