So I caught Truman last night and did a happy post, but now the whole truth comes out. A post was made the morning of the hurricane stating that the adopter and I abandoned him for the hurricane. Well that was not true but we did have to evacuate from the area. So we got him staying in the high spot of the neighborhood , we left a camera to watch him and the neighbor stayed so we had food being put out for him.
The amount of hate messages I got from that post was awful. Telling me I’m a sh*tty trapper because I abandoned the dog and telling me I’m a heartless piece of sh** and how could I do that. This is all for about four hours before the hurricane , so instead of worrying about my own dogs and getting my house prepared I’m in tears reading these messages People are so cruel.
Then we go to the amount of people that kept wanting to come and catch him by hand and saying just take cookies and he’ll walk right up to you and all this stuff. If it was that easy, do you not think I would not have done that? People that are not trappers have no idea what all goes into trapping. If all dogs could be caught by hand and would just come up to you, there would be no need for trappers. And there must be a need because I get about 10 calls a day to trap. In this case, volunteers kept wanting to come and try to catch him. I had to fight to the very end to not get people to come. They don’t understand that I was so close and building my own bond with him that people come and chase him and it sets it right back to square one. I always use the analogy, if you hire a plumber, do you go under the sink with him and you don’t have other plumbers come and try to do the plumbing with him. Well, it’s the same with a trapper. Let them do what they do if they need help they will reach out.  i had to literally repeat myself nine times with people to not come, to the point I got kind of nasty and then they tell me oh my God you’re so nasty. Well, I wasn’t being nasty and I was trying to be nice, but that didn’t work so I thought maybe being nasty would make you not want to send people or not come. Lol. 
Again, I know I have mentioned not doing this anymore and I’m telling you every time something like this happens, it just keeps pushing me that way more and more. But I must say I am pretty good with the snappy snare because most people would’ve not been able to do what I did last night with Truman. I just had to get that off my chest because it was so awful.