Our new arrival, Zara, loves the toys in her foster home! #greyhounds #cutedogs
Welcome, Aussie 8!.mp4
We are thrilled to introduce our latest eight arrivals from Australia! On October 26, Naz and Buddy arrived in New Mexico where they will stay in foster homes until they find their forever homes. Neither of them raced and both will turn three years old later this month. Buddy is an adorable brindle boy and Naz is a sweet black gal.
On Halloween, we welcomed the remaining six hounds in Dallas: Art, Charm, Connor, Sandy, Skylar, and Tyler. Art, Connor, and Tyler are boys and Charm, Sandy, and Skylar are girls. Tyler, who is black, is the oldest, turning six in January. White and brindle Skylar is the youngest. She will turn three in February. All are retired racers, except for three year old Art. We are still working on getting photos together for their bios. Watch a slide show of them all here.
These eight new arrivals will all be adoptable as soon as we get them check-ups, vaccinations, and any other medical care they need and also get to know them a little better in foster homes. You can help with their expenses by making a gift to our Nitsche Medical Fund. Remember we adopt nationwide to experienced adopters who can come pick up their hound. If you've been hoping you could adopt again, please put in your adoption application now so that we can get started working on it. More Aussies are expected in December!
#Greyhounds #NewArrivals
Luther is watching the husky channel on TV. Volume up to hear their song. Luther is adoptable!
#Greyhounds #AdoptableDogs
💔 Our condolences to Othello's friends and family on his recent crossing of the rainbow bridge. (fka CTW Othello, GALT #2050, July 13, 2011, to August 28, 2024, beloved and cherished by Noah and Andrew Massman-Hall) #Greyhounds #RainbowBridge
🐸 Greyhounds Twyla, Kiah, and Peewee each take a pupcake. Such polite puppers! #Greyhounds #cupcakes
Greyhound Twyla is celebrating the first anniversary of her rescue from life as a stray..mp4
🌞 Our beautiful Twyla is celebrating her anniversary of the day she left the stray life behind and moved to a GALT foster home. She is still receiving treatment for heartworm, but has come such a long way. See the before photos here: https://galtx.org/hound/twyla/ #Greyhounds #Twyla
🌽 Just a boy and his corn. Avery, GALT's Donny, loves his vegetables. #Greyhounds #Adopted
Aussie Singing.mp4
👮 Aussie, GALT's Austin, works as a Dallas Police Department therapy dog. On his days off, he enjoys singing with his friends. #Greyhounds #TherapyDog
Making Guacamole.mp4
🥑 Lil' Monster is making guacamole, Greyhound style. This one is always monstering around. #Greyhounds #guacamole
Ragnar Romps With Friends.MOV
🥰 At about 9 years old, Ragnar still has the moves. He is available to be your lover boy! Read more about him: https://galtx.org/hound/ragnar/ #Staghounds #AdoptableSighthounds
🦔 Ragnar catches a hedgie! He is adoptable and you can read more about him here: https://galtx.org/hound/ragnar/ #staghound #AdoptableSighthounds
Betty White.mp4
💓 Betty White might technically be a senior, but she is still young at heart. Watch for her to be adoptable soon! https://galtx.org/hound/bettywhite/ #Greyhounds #SeniorGreyhounds