bagel’s leash skills are coming along nicely. we’re keeping to low distraction neighborhoods so that it’s easier for him to stay focused on me rather than wanting to chase every leaf or grab every object in the grass (although he did a great job not chasing the leaves today!). well slowly build up distractions and move to our own neighborhood when i think he’s ready, but i love his ears flapping and his little prance 🥹🥰
sometimes avoiding a reaction is impossible. the conditions aren’t set up in your favor. watching this back i wish i had the ability to give tuna more space to avoid a reaction, but given the situation she actually did a really fantastic job. there was an incredibly out of control dog off camera who’s owner kept dropping the leash (????) when he got sick of being dragged by his dog which just agitated me and affected my energy. not to mention the fact that tuna’s leash got tangled affecting my ability to handle her properly. the most important thing here is that this was less than 2 minutes of a 3 hour visit we had at the park where she was able to relax around a variety of her triggers. and she did fantastic! i’m so proud of her!! #reactivedog #reactivedogtraining #dogtraining #lancasterpa #lancasterdogs #lancasterpadogs #traineddogshavemorefun
it’s taken a lot of work, patience, consistency, and repetition to get here, but our hard work has paid off. arlo is such a good dog and is always so eager to please and happy to work. keep it up buddy!!! #australianshepherd #dogtraining #lancasterpa #dogsoflancaster #lancasterpadogs #reactivedogtraining #trainedogsarehappydogs