We are excited to partner with Breathing in Harmony and Hope to share tips for shooting your best! Please check out the comments for a picture of Kallie, our amazing 7 year old granddaughter who started this organization to empower and help children and families across the world with these breathing tips
Good luck, shoot straight and have fun!
This has been one of the most successful weeks of hunting we’ve ever seen! Now is the time to hunt hard and sit all day. Hunt your stands near food sources as bucks are checking those frequently for does. Congrats to all on such a successful week of hunting and good luck to those hoping to fill your tags. Good luck, be safe and have fun!
Today has been another phenomenal day of hunting, with most of our clients reporting to have shot their bucks chasing does. Many have also reported success with rattling antlers and bleat cans. To schedule an appointment please call us at 262-375-6866 or send us a Facebook message. Good luck, be safe, and we hope you are enjoying this beautiful day in the great outdoors
The sport of hunting is so much more than harvesting an animal. Hunting teaches many important life lessons including perseverance, a profound respect for animals, and brings families and friends together to create memories that will last a life time. Congrats to my wife Kim who put in lots of hours scouting, making scrapes, and preparing for this hunt. She then persevered after missing, executed an amazing shot on an impressive buck that will feed her family and make a gorgeous, priceless mount in our trophy room. I am so proud of you and so grateful to have shared such an amazing and successful hunt with you that I will remember forever. The Knapp family is now guaranteed a venison dinner on opening day of gun season!
Bucky's Taxidermy is a family owned and operated company that has been in business for over 40 years. There is nothing quite like the exceptional service provided at Bucky's! The award winning, competition quality masterpieces, and the friendly, welcoming, and prompt service guarantee a truly unforgettable experience!
Thank you all so much, we hope to see you soon with your 2016 trophy!
Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to such a great deer 2015 season so far!! We wish all of you still hunting for your trophy the best of luck, and we hope to see you soon. We are still seeing ticks on nearly every deer coming in and want to remind everyone that the cold weather does not mean that you are safe from ticks. Please check yourself after any trip outdoors, after touching any animal that you have harvested, check your clothes and your pets as well. If you are interested in more information on Lyme and other tick borne illnesses please contact us on Facebook for more information. These diseases are becoming a lot more common and we want our customers healthy and safe. The more awareness the better so please spread information on Lyme and other tick borne illnesses to all of your loved ones! If you have any tick bite at all, regardless of how long the tick was on you, please see a qualified physician that understands the complexity and severity of these diseases! The following link has a chart of just some of the symptoms of some of the diseases ticks carry: http://www.lyme-symptoms.com/LymeCoinfectionChart.html
Happy thanksgiving from Bucky's!
Gun 2015 update and hunting advice from master taxidermist Jeff knapp and his assistant ;)!