In Loving Memory to Lily —Puppy Mill Momma—Survivor...
Lily had spent the first seven years of her life as a breeding dog in Puppy Mill...
Here is her story:
“Lily spent all of her days confined to a small, cold wire cage in a dark, foul-smelling barn.
Never was she removed from her cage for exercise or socialization. In her dreary confines, Lily was forced to produce one litter after another with no respite. Like all commercial breeding dogs, she was a veritable breeding machine whose worth was measured in only one way – her ability to produce puppies.
By seven years of age, Lily was worn out. Commonplace in the industry, she had received little to no veterinary care throughout her life, the result of which, for her, was terribly disturbing. Due to years of no dental care, poor quality food, rabbit bottle watering and no appropriate chew toys, the roof of Lily’s mouth and lower jaw, had rotted away. Her chest was riddled with mammary tumors and she was absolutely terrified of people.
She was discarded by the Breeder, for not being able to produce no more puppies..
Her rescuer The Strader family provided Lily with the love, compassion, and veterinary treatment she so desperately needed.
In May 2008, Lily passed away at home, in the arms of her loving adoptive father and family. Just fifteen months after her rescue.
R.I.P Lily ❤️🐾❤️
Our promise to Lily, and all the Dogs Left Behind producing puppies in Puppy Mills:
We’ll Never Stop Educating People About Horrid, Inhumane Puppy Mills!
We’ll Never Stop our Fight, until We Abolish