The route for today: Sheldon, IA.
The route for tomorrow: Port Huron, MI
Later this week, I'll have to pick up and deliveries in New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts.
I'll also be doing some vacationing if I'm not able to secure anymore on my routes.
Please make me work but if not, you won't hurt my feelings because I can always vacation!
The route for today: Sheldon, IA.
The route for tomorrow: Port Huron, MI
Later this week, I'll have to pick up and deliveries in New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts.
I'll also be doing some vacationing if I'm not able to secure anymore on my routes.
Please make me work but if not, you won't hurt my feelings because I can always vacation!
Here's an update on my current delivery route!
After going through the rain from Erie , PA to Harrisburg, PA, this morning picked up and will be traveling to Ohio for another pickup and dropping off the dog and the video in Indiana.
There will be more videos and pictures as the trip continues.
Anybody Want To Travel?
My next trip begins August 5, 2023!
I'll be traveling from Ohio to Michigan to Georgia to Ohio!
I may stay down south for a few days, maybe even Florida!
Luther From PA to OK! I had him out of his crate near the end of the trip. You also see Luther with his new family! He was such a good boy during the whole trip.
My upcoming routes which begins sometime after the 15th of September, plus unfortunately a little bit of bitching on my part because I'm tired of getting screwed! I like I'm trying to tell people it's not personal it's business. More on that at a later date I've already made a few videos for some reason I can't upload them so this is the best I can do.
My first update today via video only. I plan to maybe do a live event later if not I'll continue to do these 45 second videos.
My delivery from MI to WV! #DogAtGoodHome
My delivery from MI to WV! #dogatgoodhome