Hey @bantam_farmers_market see ya this Friday! Old Man Steve will be taking pre orders #ctgrown #litchfieldcounty #litchfieldhills #farmlife #vetlife #sheepfarming #pastureraised #womeninag
Help us as we salute an absolute legend, the Hank. Hank was already in his senior years when I become his vet in New Jersey, and my favorite all-time patient. When we moved to Connecticut, I received the greatest gift of all time when his former owner, Barbara, offered him to us. I’ve spent the last few years nursing him through various maladies and in turn he brought humor to every one of my days. They say all borders are porous to cats… and Hank. Hank roamed our farm of his own free will, only to be contained when he was granting me a favor. In the summers, he would lay himself out by the pool, tanning all day, and snoring so loudly that he would disturb guests. He would report to our door frequently, waiting to see the kids, escort us to our vehicles, or get butt scratches. For the last several months of 2023, he had an intense medical plan and a painstakingly careful nutritional plan. He had an amazing winter for a geriatric goat, and looked incredible this spring. I’m happy to say that after all he’s been through, he died in his sleep during an afternoon nap, with his best buddy Red (the alpaca) at his side, lambs playing around him. To Hank - a goat that loved nothing more than to hang by the pool with the kids. #nubiangoats #litchfieldhills #litchfieldcounty #goat #farmlife #vetlife #farmkids
Summer on the farm #gymclass #farmkids #summercamp #litchfieldcounty #womeninag #sheepfarming
Happy 4th of July from this American farmer. My brand of farming might be more Jason Derulo than it is Jason Aldean, and more homemade glitter bomb than it is gun range, but I’m no less of a patriot. I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had that paved the way to this farm. I’m grateful to make the preservation of agriculture the backdrop for how my kids are raised. And, I’m free to stop shopping at @tractorsupply where #lifeouthere excludes a large cross section of farmers and veterans. Happy 4th y’all, keep the roads safe and don’t light one of your body parts on fire
I hope this farm has an HR dept because this man needs counseling and I’d like to get him help #alpaca #huacaya #sheepfarming #sheepfarmer #lambingseason #farmlife #vetlife #farmvetlife
Lambing season 2024 off to a strong start, featuring both hijinks and shenanigans. #katahdin #hampshire #litchfieldcounty #litchfieldhills #sheepfarming #farmlife #vetlife
In May 2023, rural sociologists Inwood and Becot wrote an article for the Conversation regarding the lack of childcare for farming families. While the United States generally has a childcare supply issue, farmers are rarely discussed as one of the most impacted sectors. Despite that our jobs are proven to be one of the most dangerous and stressful, somehow many folks make false assumptions that we can easily take our kids along for farm chores, or that we live in a commune full of unemployed family members ready to babysit at a moment’s notice. Despite this cute video of my daughter tagging along today, this is far from the truth. Farms are businesses, and growing a farm requires dedicated concentration, business education, and technical labor skills just like other careers. The success of our operations depend on consistently available, affordable childcare. In this economy, grandparents are working, and even if they’re not, they don’t owe us all of their time and energy. As farming parents, we put hours in before sunrise, and after kids’ bedtimes. We do it because we hope to give them the experience of hard work, getting dirty, and discovering how to grow healthy food. However, livestock are dangerous no matter how micro or mini you make them. Electric fencing is dangerous, equipment is dangerous, and sometimes the hot summer sun is dangerous. There will always be a conflict between what the animals need to be comfortable, how much is safe to involve the children in, and how many hours of daylight we have. Last time I posted about the issue of childcare in farming, I said: “Nobody needs to tell women everywhere that the odds are stacked against them when it comes to maintaining a career and trying to raise kids. However, most people would find it surprising that farming is one of those careers that is naturally at odds with childcare.” Just like a baby needs a bottle when it needs it, animals need caretaking when they need it. Considering that over 90%