Starting to feel like I live in the Yukon or something🤣
I have really enjoyed having Habibi 🐶 here for her three week board and train, it’s amazing how much she’s learned, and how much progress she’s made in such a short amount of time!
I have been able to video some really good moments between her and my dog that I think will really clarify for people how to introduce dogs and what to look for and I would love to put together a video on this on YouTube for you all if you are interested. Let me know in the comments below!🐾❤️
#lovedogs #mainedogs #mainedogsofinstagram #doglife #dogtraining #dogsofmaine #dogmom #mainepuppy #puppiesofinstagram #puppiesofmaine #boardandtrain #hikewithdogs
Excited to see how this puppy grows - physically, emotionally, and mentally!❤️
Luca’s people started him off on the right paw and are so dedicated to his training- he’s doing incredibly well for a 6 month old pup! We are looking forward to continue growing his confidence in new places through training because he can become nervous and skidding in new environments. We are also going to teach him how to focus when distracted in a new place so that he can listen to his people on and off leash wherever they want to go in the future! 🐾❤️
#lovedogs #mainedogs #mainedogsofinstagram #doglife #dogtraining #dogsofmaine #dogdad #dogmom #bernadoodle #bernadoodlesofinstagram #puppiesofinstagram #mainepuppy #puppylife #puppylove #lovepuppies
My favorite kind of message! 😍❤️
Just got started with Giovanni & his mom yesterday and they are already making some great progress! Great job!! 👏 ⭐️
#lovedogs #mainedogs #mainedogsofinstagram #dogtraining #dogsofmaine #dogmom #rescuedog #rescuedogsofinstagram #gooddog dog
Really enjoying my training journey with Miss Habibi and seeing how much she’s already learned! 🐾😍
#mainedog #mainedogs #mainedogsofinstagram #doglife #dogtraining #dogsofmaine #dogmom #mainepuppy #puppiesofmaine #minipoodle #minipoodlesofinstagram #poodlelife #lovedogs #lovepoodles #gooddog
Did you know that your brain works for your nervous system? 🧠
Dogs are no different! That means that we (and our dogs )cannot learn new skills if we are stressed because our nervous system will take over our brain and essentially not allow it to take in that new information. This is why it is so important to focus on the nervous system first in any training before trying to teach new skills, intensify those skills, or add distractions to those skills. 🤯
I really love being able to get to know a dog really well through a more intensive board and train program like this, and it makes it much more possible for me to set the dog up for success for their people who can then continue the training once the dog has a really nice foundation set up. 🐾
we absolutely adore Habibi and are so excited to see her grow!❤️ 🐶
#lovedogs #mainedogs #mainedogsofinstagram #doglife #dogtraining #dogsofmaine #dogmom #minipoodle #minipoodlesofinstagram #poodle #poodlesofinstagram #poodlelove #gooddog #sweetestdog
I just wanted to give a huge shoutout to Avani @danielvitalis - an incredible human being and fitness coach who has made a huge difference in my life!❤️
I was struggling with some old injuries and it was impacting my riding with my mare Zara. My asymmetries were reflected in her when riding and it was causing both of us discomfort. After physical therapy for some time I was wary about overdoing my workouts because I didn’t want to further injure anything, but I still wanted to keep getting stronger! My job & life is very physical so I knew staying strong would help protect me, but I wasn’t sure how to go about it.
I ended up meeting Avani through her dog (of course 🤣) and we were able to share our knowledge with one another. Avani had been hands down the kindest, most enthusiastic person I’ve ever met 😍and has helped me become so much stronger in a way that felt compassionate to my needs and VERY motivating to keep up with. She met me where I was at and has helped me make incredible progress! I feel stronger and confident in all areas of my life as a result! So grateful to have experienced her kind coaching approach and to keep getting stronger everyday! ❤️ She’s even gotten me started at misfits gym Windham for their “Sweaty Saturdays”- something I would have been intimidated 😳by in the past @misfitgymwindham
Thank you so much Avani! The horses I ride thank you as well!❤️
#fitnesscoach #misfitsgym #betterrider #strongerequestrian #equestrianlife #crossfit #getstrongereveryday #lovedogs #dogsbringustogether #stronglady
Sign up at
Classes are hosted by Veterinary & Rehabilitation Center Cape Elizabeth Maine
Teaching your dog skills at home is the best place to start training, but we always want to continue growing those skills around distractions like other dogs and people so that our dogs listen to us when we take them out in public.
Group classes are a great way to accomplish this!
Hope to see you and your pups there !!🐾
#mainedogs #mainedogsofinstagram #doglife #lovedogs #dogtraining #dogsofmaine #rescuedog #dogmom #mainepuppy #rescuedogsofinstagram #puppiesofinstagram #puppies #puppysocialization #puppysocialization #capeelizabeth
There’s nothing more magical than getting a glimpse of wildlife😍 It reminds us to slow down, and that the real world is actually the world that exists all around us, not the one we’re rushing off to while checking boxes off a list. Most of us experience a deep disconnect between ourselves, and the environment that surrounds us, whether we’re aware of it or not. To remedy this go out and learn and connect with all the living things right outside your door. Connect with your animals.
I don’t always get to connect with something as magnificent as an owl, sometimes I just see that same squirrel on that same oak tree every day. Sometimes I just see the maple tree outside my window and feel comforted by her arching branches. Every day I get to see my dog and my horses, and maybe even absorb some of their wisdom❤️ The magic for me is that I begin to understand and “know” all the life that lives all around me. I try to connect with it as if it were as important as another person❤️
Hope this gives you a magical start to your week🐾
#animalsaremagic #owlmagic #dogmagic #horsemagic #plantmagic #lovelife #animalwisdom #plantwisdom #mainemagic #forestmagic #barredowl #natureisbeautiful
Oops your dog needs a muzzle and you’re not prepared🫣…
It’s called being human😬🤣
Ideally, every dog should learn how to wear a muzzle even when you don’t think they will need it, but this isn’t usually the reality for most people or dogs. Thankfully you can still start today, and hopefully this video gives you the chance to get started before you actually do need one!
You can view the rest of this video at
Feel free to save this post so that you can return back to this link ❤️🐾
#mainedogs #lovedogs #mainedogsofinstagram #doglife #dogtraining #dogsofmaine #rescuedog #dogmom #mainepuppy #rescuedogsofinstagram #muzzleddogsaregooddogs #muzzletraining #dogmom #dogtrainer
Oops your dog needs a muzzle and you’re not prepared🫣…
It’s called being human😬🤣
Ideally, every dog should learn how to wear a muzzle even when you don’t think they will need it, but this isn’t usually the reality for most people or dogs. Thankfully you can still start today, and hopefully this video gives you the chance to get started before you actually do need one!
You can view the rest of this video at
Feel free to save this post so that you can return back to this link ❤️🐾
#mainedogs #lovedogs #dogsofmaine #mainedogsofinstagram #doglife #dogtraining #rescuedog #mainepuppy #rescuedogsofinstagram #australiancattledog #dogmom #trainingdogs
“You don’t have to have all the answers You don’t know them anyway.
It’s Ok to not know
It’s Ok to wait, fall, think, regroup - to just give yourself time It’s Ok to get “sidetracked”-To go on a tangent
To lose yourself is to give yourself the gift of finding a different version of you, lo tind a part or yourselt,
you never
knew was there, but was waiting quiet and patient all this time to bemeeting a discovered wild horse
Nothing is linear.
And we know a lot less than we think we do-
We know nothing.
Meeting life is meeting a wild horse It cannot be controlled or bent to your will, without losing something so sacred Something so quiet and beautiful you almost missed it
It can only be felt and met with a listening presence & understanding This, is what leads to true connection - To finding “ourselves” and reconnecting to that sacredness within each of us To finding the realization that within us is a universe gently whispering to reconnect with the world outside of Me & Mine &
Whispering that underneath it all, we are all the same Beautiful. Magical. Wild. Perfect As We
Are “
-VN &Lewen
Hoping your 2024 was as lucky and beautiful as ours felt!😍🐾 Lots of lessons learned this year and many more to come! Thankful to all the human & animal teachers l’ve had, and ready to be present for every beautiful moment of the year to come❤️
#lovedogs #mainedogs #mainedogsofinstagram #doglife #dogtraining #dogsofmaine #rescuedog #dogmom #mainepuppy #rescuedogsofinstagram #healingheeler #dogwisdom #horsewisdom #lifeisbeautiful #everydayismagic
Happy Howlidays to you & yours!!🎄❤️🐾🎁😍
As a cattle dog Lewen never lacks for intensity- Christmas is no different.
VERY serious work to be done 🤣😍❤️
So grateful for all the people and animals I am so fortunate to meet and share this journey with 🥹
And So thankful for the comfort, peace, joy, and wisdom we all share with one another😍 May anyone reading this be blessed with good health, abundance, and many blessings to you and all your loved ones -2 or 4 legs 🙏 ❤️ 🐕 🐴
#christmasblessings #christmasdog #dogslovechristmas #dogslovechristmastoo #puppychristmas #mainedogs #lovedogs #mainedogsofinstagram #doglife #dogtraining #dogsofmaine #dogmom #mainepuppy #rescuedogsofinstagram #australiancattledog #christmasheeler #heelerlove #adventuredog