Boundary training works if you work it! See below:
My husband is in the kitchen cooking.
Nala is lying down - on her own - at the appropriate side of the boundary. From the state of the tape, you can tell we’ve practiced this for a while.
How to keep your dog out of the kitchen, or any room:
1. Create a boundary with blue or yellow tape (best seen by dogs eyes) or any contrasting color to your floor.
2. Establish the behavior you want. Give your dog rewards ONLY on the appropriate side of the boundary. Guide them out if they cross with an “out” command.
3. Reward positions you desire on the “paying” side of the boundary.
4. Every interaction with your dog is a training opportunity. If you sometimes allow your dog in the kitchen with you, or give them scraps - they will keep trying to be paid there! Stay consistent with the rules, and consistent with the appropriate pay outs. Over time you’ll be able to cook a whole meal with your dog not crossing the boundary.