The Hope For Paws office was completely destroyed 💔😭 Full story in today’s post.
The Hope For Paws office is completely destroyed!! 😭
I don't know if you have seen the videos on our Instagram account, but a reckless driver was racing at insane speed, lost control of her vehicle, crashed into a fire hydrant, and thousands of gallons of water fell on our roof that eventually caved in, and all the water flooded our office.
In this security camera footage, you can see my desk... still covered with all the equipment Loreta and I needed for a challenging rescue we accomplished together a day earlier.
This happened in the middle of the night, so our equipment was under 3 ft. of water for hours. Everything was destroyed! All our computers, cameras, servers, furniture, rescue equipment - all gone. 😢
We will have to redo everything - walls, wiring, purchasing of equipment, and all this at a time when the city of L.A. is already under so much stress because of the fires. 💔💔💔
Rebuilding will take time, but with your help, we will do it as quickly as possible so we can get back to work!
Tomorrow morning I will post a new rescue video that Justin edited before this nightmare. I know I lost a lot of footage that we're trying to recover. (I don't even know if it's possible; my computer caught on fire as it took in water). 😓
I promise to keep you posted as we rebuild.
Thank you so much for your support ❤
Squirrel rescue for Squirrel Appreciation Day!
As I am sure you all know, TODAY is Squirrel Appreciation Day 😄
After watching Squirrelington, you should watch Wellington here: (I am amazed how many of you missed this video - the dog almost died waiting for a rescue, and I could have died getting to this rescue) 😵😳
I hope you will enjoy both stories. ❤
Tomorrow it’s going to be a nightmare with firework again. Please keep your pets safe so they won’t end up like Norman. ❤️🩹 Hope For Paws The Animal Rescue Mission #dogsofinstagram #doglover #dogstagram #rescuedog
Rescued dog giving birth.
It took us 30 HOURS to rescue her, and just 36 HOURS LATER, this happened! Until this video will be ready, there is another amazing one here: 💝
Thanks 😊
Homeless dog with a broken pelvis was too scared to ask for help. 💔
Skellington was homeless, had a broken pelvis, and was too scared to ask for help. Luckily, someone knew to call Hope For Paws for help. 🐶❤☠️
If you are ready for a spooky rescue video, I just posted a new one here: (Grover) 😺👍
Have a happy and safe #Halloween!
Thank you so much for helping us save all these beautiful creatures 👻
Some areas here look like ghost towns, and surviving is so difficult - lack of food, water, safety... a complete nightmare. Luckily, someone knew to reach out to Hope For Paws to change Prince's life from scary to merry! 👻❤️🐶
There is a bunch of paranormal activity on the train, the railroad tracks, and in other locations, so keep your eyes open.
If you missed yesterday's new rescue video, you can watch it here: - tomorrow morning it will be replaced with another new video for #Halloween 🎃👍
Have a great day!
Underground rescue of a scared kitten.
Only two more days until Halloween, and this little black kitten was in trouble!!! Please watch and share his video, and then please watch the NEW video of the HOBBIT FAMILY I posted 5 minutes ago here:
Thank you so much!
Late night wild rescue
Halloween is almost here, so I wanted to share another night rescue. This time, it's the baby wild animals that got separated from their mom a bit too early and needed our help so they would have a better chance at survival out there. 😊👍
The first half of this day was busy and I didn't have the time to post our new rescue video, but I will schedule today so you'll get to enjoy it tomorrow morning. ❤
Thank you so much for supporting us and for sending us on all these adventures. 👻🎃👍
Freeway rescue for Halloween
4 days until Halloween and today I wanted to share a rescue on the freeway! Rescues like this are dangerous, and even though I got the call about Squid around 2 PM, I waited until 5 PM to begin the rescue - I knew that by then traffic was going to be super heavy, and it would help keep the people on the road, the cat and myself much safer!
Tomorrow morning I will post a new rescue video of a Hobbit Family on the Hope For Paws website:
Please drive safely, don't text, and keep an eye out because we may be running on a freeway near you 👻🐈⬛🎃👍
Thank you!
This dog thought he could walk on water
This abandoned dog thought he could walk on water. This is a special rescue in an unusual location.
There is also a new video on our channel! I hope you will enjoy both.
It's time to adopt a cat 😺👍
Only 8 days until Halloween, so it's time for another Halloween rescue (GRIMM), +++PLUS+++ I just uploaded a NEW rescue video of a kitten named AZALEA to our channel: 🌸😺👍
If you haven't done so yet, please subscribe to our channel and help us grow so many more lives can be saved. It's a small FREE click, and it will give someone the gift of a happy life.
Thank you so much! ❤