So with the starting of the Saanens kidding and knowing I have a waiting list please take some things into consideration if you are on our current list:
Some people want unrelated buck/doe pairs - meaning yes, kids are arriving but why aren't I messaging you about kids??? The reason for this is simple, I'm waiting to see if the right does have the right combinations for these customers wanting buck/doe pairs. And so that I can make the decision if I'm keeping kids or not to replenish my milking herd, so to speak.
Now, once I contact you about said kids - please answer in a timely manner or I will move on down the list..
while yes, I'll be hanging onto to these Saanens boys a little longer than planned to make sure my customers have a good chance of getting what they need, I will NOT be holding onto them long after I message you about them.
I will be giving everyone 48 hours to reply, after that I will move down the list or send them to the stock sale.. 🤷 Just plain and simple and blunt, I know but it's the facts of working 40+ hrs off the farm and milking 10-14 does and feeding the kids of said does, all twice a day..
Doesn't leave much down time for myself, every second counts!! 🙃☺️
Thank you for understanding!!! And I'm hoping to be able to get everyone's kid reservations filled this year!! 💗