So much truth in this post.
Also, what lovely rider position over quite a scary fence!
Seat of the pants riding has its drawbacks, just the same way that seat of the pants course design is rough and ready, but I think that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
When I first got involved with eventing in 1961, the sport was in its infancy in the USA. The USCTA, now called the USEA, was just two years old, and we sort of invented the sport as we went along. So many of the early event riders had fox hunting backgrounds, and they were used to galloping over rough terrain jumping less than well designed jumps.
This photo of the Thoroughbred stallion, Core Buff, taken about 50 years ago over a badly designed and badly constructed table is an example of what was normal in back woods eventing. Dressage was tolerated by many because it let them get to “the good stuff,” which was the cross country.
We had an almost inexhaustible supply of cheap Thoroughbred horses, there was still plenty of open land to learn how to ride over, and, not surprisingly, those old USET squads, invariably taught by former military riders, brought home World Championship and Olympic medals with extraordinary consistency.
What snuffed out so much of that was population growth and real estate development. A kid has a hard time learning seat of the pants survival riding growing up in some tiny little enclosure compared to being feral and unsupervised. Kids back in the day weren’t particularly safe, don’t get me wrong. I remember lots of falls, lots of broken collar bones, and sometimes more serious accidents, so it wasn’t all fun and games by any means, but I also think that it made for some tough, scrappy and talented cross country riders, Mike Plumb, Mike Page, Kevin Freeman, Lana du Pont, Jim Wofford, Torrance Watkins being just a few of the more well known names of the times.
(and Bruce, of course, a little later.)
But those days are gone, just as the open land those riders learned how to ride over is mostly gone, too. Chicken or egg, egg or chicken? You decide.