C & M Therapeutic Services, LLC

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C & M Therapeutic Services, LLC C&M Therapeutic Services goal is to IMPROVE PERFORMANCE & reduce pain for our 2 & 4 legged clients ❤️ Massage therapy is an ancient healing method.

C & M Therapeutic Services is a mobile body-working unit for horses and people. Too many horses are destroyed because they become lame and cannot perform their "job" anymore. Equine bodywork, conditioning, and rehabilitation is a great way to help prevent and heal injuries in equine athletes. We provide services for barrel racing, roping, cutting, reining, hunter/jumper, thoroughbred racing, trai

l riding, halter, and gaited horses. Our services include: Trigger point/therapeutic massage, myoskeletal alignment, myofacial release, and PEMF (pulsing magnetic field therapy) with the MagnaWave. We treat your horse as a "whole" without using invasive techniques. It combines muscle manipulation techniques with concentrated observation to release an equine from debilitation physical and emotional blocks. We also work on people which is important because riders need bodywork too. A "mirroring: effect can take place, transferring from the horse to rider and vise versa. Melissa also sees human clients in Texas and Alabama. Massage therapy is a great alternative therapy to help alleviate back pain, migraines, neuropathy, and other debilitating pain that keeps you from living life.

Happy horses      Thanks to Indian Hills Equine Veterinary Services!

Happy horses

Thanks to Indian Hills Equine Veterinary Services!

🐴Big or small we work on them all ❤️

🐴Big or small we work on them all ❤️



Absolutely LOVE THIS 💜

Absolutely LOVE THIS 💜


We are surrounded by them, they give us life, every cell in our body relies on a rhythm from the surface of our skin, to deep inside of our mitochondria. Every hormone our body produces relies on a rhythm. Even our amino acids communicate through rhythms. The tryptophan that we make becomes serotonin when our eyes see the morning sun, which then becomes melatonin when our eyes see the darkness of nightfall. Tyrosine relies on the rising sun to become dopamine. All flowing in a circadian rhythm that relies on our naked eyes seeing the morning sun.

Our skin has a rhythm that wakes up with the sunrise too that our eyes see, and releases protection, then resting when darkness falls.

Our planet has a rhythm, our day has a rhythm, the sun has a rhythm. And when we are in tune with the natural world, we vibrate at the same frequency, the same rhythm.

The earth has a resonance called the Schumann resonance that beats at a hertz of 7.83. Our brain has rhythms that can match this when we are in a meditative state, a creative state, a state of peace, and we synchronize with the earth’s heart beat.

Our fluid body has a rhythm, all of the fluids within our cells, surrounding our cells, in our blood plasma, within our CSF, all flow in a rhythm that is synchronized with the natural world. It begins when we are a wee embryo. The fluids that shape and form us are the same fluids and that maintain us as adults, and they too have a rhythm. A deep stabilizing, life giving rhythm that flows through us, flows through the natural world, creating ocean tides, the breeze we feel on our face, the sound of a calling bird, the falling leaf that catches our eye, the quietness of the forest, all flow in this stabilizing, life giving rhythm..

Our digestive system even has a rhythm, waking up when our eyes see the rising sun. Then slowing down as nightfall comes.

The universe flows in a rhythm, pulling energies as planets and stars spiral around the galaxy. Shifting and refocusing the energies that help us evolve, change, create, rest.

We are nature. We are the natural world that surrounds us. The more in tune we are with how life flows, with the sun rise, with the dynamic stillness of the forest, with the crashing waves of the ocean, or the trickle of a stream, the clouds that drift, the stars that shine in our night sky… the more in tune we become within ourselves. Our bodies become coherent, our fluid body becomes an antenna to the information of the universe. We resonate with everything around us. Every thought and emotion becomes part of the collective.

Every light spectrum from the sun carries information that our bodies use to communicate. We need this in order to thrive. The earth’s electromagnetic field gives us electrons to charge, to vibrate, to help us use the information that our bodies get from the light of the sun. Communicating with our internal fluid body, helping us communicate back to the natural world.

This is what we need.

Albert Einstein said “Look deep into nature, and you will understand everything better.”

Artificial lights, artificial EMF’s, pulls us away from this life giving information from the sun and the earth. Staying indoors, behind closed windows confuses our cells as to what time of day it is, we loose our frequency, communication within gets lost, our dopamine levels drop causing our creativity to diminish.

Magic happens just from going outside in the morning to witness the rising sun. Magic happens every time we stand on the earth with bare feet. Magic happens every time we touch a tree, every time we look up into the night sky and remember we are home, and that we are one.

If you have never heard James Spann speak, you’re missing out! We had the opportunity to hear him at the realtor luncheo...

If you have never heard James Spann speak, you’re missing out!
We had the opportunity to hear him at the realtor luncheon today.

Thank you James Spann!

Y’all, get your weather radios! And if you know of anyone that cannot afford to buy one, let me know! I will help!


Sure love this little dude!

Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved. Hug your horse a little tighter tonight! ❤️‍🩹

Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved. Hug your horse a little tighter tonight! ❤️‍🩹

We want to send all our thoughts and prayers to Show Stoppin team members Nicole Renick and Adam Johnson, their customers and their assistants (they are thankfully okay, names are left out for family to be fully notified of what happened) for their horrific loss of horses today in an accident on the way to High Roller. A on coming truck with a large flat bed had the driver fall asleep hitting and pushing them off the road into a ravine. Our hearts break for all of you. ❤️‍🩹

Thank you to Indian Hills Equine Veterinary Services for always getting our babies taken care of!  We are those problem ...

Thank you to Indian Hills Equine Veterinary Services for always getting our babies taken care of! We are those problem clients who always has a weekend, late night, or holiday emergency 🙄 but he always goes above and beyond and we are more then grateful!

Melissa Leigh

Absolutely devastating 💔

Absolutely devastating 💔

>Updated 9-1-24 with a glimpse of happiness.<
The level of catastrophic loss that’s still unfolding at the Beutler Ranch in Elk City, Oklahoma right now is beyond comprehension. The horror of so many dead horses—the death toll is now approaching 70 and counting, I’m told—is devastating a family-dynasty breeding program that’s a 95-year-old cowboy empire. What Elra, Jake and Lynn Beutler started in 1929, and Elra’s grandson Bennie and his son Rhett built onto with Beutler & Son Rodeo Company today can’t be replicated or replaced.

I have intentionally sat quiet on this story, knowing the Beutlers can’t even breathe right now. They have no words, or tears left. They also have their hometown rodeo to produce this weekend, and with so much of their horse herd and generations-deep legacy wiped out without warning.

I’ve had many off-the-record conversations with cowboy people about this tragic turn of events in the last few days. I just had my first one on the record with the friend and veterinarian the Beutlers have entrusted with their four-legged family, Dr. Gregg VeneKlasen. Because of what may lie ahead legally, we will stick to only the facts that can be appropriately shared publicly at this time. More to come later, when the time is right for the Beutler family.

Early reporting that many of the Beutlers’ horses were accidentally fed cattle feed is false, according to VeneKlasen.

“What these horses got was actually a horse feed mix with a huge amount of the cattle drug monensin (brand name Rumensin) in it,” VeneKlasen said. “This was a tragic case of human error somewhere along the line, because tiny amounts of monensin is poison to horses. It kills them. Monensin is used in some cattle feed, but this amount in this horse feed delivered to the Beutlers would have killed cattle, too.

“Much is known about what has happened here that cannot yet be told. But the bottom line on this story is that it’s an important one to tell, so this never happens to anyone else. I will say this: Never buy horse feed from a mill that makes cattle feed. Period. Please quote me on that. Every horse that ate this feed is dead. The only bucking mare still alive is (NFR bucker) Black Kat, because she was at my place (Timber Creek Veterinary Hospital in Canyon, Texas; that’s her in this picture) when this feed was delivered. The only Killer Bee baby that is still alive refused to eat the feed.

“I cried. We all cried. These bloodlines were five generations in the making. Many of the stars of this breeding program are gone. To see what’s happened here to these horses will make you puke.”

I stopped using the word “tragedy” a long time ago for situations that did not warrant it. “It’s not a tragedy if nobody died” has become a famous line of mine when perspective is lost and drama is overblown. This, my friends, is a tragedy in our rodeo family.

The one silver lining I’ve seen so far is the heartwarming generosity of other stock contractors stepping up and offering their stock to the Beutlers. That’s how our rodeo family rolls in the toughest of times, and it’s something special to behold and be very proud of.

This story continues to unfold. More when we can. Until then, God Bless every horse who has died. And prayers for the Beutler family as they try to find a path forward with so many family members missing.


8-31-24 Update 1:
To help prevent further public panic over feed safety, Dr. VeneKlasen today made the following statement on this subject:

“Many brands of feed—Purina, Nutrena and Bluebonnet, to name a few off the top of my head—are made in equine-only mills, and are safe. I suggest people stay with the big commercial companies with strict regulations in place. Because bucking-horse genetics are prone to metabolic syndrome, I feed Triple Crown Senior to everything here at Timber Creek (Veterinary Hospital), even the babies, because it’s beet-pulp based with low sugar and high fat content.

“If you’re going to get custom feed from a mill that makes feed for multiple species, including horses, cattle, goats, pigs and whatever else, make sure before it leaves the mill that it’s been tested for ionophores. It’s not an expensive test, but it’s a critically important one. You can’t have even trace amounts of ionophores, which can happen in unintentionally cross-contaminated feed, because the smallest dose impacts horses’ hearts. If they eat even a tiny amount of it and don’t die today, it might kill them in three weeks, three months or three years.”

More details will be released as is appropriate from Team Beutler. Thank you all for your patience, understanding and prayers.


8-31-24 Update 2:
Livestock Nutrition Center, who delivered the load of feed to the Beutlers, issued a statement today. Team Beutler wanted it shared with you all.


From Ronnie Castlebury, Ph.D
President of Livestock Nutrition Center

“We are truly sorry for what the Beutler family is going through.

Our preliminary tests show a load of feed delivered to Beutler and Son Rodeo Company in Elk City contained monensin, which can be toxic to horses. This likely occurred due to a combination of a failed cleanout procedure and a sensor malfunction. We have confirmed this is an isolated incident to this single load of feed from a single facility and no other feed has been impacted and is safe for animal consumption.

We take this seriously and are working with the State Departments of Agriculture in Oklahoma and Kansas and the FDA to get to the root cause of the problem and will take any and all corrective actions needed.

Words are cheap but we are dedicated to assist and support the Beutler family and make this right because our customers and employees expect and deserve it.

Our deepest sympathies go out to Mr.’s Bennie and Rhett Beutler and family and everyone affected by the recent tragic event at their ranch. The loss of so many valued animals is devastating.”


8-31-24 Update 3:
After speaking with Dr. Mottet, Dr. VeneKlasen asked that she write this statement, and that I include it as today’s third important update. “This is information everybody needs to know,” Dr. VeneKlasen said. “It’s a simple way for horse owners to check on the safety of their feed. There are so many feeds I’ve never even heard of. This is an easy way for people to check on the feed they’re using.”


From Rachel Mottet, MS, PhD, Equine Nutritionist:

Most U.S. feed companies are extremely safe and reliable, even those with multi-species mills. The greatest safety risk comes from mills that produce ionophore-containing feeds in the same mill and production lines as their equine feeds. This becomes fewer mills each year, yet there are still some that do this, often for logistical reasons. The most important thing you should find out is what your feed company’s policy is regarding ionophores (the toxic compound involved in this situation) in their equine feed manufacturing mills.

My team has been compiling a list of company statements to give owners assurance about the safety of their feed. You can find this list here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17IVu88GVlLU04C3uitCTPHQ5Q2cB-khka_-eMJaMSCY/edit?usp=drivesdk. There are some blanks as we are awaiting the response from a number of companies. A blank does not mean that your feed company is not safe, but for legal reasons, these statements can take time and we will populate them as they become available.

In our list, Ionophore Free refers to a mill where there are no ionophores present. Ionophore Safe refers to a company that has production policies to keep equine feed separate from feed with ionophores. If your company is ionophore safe vs. free, please connect with them directly to ensure they have completely separate equipment for equine feed production and ionophore free trucks to haul bulk feed. If they do not, please make a decision about how to best reduce your horse’s risk of exposure.

The major U.S. feed companies tend to be extremely safe and have many checks and balances in place due to the volume of feed they produce. If your feed is Ionophore Safe vs. Free, do no panic, yet I advise that you follow-up with your company to get clarification on their production practices.


9-1-24 Update:
As fate, God and all those brand new Beutler bucking horses in Heaven would have it, the lone bucking-mare survivor of the recent Beutler-horse-herd tragedy, Black Kat, just won the Elk City Rodeo of Champions…held in Beutler and Son Rodeo Company’s hometown…in Beutler Bros. Arena, which was named after founding brothers Jake, Lynn and Elra…for the second-straight year. Roedy Farrell of Thermopolis, Wyoming went 88.5 on the big black beauty for the win. Bonus points for it be a Cowboy State cowboy with all the 400,000-plus wildfire hell going on in his home country right now. We all needed something to smile about. And we got it tonight.


We will be at No Limits Arena on September 7th! Call us to schedule your appointment with Dr Zach.





When your horse lowers their head to the height of their withers, the funnicular portion of their nuchal ligament (the cord like structure which runs from their withers to their poll) will traction on their supraspinous ligament (which runs over the top of their thoracic and lumbar spinous processes).

As the nuchal ligament tractions on the supraspinous ligament, the early thoracic spinous processes draw forwards and apart.

As the horse steps under from behind, via engaging the hindlimbs and shortening through their abdominals, the supraspinous ligament over the lumbar spinous processes will traction towards the horse's tail, drawing their lumbar spinous processes backwards and apart.

These are key mechanisms in kissing spines rehabilitation.

However - if your horse has muscular tension around the neck and back muscles, the efficacy of this ligament system may be inhibited, potentially creating pain and, if prolonged, tissue remodelling (e.g. ligament thickening, lesions or bony adaptation).

This means that, whilst we can look at training practices set to target supporting these systems - you have to be able to OBSERVE if the exercises are actually acheiving the desired effect.

You can track your eye over your horse's topline and see where the dysfunction might be occuring by literally looking at the skeletal and soft tissue system at a standstill and in motion.

I think this has to be one of my favourite assessment tools to help me to help horses with their movement ❤️


Want to learn how to do this?

Join me in my next live webinar where you will learn exactly how to do this and:

- How to feel for muscle wastage even in horses that are overweight
- How to see compression points throughout the horse's topline
- How to determine if your horse should be ridden or not.

02.09.2024 19:00 BST

Recording available after the event if you can't attend live!

‼️📣📆ALABAMA CLIENTS: 📆📣‼️✍️I am now booking for September 3-9th. Message me if you’d like to schedule!  📆‼️📣


✍️I am now booking for September 3-9th. Message me if you’d like to schedule! 📆‼️📣

🐴📝Do I have any interest in a one or two day, equine massage class in North Alabama? I’d love some feedback if anyone is...

🐴📝Do I have any interest in a one or two day, equine massage class in North Alabama? I’d love some feedback if anyone is interested!


👀👀👀Some of yall really need to STOP riding your horses this way…. It’s disgusting that you take people’s money and call yourself a trainer. There’s no shame in taking lessons and learning proper horsemanship and basic riding skills. There is shame in doing this.

I agree 100%

I agree 100%


I have a love/hate relationship with this tool and let me explain why…

#1 they are only as effective as the person using them which means in the wrong hands used the wrong way they can be very counterproductive and in some cases harmful.

#2 they should ONLY be used over larger muscles, NOT over bony areas and NOT over leg tendons/ligaments or anywhere near the horses head.

#3 they do NOT replace professional bodywork or hands but can be a very valuable tool to complement both.

I have owners that are directly instructed how to properly use a massage gun in an area in between professional sessions when appropriate.

I have students and fellow therapist friends that have physical restrictions that make a deeper more percussion stroke manually hard for them-and they use a massage gun to help.

I bought a really nice gun on Amazon a few years back and it’s still working today.
It comes with multiple different heads that are a firm foam and very easy to disinfect.
I typically use the largest roundest head and the flattest one-I stay away from pointy ones because I have other tools that are easier to control with a point.

So-in short, massage guns can be great but I encourage you to ask a professional how to best use one if you’re an owner.
If you’re a professional, know when to use them in place of your hands.

I’m always happy to help guide you either way.

I’d love to make occasional Friday sharing posts so feel free to comment about anything you’d like to know more about as an owner or a professional and I’ll do my best to cover it!!







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