This is for education on POISON CONTROL! This can happen to any of us at any given time.
Warning - don’t ever keep the Pur gum in the house if you have pets. It has xylitol (also known as Birch Sugar) in it. This happened the other day to one of my clients who has one of my girls who is 8 years old & has had since a puppy. Unfortunately she keeps this in the house due to one of her daughters being diabetic.
On January 23, she ook one of her daughters to swim lesson for a half hour and came back within an hour to her dog Skyla walking around like she was dizzy.
Then I find the ripped up bag on the floor completely empty . We ran over to Skyla and she dropped in front of us and had 3 seizures on the floor in front of us . Skyla is now in the vet with a pretty serious prognosis . They said her liver is in severe danger but I am believing that Jesus is going to protect her, she needs prayer tonight. Please pray and please beware I’m sharing this so it never happens to anyone else, she jumped up on table and grabbed it.
January 24th - Please keep praying. I just got an update from the vet Skyla’s clinically looking ok she’s eating and drinking but her liver is being attacked very badly. Her numbers rose from 400 last night to over 1000 ( they can’t read how high they went bc it only goes to 1000) please we need a miracle.
January 25th - Her numbers started to drop it went down to 820, Skyla has been eating, drinking, very alert & happy, with that being said, they decided to release her. The doctor called me a few hours ago to give me an update on her blood results. Skylas ALT which is her liver function has IMPROVED, all her platelets and organ function tests are normal, her glucose is normal and no longer dropping and although her liver numbers are still high it is miraculous that they came down at all let alone this fast.
These are the words of the doctor “she told me that Skyla should not be alive that the amount of gum she ate was enough to kill 5 dogs.” Not only did she not die from the low blood sugar at home she is also showing remarkable resilience to the poisoning on her liver. I was told by the doctor that I should purchase a lotto ticket bc they are all calling her a miracle dog!!! I responded to the doctor and I said THIS IS BECAUSE OF PRAYER!!! I said we have been praying to OUR LORD JESUS for HEALING and PROTECTION and I told her this is who GOD is HE IS A MIRACLE WORKING GOD!!!! This is ALL GOD!!!!
Please keep praying for her they said we still need to monitor her very closely and her blood results that will come back tomorrow are critical but the fact that she is good right now is an absolute miracle! Hallelujah!!!!!
Thank you so much Newburgh Vet for taking such good care of our girl and helping her fight!!!
January 26th - Skyla went home yesterday, with that being said, they drew blood and her levels dropped again to 620, she is very active, happy, eating, drinking they will continue to monitor and draw blood at the end of the week, if anything changes with her from now to then, she will end up back at the vets office.
The reason for this post is to educate people on the POISON that is out there and what is in our food and what is so dangerous to animals.
Please continue to Pray for Skyla and her family to continue a full recovery.