Little Ms. Pebbles is feeling good and ready to come off stall rest!
This 7-year-old, 14 hand mare came to us as an Estray. She was found abandoned and wandering a country road in Sandy, Oregon last January. Pebbles had been refed, halter broke and working on basic groundwork when her spicy side had a disagreement with a neighboring horse. She learned the hard way that kicking the metal panel on her run was not a good idea.
Fast forward a few months, and we finally have a healed splint bone. It is back to work for you little missy!
Monday at Sound Equine Options
While there’s no such thing as a typical week here at SEO, we wanted to give you an example of the many facets of our work that can get packaged into one calendar week. Monday started early with a 4 am phone call from Multnomah County Animal Services needing emergency assistance with a horse running along Highway 30. Portland PD had corralled the horse between two cop cars and a guardrail. Once on scene, we had to take up one lane of what was by then a busy morning commute highway. River, an aged Arabian gelding, did not appear to know how to load into a trailer, so it was our job to carefully teach him, while construction and log trucks passed by in the adjoining lane. Eventually, we were able to get River to calmly load into the trailer and took him straight to the veterinarian’s office for an exam.
Just as we parked the truck and trailer and headed to do our planned jobs for the day, we received a phone call from the Oregon Humane Society. Could we come get nine neglected horses that were just found during an unrelated search warrant in Oregon City? We quickly got on the phone to some of our volunteer hauling teams, loaded up our trailers with panels and needed supplies, contacted our veterinarian’s office to see if they could accept 9 horses for temporary housing and exams, and then hit the road to go help.
By 9 pm that evening, all 9 stallions, 3 bulls and 1 young cow had been loaded onto trailers, hauled to the veterinarian’s office, received examinations and started on a refeeding program.
Sunday at Sound Equine Options
Sunday at Sound Equine Options
Ideally, Sunday would be a day of rest, but our work continues. Planning for the future and the unscheduled needs of the horses tend to fill up any down time. We currently have 63 horses under our care and can get a phone call at any moment that instantly changes our plans for the entire day.
Our goals for the coming year include securing a lease on a new facility where we can once again centralize our program. This facility will serve as a rehabilitation and taming center for some of the most at risk horses that enter our program. Having a centralized location will save us a tremendous amount of time that can then be directed to more hands-on care for the horses that desperately need some extra attention. We will be better able to house stallions and large in-take groups, bring horses in from foster homes to evaluate any special needs, and tame the ones that come to us untouched.
One of the pieces we’re most looking forward to is getting our volunteer program back into full-swing. We will once again have volunteers helping with daily barn duties, horse handling, training as well as several other new positions. We miss our volunteers!
Saturday at Sound Equine Options
One of SEO’s favorite events of the year is our Lucky 7 Training Challenge and tack sale. This event allows us to highlight the great work being done by our network of trainers and helps us create public awareness about horses in our community who’ve been saved from vulnerable situations. It also allows us to showcase horses currently available for adoption.
The tack sale is put on by a small army of dedicated volunteers who pour many hours throughout the year preparing donated tack for sale. This year we raised enough money from the tack sale alone to save the lives of 3 horses who enter our program.
Friday at Sound Equine Options
Friday at Sound Equine Options
Our adoption team answers inquiries about horses on a daily basis, but finding the right human-horse match is no small task. Our goal is to make sure each horse ends up in a home with the skills and environment to allow both the person and the horse to thrive. Any time a match is found, we celebrate! Knowing how much each horse has gone through to get to this point makes each new home even more rewarding. In Gizmo’s case, he was abandoned, ignored and terrified of people when Pam entered his life. After helping Clark County Animal Control safely load Gizmo, Pam knew that if he could become a more trusting horse, she wanted to be his eventual safe landing.
Today, Pam signed adoption papers and took Gizmo home. A new life, full of trust and relaxation has finally begun for him.
Molly the Mule
In addition to managing the 50 to 60 horses under our daily care, we have been busy this year helping owners out with some tricky situations. We appreciate it when owners reach out for help but are still willing to care for their animals.
Over the last week we have been able to help temporarily hold a horse when an owner was locked off a property, gone out to help make a plan to scale back a breeding situation and then today we helped catch and restrain a little feral mule for the veterinarian to remove a long wire caught on its hind foot.
Molly, an approximately 25-year-old, semi-blind mule, needed some extra help today. She has been wandering around a property with a halter hanging off her neck for at least 12 years because she would not let anyone touch her. Her original owner is now deceased and the person now in charge of her has been trying her best to care for her. Fortunately, she noticed the wire on Molly’s let right away.
Our staff was able to set up a sturdy round pen and then bait her and her 27-year-old mare friend inside. The two were then separated and an extra panel was added inside the round pen. Molly quickly took a liking to our trainer’s teenage daughter, following her around at a safe distance. Once Molly was calmly caught between two strong panels, she was smart enough to let us help her. The halter around her neck was removed and a new halter was put on for the procedure. Our veterinarian gave her a couple of intramuscular sedations to mellow Molly and then finally some IV drugs to get her to lay down. She was pretty good for all of this, although there was some serious foot-stomping going on to let us know she was not thrilled.
Once down, the wire was quickly removed, and the wound cleaned, her hooves and matted tail trimmed. Our crew then searched for and removed additional loose wire found in several sections of the pasture.
The reality is that we cannot just not take on all the animals that need some extra help. We will be going b
Here is a weekend smile for you! Gelato and Sorbet are thriving in their foster home. Thank you to everyone that has helped give them a new life!