Our shelter is drowning. Drowning in kittens. Drowning in puppies. Drowning in unwanted, sick, abandoned adult animals. We are beyond full and they keep coming.
We finally have a brand new shelter manager who is working hard to provide a safe and healthy environment for these animals but she's drowning too. She doesn't have the tools, supplies, and man/woman power needed to stay afloat. We are in desperate need of:
-Kitten food
-Kitten supplemental formula
-Chlorox wipes
-Industrial pooper scoopers
-General cleaning supplies
-VOLUNTEERS to clean, provide foster homes (experienced kitten bottle feeders PLEASE), organize, willingly take on critical life-saving scut work, and clean clean clean.
If you've ever wanted to volunteer or send supplies from Amazon NOW is the time!
Harrison County Flora Shropshire Animal Shelter
1751 New Lair Road
Cynthiana KY 41031
859 234 7138
M-F 9a-4p
Saturdays 9-noon
No Sunday deliveries please
Manager Tiffany D Mitchell