This is why I always recommend to my students, try, repeat, persevere. You will have your positive results sooner.
The following post is a testimony of what I compete and Iave today. A truly wonderful and happy dog.
This was posted 6 years ago. She is now 8.5 years old.
Enjoy the story and keep in mind to be patient and persevere.
Well, I am trying to take Moka to every place I can and let dogs in, to see if she gets more confident and loses that fear at least 90 %. She is 2.5 years old. She loves her mommy. She likes agility but she is very insecure when it comes to be in a new environment. What is the formula for me to make her mind calm and enjoy the time, place, people, dogs, air, etc while in that particular place? Am I going against natural situations impossible to change? I am not discouraging myself but my mind sees all this and I question myself, am I doing it right?
I took Moka today to a dropping basic agility class to the DTCT and she was not able to calm down. We practiced with the leash on and she did all the contacts, jumps, even though some part of the weaves (very difficult to do with a leash on) you can tell she likes it. Part of her mind is telling her, yeah girl! You're great at this, you like it BUT her other part of the mind is in so much stress and fear that it does not let her to enjoy it and be a normal cute dog.
At the end of the class she was not shaking and seems to be calmer, apparently but I think is because she was so exhausted being in so much stress.
I bet she will love the place after her 3rd visit so I ask to myself: will we be able to compete one day on a real trial? Can you imagine getting in the ring and she is full of nerves wanting to flee the place because her mind is going a 100 miles per hour for a reason humans do not understand? I keep trying and trying and I will enjoy those moments where she is a real calm dog. Meanwhile, I still learning about this fearful dog and different ways to make her successful. Good night.