Its been 5 days and am struggling to put together words. Our Mixing peace with unhappiness, Otis has been taken by God to His home. People who know me know i say, its Gods house if he wants animals there they will be there. Otis had 3 more seizures since june 2. Acting very normal other than those 3 times. This past week he grew weaker, developed visable skin spots due to his vasculitis, and being not your typical minpin attitude or kidney desease behavior of not wanting touch he became more and more clingy, always on my lap or wanting to be picked up which we did anyways. His eating slowed down (something he loved but maintained a good weight). He woulda died 9 yrs ago without treatment, and 5 yrs ago had his internal problems had not been discovered by dr meisse. His awesome vet and staff were surprised he was eating at all. Sat early morning he seized. I stayed with him all night. He had a hard seizure a couple hrs later. I called the vet who never works sat, she was coming in. The only option for him was pheno but sure he wouldnt know where he was at even with that. Personally, i dont like the medical term euthinization, nor do i like put down. He was always up, loved and loving, a tropper, an overcomer. Not once did we ever regret taking him in. We miss him emensely and miss his cutest version of a happy dance. God encoraged us to let Otis come to Him, it was time, and our faith in God we were sure hed help us through. He Never fails us.