Charlotte and Layla here, to remind all of their friends to make safe choices this holiday season!
Thanksgiving is over and it may be tempting to share your leftovers with your pets, but high fat foods can be extra difficult to digest - just ask Layla!
Did you know a dog's pancreas has two main functions?
1)Endocrine: to produce the hormones insulin and glucagon, which regulate blood sugar levels, often related to Diabetes.
2) Exocrine: to produce digestive enzymes into the digestive system to digest fats, carbohydrates and proteins, which is related to Laylas disorder - Exocrine Pancreatic Disorder.
Now when it comes to Pancreatitis, this is caused by foods high in fats that cause the pancreas to essentially excrete too much of the Lipase enzyme that breaks down healthy fats. Too much of this basically causes the enzymes to start to break down the pancreas itself and causes inflammation.
Sounds painful, doesn't it?! So it's incredibly important to watch those foods, as tempting as it is to share!
Want to read more? Great information found here: