📚 Our BACK TO BASICS SERIES: spaying and neutering
Let's continue our discussion on reproduction.....
SNiP Now shared this very informative post regarding female fertility and reproduction. They wrote:
"We have had a few calls from people worried their cats are in pain as they are exhibiting symptoms of yowling and other unusual behaviors (rubbing all over items). What these individuals are describing is their female cat having heat cycles which can occur in females as young as 4-months of age. Yowling, rubbing, raising the behind up in the air (lordosis reflex), spraying, the desire to go outside and find a mate...are all symptoms that can occur during a female cat's heat cycle. Sometimes females can appear more loving and other times females can have more aggressive tendencies during this cycle."
Remember that spaying a cat will eliminate these behaviors as well as help control the cat population. Please have your cat spayed by 4 months of age!
Content and graphic shared from SNiP Now .