Reverend Grace Evangeline, Pet Psychic & Healer

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Reverend Grace Evangeline, Pet Psychic & Healer All Creatures Chat & I'm ready to listen. I chat with creatures in this world & beyond. Learn what they think and how they feel.

An energy healing is included with a chat. As an Animal Communicator, Grace communicates telepathically with animals, both living and crossed over. Sometimes called an Animal Psychic, she can get answers to your questions and more by chatting with and listening to your pet. Perhaps your pet will have a list of questions for you? Grace is also often able to intuitively learn from your pet if they a

re experiencing pain, either physical or emotional. If this is the case, she will facilitate a healing session for your pet, if that is the agreement. Or she may recommend a visit to your pet’s veterinarian.

TALES OF TAILS©Missed OpportunitiesI once chatted with a horse, who was losing her memory and had no recollection of imp...


Missed Opportunities

I once chatted with a horse, who was losing her memory and had no recollection of important events in her life nor of even being the mother to a foal. She brought me to tears when she told me "I've been waiting my whole life to have someone talk to me this way." I have been left to ponder what wondrous tales she might have told me if I had had the opportunity to meet her earlier in life. Do you ever wonder what tales your favorite creatures might tell? Consider giving them the chance to share those tales by using this special.


If you wonder if your furry friend has tales to share about life with you or before you, my Pet Care Special this month can help. A regular pet care session includes a chat, an intuitive body scan and a month with a healing angel. This combination of care would regularly be over $200. From now until May 15th, the price is only $85. The session will be done remotely with an email report to you, providing you an opportunity to ask followup questions. I will also be available to assist while the angel is connected.

Contact me at [email protected] to get care for your furry friend. Offer valid thru 5/15/24.

(Picture is not of this horse.)

Featured in my first Tales of Tails© newsletter:TALES OF TAILS©Meet sweet Eddie, a 15 year old client dog, who has been ...

Featured in my first Tales of Tails© newsletter:


Meet sweet Eddie, a 15 year old client dog, who has been connected to an angel for awhile. The angel has kept him pain free and healthy. So it was a surprise one day when his human found him unable to use his back legs. She reached out to me and also rushed him to a veterinarian. The vet was unable to find any issues and even intimated that my client may need to euthanize Eddie if he can't do his potty functions.

After I received this information from my client, I did a complete body scan and found a pinched nerve was causing this malfunction. I requested Eddie's angel fix the nerve and heal whatever was needed. Within 2 days, his body was functioning and he was able to stand with assistance. Within a week, he was fully functioning and back to his sweet self. His human and I agree that this was a combination of the angelic assistance and Eddie's will to live. He told me at the outset that he wasn't ready to go yet.

Today Eddie is well and thriving. And as for me, it is an honor to have facilitated his recovery.

Contact me for my current special price for a Pet Care Session. [email protected]

My latest endeavor - a newsletter exclusively for and about our furry companions.

My latest endeavor - a newsletter exclusively for and about our furry companions.

Welcome to the first edition of Tales of Tails©, a newsletter dedicated to our furry friends. You will find true tales about pets, as well as tips for...

We all come with a sacred name. We humans may not be consciously aware of our "real" names but non-human animals are. So...

We all come with a sacred name. We humans may not be consciously aware of our "real" names but non-human animals are. Sometimes they want to be called that name, sometimes not and sometimes they keep it secret.

Here are 2 stories - one about the very first time I learned about the importance of those names and the other is recent.

Years ago, I worked with a dog who had been through a string of foster homes. None of those worked out because of his uncooperative attitude. My client had him for a trial weekend to see if she could help him. She hired me to talk to him and see if I could help. During the course of our chat, I asked him how he liked the name he was called. He said it was terrible and told me what he wanted to be called. When I reported this to my client, she called him that name. She said his face lit up and his attitude totally changed. The dog told me that it was like someone really saw him and knew him for the first time ever.

This next story is from just last week. My clients have a dog they took in about 6 months ago. They knew that she had been in a home where first her mama human passed, then her daddy human and then her sibling dog. After my clients took her in, she was a runner and whenever she had the opportunity to take off she would do so.

Over the course of 3 days, this dog they called Gracie first refused to chat with me, then admitted she was running to try to find her family and finally grieved when she was told that they had passed. When she was ready to really talk, she was surprised and pleased that my clients intended to give her a forever home. And when I asked her if she liked her name "Gracie", she said she didn't like it at all. Her real name is Shelley (specific spelling) and she wanted to be called that. As soon as her new family heard, they began calling her Shelley, stating it was good to have a new name for a new life. They report now that she has totally changed and has not tried running at all. She is super loving and content to stay with them.

These two stories are not atypical. My cat, Ralf, named himself and corrected my spelling. Then there was the cat who was called Porsche who said his real name was Samuel. He agreed that if they would call him that he would work on getting along with the other cats.

Do you have a story about your companion's name? Would you like to know what they say about it?

This month I am offering a pet care session for $77 per pet (regularly $135). This telepathic session includes a chat, an intuitive body scan and a month-long connection to a healing angel, as I am guided. You will receive an email report and have an opportunity to ask follow-up questions.


Happy New Year! I hope that you've each had a joy-filled holiday season. And that your year ahead provides you with opportunities for even more jo...

PET CARE SPECIAL I have always resisted calling myself my pets' "owner". They are not property or chattel. When chatting...


I have always resisted calling myself my pets' "owner". They are not property or chattel. When chatting with your pets , I tend to call you their "human", rather than owner. So I was immediately drawn to the following information. See if you may be too.

In Hawaiian you don’t call yourself your “pet’s owner”… you are their “Kahu”. Kahu has many meanings; among them guardian, protector, steward, beloved attendant, basically someone entrusted with the safekeeping of something precious…. something cherished. What a Kahu protects is not their property. What they protect is a part of their soul.

What are you, as the Kahu of your cherished pets, doing for them? Here's a chance to gift them with an opportunity to speak about what they're thinking and to learn about how they're feeling. This month my Pet Care Special is $77 per pet. This includes a chat, an intuitive body scan and a month with a healing angel, as needed. This session is done remotely, with an email report to you for followup questions.

Offer valid thru October 31, 2023. Contact me at [email protected].

(Disclaimer: I don't speak or read Hawaiian. I relied on the Internet for this information.)

(Pictured with me is our beloved Murphy. )

My October Newsletter - a special to Explore Your Sacred Secrets and a special for your beloved companion pets.

My October Newsletter - a special to Explore Your Sacred Secrets and a special for your beloved companion pets.

Happy Fall! My newsletter this month has several topics. I am presenting an opportunity to learn about your Sacred Secrets. You'll find a discussi...


Mysteries! Do you like mysteries? Unraveling a situation to find answers? I do. And in this newsletter I focus on some mysteries I've encountered ...


Buy One Get One Half Off

This month I'm offering choices for some of my other services. In fact, you can choose one for yourself and one for a friend with my Buy One Get One Half Off pricing. Select from these services as priced below.

ENERGY BALANCING with a complementary month of a Celestine Surveillance Angel. 2 remote sessions for $187.50 (regularly $125 each)

GOLD POUR SESSION - a unique combination of reading and emotional healing which exposes your authentic gold shine. Two 60 minute phone sessions for $217.50 (regularly $145 each)

ONE SOUL PHONE READING - Meet one or more of your alternate lives. Two 60 minute readings for $90. (Regularly $60 each)

PET CARE SESSION - Includes a telepathic chat, an intuitive physical scan and a complementary month with a healing angel connection. An email report will be sent & follow up questions accepted. 2 remote pet sessions for $202.50. (regularly $135 each).

All these sessions can be gifted to yourself, a friend or beloved pets. Contact me at [email protected] to schedule. Offer valid thru August 31, 2023

FREEDOM FOR YOUR PETSCan your pets enjoy freedom?  We know they rely on you to take care of them for housing, food and h...


Can your pets enjoy freedom? We know they rely on you to take care of them for housing, food and health care. But do they have any feelings about how and why things are done?

In my opinion your companion animals don't really need help with spiritual freedom. They are very in tune with that realm and not only see Spirits and ghosts but also understand and accept the transition from this life to other dimensions.

What they could use help with is freedom of expression and being understood. Also freedom from pain and medical problems.

These are areas that I can be of service for you and them. My pet care special includes giving them an opportunity to share feelings, ideas and desires. It also includes an intuitive body scan to discover pain and other physical issues and then help alleviate any issues with healing energy.

My freedom special this month for your companion animals is $95 per pet (regularly $135). Contact me for reduced pricing for multiple pets.

When you hire me to help your pets find freedom, I always give them an opportunity to choose if they want to do it, whether I can share what they say with their humans and allow them time to prepare for it. I always honor their voices!


Happy 4th of July! I am celebrating Independence Day in this beautiful oasis in the Nevada desert. It is restful and hot! This holiday season has insp...

WHAT DO YOUR PETS HAVE TO SAY?Imagine going your whole life without anyone hearing what you have to say. This is most of...


Imagine going your whole life without anyone hearing what you have to say. This is most often the truth for my pet clients. When I present them with an opportunity to tell you what they are thinking or feeling or what they might need, most are grateful. Most also want time to think about what they want to say. So I let them decide when they are ready to share. When they are ready, we chat and I do an intuitive body scan for pain and medical issues. And facilitate healing thru their Source and from a healing angel.

So far this year, at the end of February, I have helped 37 pets - dogs, cats and a rabbit - to communicate with their humans and find comfort and healing.

Want to give your pet the opportunity to communicate and find comfort? For the month of March, I am offering a $37 discount on my pet care service, in honor of those pets I've worked with this year. Ask for the $37 pet care discount when you contact me at [email protected]. (Price after the discount will be $98, regularly $135.) Let's see what your loved one has to say and learn how they are feeling!


You can give a love gift to your favorite non-human! Give them an opportunity to tell you what they're feeling and thinking.

I once chatted with a horse, who was losing her memory and had no recollection of important events in her life nor of even being the mother to a foal. She brought me to tears when she told me "I've been waiting my whole life to have someone talk to me this way." I have been left to ponder what wondrous tales she might have told me if I had had the opportunity to meet her earlier in life. Do you ever wonder what tales your favorite creatures might tell?

For this month of love, I am offering a pet care session for the very reduced rate of $70 (regularly $135). This will include a chat, an intuitive scan for pain and medical issues and a complementary month with a healing angel if needed. I will send an email report and give you an opportunity to ask follow-up questions.

What tales will your loved one tell?

WHAT ARE THEY THINKING? These are my pets. And I can usually find out what they're thinking. Murphy, the Frenchie, will ...


These are my pets. And I can usually find out what they're thinking. Murphy, the Frenchie, will tell me when I ask because he's a dog and wants to make me happy. Uncle Ralf, the cat, is less predictable just because he can be. But usually he will tell me when I ask.

Would you like to know what your pet is thinking? How about how they're feeling? Do they have anything they want you to know? Do they have pain or other medical issues? Do you have anything to tell them?

For the month of September, I’m offering a Pet Care Special – including a session of remote animal communication and a check-up on any pain or other physical issues they may be having. And, if your pet will benefit from a round of healing energy and/or a month of being connected to a healing angel, I’ll do that too.

This session will be done remotely by telepathic and empathic connection to your pet. I will send you an email report and you'll be able to ask followup questions.

This month a complete Pet Care session, plus a month of a healing angel connection, is available for $85. (Regular value of over $200.) Contact me at [email protected] to get your pets on my schedule.
(And by pets, I am not limited to cats and dogs - I will do sessions with horses, pigs, fish, birds, pocket pets and all others - if you love them, I'll love them too!)


And We're Off My family and I have been eagerly waiting for this month to come! We have loved our time on the Gulf Coast and are filled with grati...


Help for Max the Cat

Max the Cat is usually a sweet and friendly guy. So when he began howling, hissing and growling in pain and had trouble walking and standing, his humans contacted me for assistance. Through an intuitive body scan, I found a torn ligament near his rear leg. I facilitated an energy healing for Max and sent healing energy. I also connected him to a healing angel through my Celestine Surveillance protocol for continued pain relief and healing of the ligament.

When I contacted Max's human with my report, she said, "I was wondering if you were/or had worked on him because I was just sitting with him and he's purring and letting me touch his leg." As for Max, he reports no pain and is thankful for the angel (who he can see).

Because my work with pets is most often remote (this was from Mississippi to Minnesota), I don't often get to actually see the results of my work. So this "Before and After" video is very special to me. I hope it will be to you, as well. (Sound up.)

If your pet is in need of some healing help or even if you just want to chat with them, please contact me at [email protected]. Mention this video for 15% off my regular rate.

My May Newsletter.  If you'd like to see this in your email inbox, sign up for the newsletter at my website, www.graceja...

My May Newsletter. If you'd like to see this in your email inbox, sign up for the newsletter at my website,, or send me a request at [email protected].

May Flowers! We've had plenty of April Showers - now it's time for May Flowers! This gorgeous iris was an early bloomer for me here in Biloxi....



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