I'm trying to adjust to the off season Beekeeping life. I know that I will still get calls from my website, but I would assume they would be about honey... Not the case.
I just had a guy call me because he has had a bee in his house the past few days and didn't want to kill it. Yes A BEE.... A single Bee. He said that he wants to know if someone wanted to get it for their hive. I could have gone into the long explanation of how it doesn't work like that, but instead I said, "No one is going to come to your house for a single Bee."
So then he asks if there is somewhere he can take it and I said "Outside". So then he says it's too cold outside for it. I replied that's their natural habitat. He started asking if I knew somewhere else he could take it and at that point I just felt this conversation was going on too long so I told him to have a nice day.