Coachella Valley Dog Club

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  • Coachella Valley Dog Club

Coachella Valley Dog Club Created in August of 2008 to not only help out local rescue and welfare organizations but also to in

The Coachella Valley Dog Club started in August 2008 to provide a low cost option for owners designed to keeps dogs in their homes and owners happy and reduce the number of unwanted pets. While we offer many different group classes and private training services we also offer the valleys only low cost basic obedience program. Certified in Canine Behavior and a trainer for two large chains in the va

lley for several years Tabitha Davies holds classes geared to teach you to communicate effectively for your dog. This allows the dogs to be stimulated while learning and ensures they can function outside class in the real world. It's not just basic obedience either, most owners will also learn how to stop annoying behaviors such as nuisance barking, chewing, digging, jumping, and potty training. These classes are education for both dog and owner and all experience levels welcome. Even seasoned owners can benefit from our fully force free classes in Rally, Agility, Obedience, Tricks, Therapy Dog Training, Shelter to Service Dog Program, Nose Work, and Reactive Dog Classes. We also offer individualized training and behavior adjustment therapy to county mandated dogs and aggressive/reactive cases.

I dont find this shocking but for those of you innour valley with pets you need to be aware this emergency clinic is clo...

I dont find this shocking but for those of you innour valley with pets you need to be aware this emergency clinic is closing.

However the Veterinary Urgent Care of the Desert is open in Palm Desert and they are Amazing!!!

We are also getting Veterinary Emergency Group ER in our valley opening soon so we won't be without any emergency care (in fact it will be excellent).

So update your phone info, your pet sitter info, and be prepared to take a new route In case of emergency.

Thank you for being part of our pet community over the years. Unfortunately, VCA Valley Animal Medical Center will close permanently on February 28, 2025. This decision was not made lightly, and we understand the significant impact it may have on you and your pet(s). We want to thank you for your loyalty over the years and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Please see here for more information:


🌟 Discover the World of Nosework! 🌟

Join All Big Canines' Intro to Scentwork Class starting December 14, 2024, at 8 AM! 🐾

💡 What You'll Learn:

Basics of odor detection for scentwork/nosework sports
Introduction to the two largest organizations and how to get involved in trials with your dog.
Build confidence, focus, and teamwork with your dog!
🐶 Perfect for beginners exploring the exciting world of nosework!

📅 Limited spots available—secure yours now!

👉 𝗵𝘁𝘁𝗽𝘀://𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘀.𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗯𝗶𝗴𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀.𝗰𝗼𝗺/𝗿𝗲𝗴𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿

🔥 Attention all dog owners who are tired of dealing with frustrating behavior from your furry friend! 🔥🚫You may think th...

🔥 Attention all dog owners who are tired of dealing with frustrating behavior from your furry friend! 🔥

🚫You may think that transforming your dog's behavior is a daunting and time-consuming task. 🚫

✅ TRUTH: With our Paw-some Behavior Transformation Program, you can turn your dog from naughty to nice in just 6 weeks! ✅

In fact...

🐾 Dog owners like you have a unique advantage when it comes to solving behavior problems. 🐾

Our programs offer personalized 1:1 training to address your dog's specific needs and your goals. Unlocking this advantage is simple, quick, and easy.

The best part is...

🚫 This has NOTHING to do with hours of training, strict management, outdated methods, or unhealthy amounts of treats. 🚫

By joining our program, you'll feel relaxed, proud, and stress-free while enjoying outings with your well-mannered dog. You'll be viewed as a responsible and capable dog owner by others.

Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity! Tap below to discover exactly how our Transformation Programs work. Save 13% when you register before Nov 13th 2024🐶💪

Hurry, this offer won't last long! 🕒

Paw-some Behavior Transformation ProgramThis program will help you transform your dog's behavior from frustrating to fan...

Paw-some Behavior Transformation Program

This program will help you transform your dog's behavior from frustrating to fantastic in just 6 weeks. You'll feel relaxed, proud, and stress-free when spending time with your well-mannered and well-behaved dog. You'll enjoy outings with your dog and be viewed as a responsible and capable dog owner by others.

The Paw-some Behavior Transformation Program will provide you with personalized 1:1 training to address your dog's unique needs and your specific goals. You'll experience pride, joy, passion, and excitement as you see your dog's behavior improve and strengthen your bond with your furry friend.

Say goodbye to hours of training, strict management, unhealthy treats, and painful methods. Our program focuses on building trust and empathy with your dog for long-lasting results without the negative side effects of traditional training methods.[Unique Solution Name]: Paw-some Behavior Transformation Program

This program will help you transform your dog's behavior from frustrating to fantastic in just 6 weeks. You'll feel relaxed, proud, and stress-free when spending time with your well-mannered and well-behaved dog. You'll enjoy outings with your dog and be viewed as a responsible and capable dog owner by others.

The Paw-some Behavior Transformation Program will provide you with personalized 1:1 training to address your dog's unique needs and your specific goals. You'll experience pride, joy, passion, and excitement as you see your dog's behavior improve and strengthen your bond with your furry friend.

Say goodbye to hours of training, strict management, unhealthy treats, and painful methods. Our program focuses on building trust and empathy with your dog for long-lasting results without the negative side effects of traditional training methods.

Ask Us How!


2.5"ish" over 2 years that's 577 an hour (looknat the disaster left by hassen in El Paseo tx) the BOS entertained 0 other options and took 8 min to deliberate with one BOS voting for something he was against because he didn't want to hold anything up.....

Here is a template email you can send to you BOS representative.

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Subject: Demand for Immediate Shelter Reform and Responsible Leadership in Riverside County

Dear [Board of Supervisors Representative’s Name],

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding Riverside County’s recent shelter management decisions, which reflect poor use of taxpayer funds and a lack of effective leadership. It is clear that the county’s current approach is failing both the community and the animals in its care. Immediate reform is not just necessary but demanded by your constituents.

In just a few days, a petition calling for comprehensive shelter reform has gathered over 1,000 signatures in English and is approaching 100 in Spanish, with support from residents all across Riverside County—from French Valley and Norco to the Coachella Valley, Murrieta, Temecula, Eastvale, and Beaumont. The message is clear: the current system is broken, and we will not stand by while poor decisions continue to harm the animals and waste our hard-earned money.

To remedy this, I urge the Board to implement the following nine pillars of reform, which are proven to improve outcomes for animals and create a more fiscally responsible shelter system:

1. **Open intake**—Reject managed intake policies, as they harm the community by turning away animals in need.
2. **Improved access to training and behavior resources**—Prevention of relinquishment and increased adoption retention through better education and support for pet owners.
3. **Fear-Free sheltering practices**—Reducing in-shelter stress and illness, improving overall adoption rates and retention.
4. **Staff development on ASVAB standards**—Training staff in best practices for behavior, training, and vet care handling to ensure animals are treated with professionalism and care.
5. **Preventative care**—Reducing health risks during shelter stays through proactive medical care.
6. **Improved community supports**—Offering low and no-cost spay/neuter programs through partnerships with local vet schools and organizations to prevent overpopulation.
7. **Community support for pet food pantries and human need resources**—Following successful models to provide food security for both pets and their owners, reducing relinquishment due to financial hardship.
8. **Short-term boarding for medical crises**—Providing temporary care for pets of unhoused or medically incapacitated residents to prevent unnecessary surrender.
9. **County housing overview**—Improving access to housing for housing-insecure and unhoused pet parents through collaboration with organizations like ‘My Dog Is My Home.’

These pillars are not only humane but also economically sound. By embracing these reforms, the county can better allocate resources, reduce overall costs, and ensure the well-being of both its human and animal residents.

Additionally, I must emphasize the role of leadership in this ongoing issue. Riverside County has long relied on a colonial, hierarchical leadership structure that concentrates decision-making power at the top. This outdated approach is not serving the public interest. Instead, the county should adopt a decolonized group leadership model that encourages collaboration, transparency, and inclusion. By involving community members, experts, and stakeholders in decision-making processes, Riverside County can create a system that is more equitable, effective, and kinder to the budget.

The community’s demands are clear, and we will not be ignored. I urge you to take immediate action by canceling the current contract and adopting the nine pillars of shelter reform. We expect responsible, informed leadership that prioritizes the needs of Riverside County’s people and animals.

[Your Name]
[Your Address, optional]
[Your Contact Information, optional]

Sign and share the petitions

Please share this letter with your neighbors and other community members to ensure that our representatives hear our collective voice.

And as always make sure you sign and SHARE this petition everywhere.

Asunto: Exigencia de Reforma Inmediata en los Refugios de Animales y Liderazgo Responsable en el Condado de Riverside

Estimado/a [Nombre del Representante de la Junta de Supervisores],

Me dirijo a usted para expresar mi profunda preocupación por las recientes decisiones tomadas por el condado de Riverside en la gestión de los refugios de animales, las cuales reflejan un uso inadecuado de los fondos de los contribuyentes y una falta de liderazgo efectivo. Es evidente que el enfoque actual está fallando tanto a la comunidad como a los animales bajo su cuidado. La reforma inmediata no solo es necesaria, sino que está siendo exigida por sus constituyentes.

En solo unos días, una petición que exige una reforma integral de los refugios ha reunido más de 1,000 firmas en inglés y se acerca a las 100 en español, con apoyo de residentes en todo el condado de Riverside, desde French Valley y Norco hasta Coachella Valley, Murrieta, Temecula, Eastvale y Beaumont. El mensaje es claro: el sistema actual está roto, y no vamos a quedarnos de brazos cruzados mientras las malas decisiones continúan perjudicando a los animales y malgastando nuestro dinero.

Para solucionar esto, insto a la Junta a implementar los siguientes nueve pilares de reforma, que han demostrado mejorar los resultados para los animales y crear un sistema de refugios más responsable económicamente:

1. **Ingreso abierto**—Rechazar las políticas de ingreso controlado, ya que perjudican a la comunidad al rechazar animales que necesitan atención.
2. **Mejor acceso a recursos de entrenamiento y comportamiento**—Prevenir el abandono de mascotas y aumentar la retención de adopciones mediante una mejor educación y apoyo a los dueños de mascotas.
3. **Prácticas de refugio libre de miedo**—Reducir el estrés y las enfermedades dentro del refugio, mejorando las tasas de adopción y la retención.
4. **Desarrollo del personal según los estándares de ASVAB**—Capacitar al personal en las mejores prácticas para el comportamiento, el entrenamiento y el manejo veterinario para garantizar que los animales reciban un trato profesional y humano.
5. **Atención preventiva**—Reducir los riesgos de salud durante las estadías en el refugio a través de cuidados médicos proactivos.
6. **Mejor apoyo comunitario**—Ofrecer programas de esterilización/castración de bajo costo o gratuitos mediante asociaciones con escuelas veterinarias locales y organizaciones para prevenir la sobrepoblación.
7. **Apoyo comunitario para despensas de alimentos para mascotas y recursos para las personas**—Implementar modelos exitosos que proporcionen seguridad alimentaria tanto para las mascotas como para sus dueños, reduciendo el abandono debido a dificultades financieras.
8. **Alojamiento temporal en crisis médicas**—Brindar cuidado temporal a las mascotas de personas sin hogar o incapacitados médicamente para evitar entregas innecesarias.
9. **Revisión de la política de vivienda del condado**—Mejorar el acceso a viviendas para las personas con inseguridad habitacional y dueños de mascotas sin hogar, en colaboración con organizaciones como ‘My Dog Is My Home’.

Estos pilares no solo son humanitarios, sino también económicamente viables. Al adoptar estas reformas, el condado podrá asignar mejor sus recursos, reducir costos generales y garantizar el bienestar tanto de los residentes humanos como de los animales.

Adicionalmente, debo recalcar el papel del liderazgo en este problema. El condado de Riverside ha dependido por mucho tiempo de una estructura de liderazgo jerárquico colonial que concentra el poder de decisión en la cima. Este enfoque desactualizado no está sirviendo al interés público. En su lugar, el condado debe adoptar un modelo de liderazgo de grupo descolonizado que fomente la colaboración, la transparencia y la inclusión. Al involucrar a los miembros de la comunidad, expertos y partes interesadas en los procesos de toma de decisiones, el condado de Riverside puede crear un sistema más equitativo, efectivo y amable con el presupuesto.

Las demandas de la comunidad son claras, y no seremos ignorados. Le insto a que tome medidas inmediatas, cancelando el contrato actual y adoptando los nueve pilares de la reforma de los refugios. Esperamos un liderazgo responsable e informado que priorice las necesidades de los residentes y los animales del condado de Riverside.

[Su Nombre]
[Su Dirección, opcional]
[Su Información de Contacto, opcional]


Por favor, comparta esta carta con sus vecinos y otros miembros de la comunidad para asegurarse de que nuestros representantes escuchen nuestra voz colectiva.
Aquí están las plantillas de correo electrónico que puedes copiar y pegar, y los correos electrónicos de nuestra junta de supervisores en inglés y en español.

Its really about time that things changed with the county sheltering system and for the better. Were taking a stand to f...

Its really about time that things changed with the county sheltering system and for the better. Were taking a stand to force the board to stop their poor decisions and make that happen.

Demand Termination of the Riverside County Department of Animal Services Contract

🐩 Exciting News for Dog Trainers, Daycare Owners, and Boarding Facilities! 🐕‍🦺We’re thrilled to announce that our 30 Day...

🐩 Exciting News for Dog Trainers, Daycare Owners, and Boarding Facilities! 🐕‍🦺
We’re thrilled to announce that our 30 Days of Editable Instagram Social Media Post Templates are now available! Perfect for showcasing your brand and engaging with your audience, these templates are ready to use and customize to fit your unique style.

But that’s not all! Our Dog Trainer Planner is here to help you organize and schedule your business and classes seamlessly. Say goodbye to chaos and hello to efficiency!

Plus, our Customizable 6-Week Basic Skills, 6 week Puppy Kindergarten, and 6 week Puppy Elementary Curriculums are fully packed with everything you need to elevate your training sessions. As a special bonus, the Trainer Planner is included at no extra cost with our curriculums.

All these fantastic resources are now available at the All Big Canines Store. To make your business-building journey even easier, we also accept Affirm, Afterpay, and Klarna. It’s never been more attainable to invest in your success!

Let’s elevate your business together! 🌟

Are you struggling with your furry friend's behavior? We know how tough it can be, but we’re here to help! For a limited...

Are you struggling with your furry friend's behavior? We know how tough it can be, but we’re here to help! For a limited time, we’re offering a FREE Discovery Call (normally $275.00) to tackle those dog training and behavior challenges and if were not the right fit we will send you to who will be.
✨ What’s in it for you?
Personalized tips and advice from our expert trainer and behavior consultant 🐕‍🦺
A tailored plan to address your dog’s specific needs 📋
Peace of mind knowing you’re on the path to a happier, well-behaved pup 🐶
Don't miss out on this pawsome opportunity! Comment "CALL" below or click the link to book your FREE session today! 🎉
🐾 Let's turn those struggles into successes together! 🐾

🐾 Woof, woof! Hold onto your leashes, folks, because we're about to bark some truth. Looking for dog training and behavi...

🐾 Woof, woof! Hold onto your leashes, folks, because we're about to bark some truth. Looking for dog training and behavior help? Well, let's be real... you might want to look elsewhere if:
You're into old-school shock tactics. Sorry, we're all about using our brains, not electric zaps. We educate, we don't electrocute.
You prefer shady, "I'll shock your dog again later for free" deals. Nah, we're all about the ethical, evidence-based approach. No shady business here, just tails wagging and minds growing.
You don't enjoy ridiculously beautiful areas. Seriously, we're nestled in a paradise, and if that's not your jam, then maybe we're not either.
You're not up for some serious fun. Because let's face it, training should be as fun as chasing squirrels in the park.
But hey, if you're ready to join the educated, ethical, evidence-based, and fun as heck crew, then you're in for a treat! 🎉
In celebration of our eldest hooman's graduation (congrats, by the way!), we're offering up to 30% off our programs all month long with Senior Savings! 🎓🐾
So, leash up your furry friend, click the link below, and let's embark on an adventure together!
🔗 HTTP://
And hey, if you're a taco lover (who isn't?), drop a "I love tacos" in the comments, and we'll mail you a free sticker. Because who doesn't love free stuff? 🌮💌


All Big Canines is having a FREE Puppy Life Skills Class taught by our mentee Denyce. Starting 3/9/2024 2pm spaces are limited.
Register here

Our FREE 4 week, puppy life skills class


Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 16:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 16:30
Wednesday 08:30 - 16:30
Thursday 08:30 - 16:30
Friday 08:30 - 16:30
Saturday 07:30 - 12:00


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