Whether they’re on their bed, offering eye contact, doing a cute behavior, playing with their toy, or simply being calm - these are golden opportunities to shape future behavior. Rewarding good behavior moments will not only encourage that behavior to be repeated, creating better habits, but also helps decrease undesirable behaviors. It is a win-win situation that will strengthen the bond between you and your pet.
Here's a simple yet effective challenge for you this week based on Kathy Sdao’s SMARTx50 (See Mark and Reward Training):
1. Reflect on Desirable Behaviors: Consider the behaviors you like and want to encourage in your pet.
2. Prepare Treats: In the morning, count out food rewards for the day - some treats as well as part of their normal diet (kibble or pellets) to avoid upsetting their digestive processes.
Cats & Rabbits: 15 rewards, pea-sized and smaller
Dogs: 25 rewards, kibble size
Safely store them in rooms your pet frequents.
3. Acknowledge Good Behavior: Use a clicker or a cheerful ‘yes’, followed by giving your pet one food reward. Repeat.
Try it for a week and let us know what observations you've made about your pet and your thoughts on this experience.
Happy Training!