Live from Puppy Preschool……this puppy is learning how to put on an Elizabethan collar herself! Way to go Kate. Learning skills such as this will come in handy when it is time to spay or neuter your pet or if for health reasons they ever need to wear a cone.
The puppies at Koda’s Playhouse had a "ball" with their enrichment today ❤️
Wag It Better Live from Canine Acting & Tricks class-Bucky can ring the bell!
Wag It Better Live......from Just the Basics class Lambeau is showing off how well he can do Leave It. Good boy!!
Wag It Better Live……from Canine Acting & Tricks class this evening!
The dogs at Koda’s Playhouse did such a good job with their enrichment activity from Wag It Better! They had a blast finding the treats in the snowballs! ❄️
Wag It Better Live……from trainer’s hour!
⭐️ ⭐️ Starring ⭐️ ⭐️
Briley Pearl
Wag It Better Live……from Just the Basics class. 🐕
Jasper is learning the touch cue!
Wag It Better -Live from Camp Wag- here’s Louis learning “Go to your bed!”
Ivan has been working on his anxiety at his vet visits with our Latchkey Lassie Program. His last visit before his mom called us, the vet couldn’t even sedate him as he wouldn’t let anyone near him. This is after working with him 9 times at Family Pet Health
Training was a success and Ivan has drastically improved his behavior. Working closely with Family Pet Health was a wonderful experience and now Ivan can get vet care when needed! Fear Free training and vet care was used throughout the entire process.