🐩🎶 "OH NO. There's a dog in school." 🎶🐩
We were invited to go read to 5 classes this week as part of their 'I Love To Read' month at school. The kiddos had the most interesting questions for us and we had a great time.
The boys will be putting in additional volunteer hours this year as they work towards advancing their training and title work as therapy dogs.
Can anyone relate???
We have some exciting news.... pending health testing and title work, we may be adding a brown female standard poodle to our family and program. If everything works out, we could have our first brown litter later this year, our first in almost 8 years.
🤎🐩🤎 Stay tuned for more updates. 🤎🐩🤎
And the winner is.... Citrine!!!! 💛🏁🏆🏁💛
A fun course like this is always a great way to see personalities and how puppies do with objects in their way.
🐾🐩 Pregnancy confirmation! 🐩🐾
Fendi had a pregnancy confirmation ultrasound. Her and Versace's Gemstone themed litter is due the middle of June and we can't wait to meet these precious little ones.
🏁🏆 And the winner is....🏆🏁
Minor, Tempo, Treble, Melody, and Major
This is how the 1st week of pictures went with this sleepy quintet. 🤫😴